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L o v e
(has 6
is only an umbrella word under which lies its
attributes. Love is whole. Love is being kind. Love needs to flow for
others to know. The Creator of
all good we call God is love: 1John
4:8-16. God gives us the ability to love. When we use it, we get more
of it. It's an unending supply.
That's how we rise up in life. God can be limited by a choice
we may make not to love ourselves. Love your body and do good for it.
How do you view yourself? See The
Grand Self movie to guide you in removing limitations from your
life. You can only love another when you love yourself first because love
comes from you to others.
enables us to see beyond our selfish selves. Loving others is being involved
with them. Love is the silent action of 'praying'
your care for others. Love comes from a decision to. When intent
is followed by action, results occur. Why?
Get good at love! That's what God is! When
our actions are from love, our actions are of God:.1John
4:8-16. What a great way to live! You love others not just by interactions
with them on a physical level, but your caring thoughts toward them when
not around them.
3:14 "And above all these things put on charity.(an
English word for
which is the bond of perfectness."
This makes a massive difference in their lives,
a massive difference you may
not see results of in them for some time, maybe
even a long time, but be sure it does have effect for good for them.
In that you can be rest assured.
We are the children of the Creator. We are good.(*).
Nothing our God creates is not good at the start, but we've always
had free choice, whether
or not we knew that..Ecclesiastes
The most
valuable thing you can give another is love. If someone you know passes
on, they take your love with them. Love is eternal and never passes away,
the memories of it always there. In this you
have done much good. That's what we are here for.(*).
Love is a frequency, the most perfect of the
all things that are frequencies, which is all there is. Then why
evil? The frequency of love is 528.Hertz.
There is not one thing that is not frequency, anywhere in the multiverse.
And it's God who made these frequencies, within
which we modify ours by our choices?
Love is a frequency shared to those who want it.
Those who want it have seen its need:.1John
5:12. Those who don't want it have their minds on other things:.Hosea
Love is an opening of the heart to others.
The fabulous song by Beth Chapman, How
We Love.
They too are only words until one decides that
love will be his or her manner
of being. Love
is the fundamental.state
of all reality. When you follow
love, you are trusting Creator-Father-God.
The emotion one has to unite with one of the opposite
sex is a desire to be one and happy with. Love starts off by liking, that
is, liking togetherness.
Many negatives.(what
negatives?).are nudges
to take us forward if we want to move up in life.
The way of the true God of all creation is beautiful.
It's one of peace
and meaning.
A new beautiful creation of God exemplifies love, such as this peacefully
sleeping baby
10:27 "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me."
10:14,15 "I am the good shepherd and know my sheep and am known of
mine...As the Father knows me, even so know I the Father. And I lay
down my life for the sheep."
11:6 "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall
lie down with the kid.(a
young antelope or goat).and
the calf and the young lion and the fatling.(well
fed cattle).together
and a little child shall lead them."
65:25 "...They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain,
says the Lord."
13:20 "...that great shepherd of the sheep..."
How would there be any love on the Earth if you
don't have it and use it? God
only works in and through those aligned
with love. Why?
The language of love is the language of the heart
which goes far beyond words. You become love:.Matthew
22:36-40; Romans
Galatians 6:2;
2:5. Then you experience the magic of it:.John
4:19 "We love him, because he first loved us.".And
the same applies to your enemies and those you may not like:.Psalms
7:3-5; 136:24; Proverbs
16:7. Love your enemies and who are
they? How you
feel around them tells you what they are really like.
It's love that is
the greatest healing power ever, but most people don't love themselves
and because of that can't really love others or heal themselves, so they
may need some help here.
Love cleanses the heart. If you want it cleansed, you'll decide on love.
Love is a life journey that needs the circumstances
of living to provide opportunity for its expression; why each of us is
here on Earth in
the first place.
From where does love
come if not from the Creator?.1John
4:8,16. An individual can only take in as much love as they are able
to. The way to the Creator active in an individual's life is the way of
love. Walk the road of good and
love is found.."Love
looks not with the eyes but with the mind."....Shakespeare.."Happiness
is your ability to love."....Leo
Tolstoy.."Love strips
away the illusion of separateness and turns any situation into sweet nectar.
The freshness of life is love.(*)."....Deepak..
"Love makes the difference
in life when you know I love you."....God.."Where
love is there can be nothing against itself."
"Your task is not to seek
for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it."....Rumi.
13:10; 1John 4:6-8.
Happiness: There is nothing one can do to take
anyone toward continuous happiness, because, just being happy is
the way. To be happy when you're not, be only
Does love come from the air in your back yard?
Does it come from the guy who lives across the street? Maybe, if he's good,
but how would you even know good if love wasn't in you already?
How then could you recognize
How does one come to have it? Were you born with
it? How does one know he has
love inside him or her? How would one know if love was in control or if
the ways of evil, the ways of destruction were in control? How many people
really know what love is?
The physical body restores itself once one avoids
of it. A positive attitude is healing. Keep yourself healthy by being
positive and having fun. Listen to the music that you like that moves and
keeps your heart
wise. Likewise,
the heart springs forth with love once barriers
to it are circumvented.
The documentary The Grand Self
would be most helpful here, as it helps us to love ourselves.
Look at the world, the fundamental.concepts
upon which it is built. Consider how love could remake the world. Consider
where it needs remaking. Consider it as an old movie that needs remaking..It
is a movie. Use envisioning.
"...feel the gratitude
of a plant and an
animal towards you and feel the gratitude of another person and feel
their love. And you will see that you love them. There is no
difference between the Creator's joy and your joy. In spirit there
is no volume. It is immeasurable.
Love is the thing which brings light
to the world. Love is the thing on which the world is being built.(how?).
Love is the thing that always exists and had initially
been. Look at that one who created love and you will see you.(why?),
love belonging to you; it is you belonging to love. Build with love, build
with welfare
and build with a great joy of universal
life and universal happiness and you will be able to see that joy.(1Peter
is seen by everyone who is around you. When you see the
eternity with joy, you are creating more joy."....Grigori
"Whoever loves people loves
God. The human being is a creature of love. What was created by love can
only live in love. Love is God:.1John
4:6-16. No life without love."....Bruno
To become love, one must practice
love. Here spiritual
disciplines come in handy.
How would one know whether or not he or she is
in love? When you feel a connection with another that goes beyond the physical,
it's love. You'll feel this is much more than ust physical interaction
and want to delve
One can tell if another is of love and can be a
caring person, by looking at emotional attachments. You love someone when
their happiness is a concern
of yours and you show this feeling in behavior towards them and you know
it by the kind and helpful thoughts you have about them. You love someone
when they are in your prayers and meditations. You love someone when you
behave in a kind and caring way towards them, an example being how a mother
treats her baby, how an individual treats others in the family, how one
is toward their dog or cat.
When you can feel love, the kind of love that is
an emotion of
When you know something of substance is there, something real, something
you, then you are 'in love'.
Recognizing the higher consciousness qualities
in a plant, animal or another indididual.(such
as, say, beauty for example), means that you are feeling
love and are 'in love', surrounded by love, experiencing love. Be always
alert to your feelings. If you feel love, then you are in love and love
is all the Creator is:.1John
4:8,16. When in love, you are in the movement of the Creator.
Ask yourself what do I love? to find out if there
is darkness that you need to get rid of, to find out where you are in all
4:15 "And these are they by the wayside,
where the word is sown, but when they have heard, Satan.(an
immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.".Take
steps to ensure
you won't fall by the wayside. What
steps could be taken?
Evil is a result of lacking
love. If you lack love, then by
default, you're open to what's in the mass
mind of humanity. Is it good? Is it all evil? What's in the common
consciousness or collective consciousness, both called the mass mind, comes
to our minds as we live circumstances
in our lives and comes to us some
6 seconds before conscious awareness of it. It's like our lives come
out of the unfolding of this invisible pathway. And if that be the case,
then all negatives
towards one can be circumvented.
When in love and even
if not in love, life with all its negatives just happens; but love lifts
you above them. So, love and rise above. We have accidents, health issues,
personal relationship issues and so on. So what?.Romans
When something irks
us enough, we often skip out of any love we have. We fail to see how the
quietness of love will handle all issues and then we seek answers away
from love and this because we want an immediate result. That's when what's
in the mass mind provides its answers and they are never a long-term solution
solving. The love we thought we had to give up allows other, mostly
from this collective consciousness to provide a temporary 'band-aid'. True
love however,
is eternal.
Infinite One, the Infinite.Conscious
Intelligence, we often refer to as God,
has great understanding, sureness and confidence, because His love is intense
toward us:.Galatians
5:6 "...faith which works by love."
Love is the action of your
spirit when connected with
Soul of all, a realm
far beyond the selfishness of the
mass consciousness of humanity and into the realm from which higher
consciousness things come to us from.
If you prefer to act in love
rather than in some kind of selfishness, you have the Holy Spirit of God.
This preferring to act in love by you is a sign that you are of God. In
the old Testament that sign was circumcision:.Romans
Love is the
key that opens comprehension of spiritual things and takes you along
to a full
of itself. If so then why so many religions and why the ever so many interpretations
of it?
The many views coming from various interpretations
of the information contained within the Bible come from people on
the road to a full overstanding of it, where one grows
spiritually as he or she walks that road and as one grows, so does
the supply of what is called the Holy Spirit, also called the Holy Ghost:.Philippians
Love is a feelingof
concern and caring for others. Love has many
attributes. By being dependent on love,
one develops more love. Before there was anything, there was love. The
Creator's love being invisibly and constantly available can be tuned
into by us. How does
one 'tune' into it?
"Love is the thing which
brings light to the world. Love is the thing on which the world is being
built. Love is the thing that always exists and had initially
"You are God's creations
and you love. Love is life
and life is love.(if
you're not loving, you're on another
pathway, taking you away from life). Display
love where you appear. Display love in those places where you predetermine
yourself. Love may be not expressed by words and love may be not expressed
by feelings, however your actions are love where you create.
"Look at the world, how you
look with love, look at the feeling, how you build it, look at the feeling
as at the eternal creation and you will come to love as if to Eternity.
You come to it forever and you stay with it forever. The Creator, your
God created you all as loving persons.(?).
See the joy of those who are around you and your heart will be filled with
Be in happiness. Be in harmony
and this happiness will bring you eternity.
Look with your eternal eyes, look with your eternal body and look with
your eternal look at your relatives and grant them Eternity. Look with
your Eternity at all people and grant them Eternity. Look with your eternity
at the entire World, at your entire environment and grant them Eternity.
The World will blossom and a flower, which blossoms eternally will appear.
This flower will be
World, which is the World of everyone. And you will live and your happiness
will be endless.
"Human! You are the world.
You are eternity. You possess immeasurable
powers. Your possibilities are limitless. You are the embodiment
of the Creator. In you his will resides. Love all life as he does, he who
has created you. Do not embitter
your heart. Think good. Do good. Good will return to you with longevity.
Love will give immortality,
With faith and love your invisible
powers will come alive. And you will
all that you dream of. Eternality is the face of life, just as life is
the trace
of eternity. Create to live
in eternity. Live to create eternity. The action of the spirit is a motivation
to act coming from the soul. Eternal life provides ongoing
development of the soul."....Grigori
Excerpt from the book.Planet
of the Free Choice.by
Vitaly Tichoplav, ACT, Astrel, 2006.."The
goal of humanity is physical immortality, which is the dream of all people.
Does this contradict the goal of God's purpose? No! God has created
humanity and all of us for life. Otherwise God would not just
create us."
Evil evaporates
in the light of love; proven
in experiments.
God has faith in us.(how
does this work?), that we are able to pull out of the mess we are
in, the mess caused by the collective
egos of humanity, playing their tune in us, because we have adjusted
the dial to their radio station.
With love we can have a completely self-governing
nation. Why?.Romans
13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbour...".The
key to getting rid of all the hurts of humanity is love, so then, it would
be important to learn all one can about love. The song below will help
you. God is love and when you are in love,
all the Creator is, you know the Creator.
Love is a spiritual quality that can be increased:.1Thessalonians
3:12. The song below will increase yours. Love is a deep abiding feeling
of continuance with someone or something else.
All that matters is how
we love. The song of the
same name by Beth Neilsen Chapman.(bethnielsenchapman.com).
And another one of her great songs, We
live to learn to love. All that really matters to someone is how
we love.
many love things and use people. It should be the other way around.
"Love is the ultimate and
the highest goal to which man can aspire. Love is an action, a difference
we try to make in the world."....Victor
Frankl, concentration camp prisoner.
"The solution is never at
the level of the problem. The solution is always love and love is beyond
all problems."....Deepak
"To love that which should
unite us requires us to believe there is something that connects
us all, to know that at some level all of us love and want to be loved,
to base all our actions on the sacred.covenant
of love, to know that love is an act of will, to refuse to exclude others
because of personal difference or race or language or ethnicity or religion.
If you hate others they will soon hate or fear you. They will reject you."....Chris
Hedges (readersupportednews.org type in their search
'chris hedges acts of love')
What the world is missing is the goodness of God.(Ephesians
5:9).affecting them:.1Thessalonians
4:9,10 "...you yourselves are taught of God to love one another...we
beseech you brethren, that you increase more and more."
What existed before humanity, was love:.Colossians
family then was as it is today, of love. The Creator, called the Father,
is the head of this family. The Creator
love and that's what we are here for, to learn love and all that love
means and what can be done from this most high level of consciousness:.1John
The Creator is a giving sharing being. Why should
the Creator love us? When you love another/others, it is the most powerful
thing in the entire universe. It changes enemies
into friends. The whole history
of the Old Testament was that of people rejecting the Creator's love.
The Creator we commonly refer
to as God loves us and wants to do things that put us in continuous happiness.
It's through love that started with God toward us that we even know love.
Without love we are left to the selfishness of ego
4:19; Human beings viewing life from the selfish ego level fail to
see the Creator's love. This failing keeps humanity entrenched
at the low consciousness ego level.
If you're unaware of the
love of God, how can it affect you? God never
overrides or imposes Himself upon anyone:.Malachi
1:2 "I have loved you, says the Lord. Yet you say, Wherein have you
loved us?..."
To pull out of the morass
the ego has made of our lives
we need to use love. If you got it, use it! If you don't got it, get it!
When you love you are using the greatest power in the universe, really!
and see the movie.What
If? The Movie.a few times for more
of this in depth and to create
the neurons needed for higher
To be 'in love' one has to be also in the
same consciousness that is love. There is no difference between being
of love and being in the Father.
2:5 "But whoso keeps.(original
for 'keeps' implies a being aware of every thought; a guarding of your
thoughts and actions so as to keep yourself
in the way of love) his
word?), in him verily
is the love of God perfected. Hereby know we that we are in
him." 1John 4:17,18.
"Take away love and our Earth
is a tomb."....Robert
Browning, 1812-1889, Poet.."Love
is cause of all perfection, everything positive and good."....The
Secret, The Power, Rhonda Byrne, Atria Books, 2010.
"Each individual.(and
your life is there for a reason and that reason always has something to
do with love."....Dr.
Wayne Dyer.
"Love is an element
which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting
living, moving force. It moves in waves and currents like
those of the ocean."....Prentice
Mulford, 1834-1891. It is invisible like gravity
and electromagnetism, yet more powerful
when used. Without love there is no life. Without life there can be
no love. God is love.
"Love should focus like
light from a bonfire giving light and warmth to all."....Deepak
Love is the
truth at the heart of creation. All love is perfect, but we learn early
to involve the ego in love and
give different amounts to others for selfish reasons, usually manipulation
and this because we have yet to realize we are all one, the
thing underneath it all.
If you're no good
at love, what are you good for? You are then part of the
problems of humanity.
All lessons of life are lessons
of love. Unfortunately, we mostly go after the things of selfishness instead
of going after love, instead of going after learning what love is and learning
to love.
You'll never know the power
of love until you bond with someone. Love needs to express in relaxed body
language, interest in the other evidenced by facing them squarely and showing
your presence being open to them. Deep
it from your soul, the heart of you).goes
without saying much about it. Love the other for the spirit in them, their
connection with their Soul.
This Earth life is a stage
for us to learn and live
by spiritual principles of love which are all encompassed within the nature
of the Great Infinite One:.Hebrews
The depth of love to decide
to attain is
that which you cannot be hurt and you do no hurt to anyone. But this takes
some maturity.
If aa individual believes
in me, rivers of living water
will flow out from his heart." So said Emmanuel in John
7:37,38. If a person continues on in life apart from the purpose
he was put here in the first place, then he or she is in
for a lot of trouble.
"A prayer's resonant
energy comes most forcefully from heart felt loving intention to secure
some miraculous manifestation of the petitioner."....Dr.
Len Horowitz:.Jeremiah
We too can increase understanding
with these keys:.Ephesians
3:17-19; Hebrews 11:3. We too
can enter his realm once our beings resonate.(are
in harmony, are one with).with
the correct frequency. This Great Being's base frequency is 528Hz:.1John
4:6-16. Being in this frequency is being in the realm of the Infinite
The degree
to which we love humanity makes a massive difference for the entire world
regarding avoiding or experiencing and correcting the things that bring
trials and sufferings.(*).
It's love that leads you into doing good things, for yourself and others,
including doing what you can to reach
others with God's message of hope for them:.2Corinthians
2:14 "...God...manifests...his
knowledge by us in every place". Prayer
and the other spiritual disciplines are most effective toward this
purpose. This is opposite to efforts
of the disciples and opposite also to the
religion Pharisees in Emmanuel's time used:.Matthew
Those are best prepared for
the life to come hold most loosely things of this present life. Realizing
their temporality
they put efforts into awakening others.
Whatever you do, do it with
concern and caring for other living things. If you know truth and another
spiritual, be sure to share it with them if you have enough knowledge on
his or her question to do so. No 'askey', no 'answery'.
When others have a growing
nature of love in them, this makes it so much easier for those in the world
not yet awakened to spirituality, not yet knowing what to do to help humanity.(istpp.org/video/);
Video proof.
Fewer and less severe shocks
in life are then necessary to awaken others to their true being. Apply
the rule and make it much easier on those you love.
The reason for trials and
sufferings is to jolt
men and women into waking up spiritually.(Isaiah
them forcefully out
of their confusion, selfishness and sleepiness to what's really going
on, with all
that means. Many need awakening to the fact of their selfishness and
how these things take from others.
They need
awakening to the so called 'Golden
Rule' where in all you do, do for the good of all.
The Infinite One has always
assured that those of love nature would be on the Earth, on the Earth to
help others, on Earth doing 'the
Lord's work'. He jerked
Paul out of the world, meaning, the selfishness of the low ordinary
consciousness of humanity.
We are spirits, existing
forever, but now today in a limited
physical body for the purpose of learning, for the purpose of choices
towards the ultimate purpose of being higher frequencies of spirit beyond
the slowed down frequencies of existence we now exist physically in. To
this humanity needs awakening.
Things get worse in life
the more selfishness we learn, as this cuts us off from the energy frequencies
of the invisible universe that sustains us. It's like we come here as functioning
frequencies that maintain our physicality and we take things in that are
both good and bad which make our lives for us. The more good that becomes
us, the better life we have and the more bad, selfish, greedy and the like,
the more our lives take the dark road of heartache and despair. As a result
of this we become the 'living
dead'. We become dead to love. The invisible energy of the universe
is love:.Matthew
Once the selfish nature of
humanity gets set in him, much 'retraining', what the Bible calls
repentance, which means to change, has to be done, but with the power of
the Infinite One in a person this can occur almost
instantly. That's why it's important to pray, which means to sit quietly
what faith is, a sure knowing).you
are in contact with God. And, in this quiet time, think of those you have
love toward, and see what thoughts come forth that you want to be to their
When men and women grow in
spirituality, which means growing in love, this has effect upon any future
bad happenings; it ameliorates.them.
How? The video will show you. Watch it!
Through the knowledge of
Christ really is, some great things become yours:.2Peter
Love is a frequency, like
everything else in the multiverse. Love is in this, what we today call
quantum field of energy, best described by the
superstring. There are connection frequencies for us if we use them.."Awakening
others is the process toward getting others to connect to themselves."....Charlie
Love is the key to the
'lock' which prevents misuse of the amazing power in this field of
oneness of the Creator God. The process in comprehending.the
involves a growing
in belief:.Isaiah
"The mind is one."....Irwin
Schroeder. See the movie The
Connected Universe for amazing new discoveries proving this.
And see the
video of Ven Lama Dondrup Dorje on using this tremendous power of electromagnetism
everybody has, for good for him and others.
The power of this intelligent
energy is strengthened
when others are of the same mind:.Matthew
more on any verse(s) in this entire website, click on its link)."For
where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the
midst of them." That's what is changing the
world now. How
does this work?
One not of belief in love.(believing
in love equates to believing in God:.1John
19:42; Revelation 3:20).the
door to the riches of the invisible energies of high consciousness.
Love is the key to the lock and finding the way to the lock to open requires
1:13 "...after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy Spirit
of promise."
He or she has to be in the
oneness of love. The lock is called love, meaning love is the key to its
lock, once you find the pathway to the lock.
Without oneness with the
Creator, we won't be in oneness with others who are and can't help getting
into problems in life. It's the oneness of God that is the
way out of them.
It starts with belief that
there is a Creator and that He is only love.(1John
4:8,16), this bringing many benefits.
of the truth of the Creator is important. The lock also ensures that those
of common low consciousness cannot
enter the realm
of high consciousness:.Matthew
6:19-21 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth
and rust corrupts and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up
for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt and where thieves
do not break through nor steal, for where your treasure is, there will
your heart be also."
Our consciousness is built
by the Creator to be connected to him, but we have been led
"It is worth noting that
the forces of destruction.(thoseof
the dark side).could
not resurrect. Resurrection is the privilege
of the forces of creation..(more
"All this knowledge is safe
as it develops man for the better.(this
developing involves being in sync
with the 'operating system' we were designed with; the lesson
of the Old Testament shows how important this being in sync with it
"Development and access to
space time structure is only for those who can learn how and those are
people whose intent has proved to be of a kind loving and helpful, non
selfish non destructive nature. Be sure your attention is always positive
and non destructive, although it can be if the object is a threat in any
way to anyone.(what
would these objects
be?). Then one can
it in consciousness, sending it to the abyss,
a restrictive hole so dark that nothing escapes it once put into it.....from
pages 5,6,230,304.Grigori
Grabovoi's book
"Concerning destructive forces,
the method of defocusing can be used.(in
them). By defocusing of your consciousness
you make the negative information so rarefied
that it stops being perceived as if it had never existed. Always know that
any upturned, any disconnected or pressed world.(world
not of peace, but pressure).is
world of unity, harmony and blessing.(underneath
it all). Understand that there
is always God's purpose behind all upturned and ambiguous
or non typical states of the world.(Romans
8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.").
Exist in harmony no matter what the storm out there may be by having the
awareness that you have always been eternal and will remain eternal and
no structure, no information will change this will of the Creator.
From page 502:
"Anything you want to create
you can create right where you are. Anything you want to correct you may
always correct. You are that one whom the Creator has seen in you. You
are also the one who wants the Creator to personify Himself with His acts
in that infinity in which you see yourself. The Creator who is present
in you.(John
that Creator who is moving together with you in each of your actions. Apply
to Him. Desire for Him to be involved in all you do and in all your concerns
and you will have harmony."....from
page 502, Grigori Grabovoi's
"Higher energies.(producing
higher consciousness).require
a higher level of morality."....Arcady
The spiritual realm
is foolishness to those of a destructive low consciousness. Those in
low consciousness levels cannot find the key to unlock available treasures.
Walking a better pathway
is the way to them:.Isaiah
28:9-13 "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand
them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts.(those
having decided to move on from the common low consciousness 'baby' level).
For precept
must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line;
here a little and there a little. For with stammering.(original
for 'stammering' is 'mocking',
here being spiritual things are foolishness {1Corinthians
1:18-31; 2:9,14} to
those who view them with a low
consciousness outlook).lips
and another tongue will he speak to this people.(people
of common
consciousness just don't
get it, just don't comprehend
it!). To whom he said, This is the
rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing,
yet they would not hear.(1Corinthians
1:18,21; 2:14).
But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon
precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little;
that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken.(the
normal low level common consciousnss of humanity is a
prison, a prison so that humanity will aspire
to get out of it)."
One of the keys to begin
to comprehend things and lead one to an overstanding
of the spiritual realm
is to come to see that the Bible.is
a book of attitudes
and those not wanting to alter
their attitude will find it foolishness:.2Timothy
For example, in the following
passage, don't agonize.over
words such as Chorazin, Bethsaida, Tyre and Sidon, Capernaum and any similar
confusing things to you that you may come across when reading scriptures,
as they tend to turn off one's interest. Try to see the attitudes the scriptures
are presenting, as this is where spiritual growth springs from.
11:21-25 "Woe unto you, Chorazin! woe unto you, Bethsaida! for if the
mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon,
they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto
you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day
of judgment, than for you. And you Capernaum, which art exalted unto
heaven shalt be brought down to hell, for if the mighty works, which have
been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until
this day. But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land
of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you. At that time Emmanuel
answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and Earth, because
you have hid these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them
unto babes."
We all are the same pie but
individual slices. We simply have different disguises,
yet underneath them it's all frequencies, all the
same energy in differing expressions as we grow. Those in this family
of consciousness are impeccably
honest and regarded perfect:.Matthew
Because of the holy
nature being as it is, anything, including man, unlike this holy higher
consciousness nature, cannot be in this intelligent
energy informational field, that is, until change
occurs. Once change does occur, they too are part of the
family of those of higher consciousness.
"When I speak of love, I
am not speaking of some sentimental
or weak response. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions
have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow
the key that unlocks the door which leads
to ultimate reality.(higher
Luther King Jr. Leader of Civil Rights Movement, Activist and Orator.
3:20 "...God is one.", but the word
is plural:.Mark
12:32 "...for there is one God and there is none other but he.".Mark
10:26; 6:17; 8:6;
1:10,23; 4:4-6; 1Timothy
2:5; James 2:19,20.
The core creative sounds
of nature have been discovered synchronously
by two investigators researching independently. Their confirmed discoveries
hold tremendous potential for the future of civilization. ...the article
Hear/see compositions on
YouTube that will open you up spiritually; type 'spiritual compositions
528'. The frequency sensing DNA
component in you.(the
97% of it science heretofore understood as having no known use).responds,
bringing universal life giving energy into you from the invisible energy,
the spirit, the consciousness that created all. Other inspiring compositions,
though not done in 528, can also move the spirit to the fore in you, such
ones mentioned earlier.
This is the consciousness
that surrounds us and supports us, that is, once we get our negative thinking
mind out of the way. The coil in a DNA's shape is an electrical aerial
bringing information to us from the
invisible realm.
The incredible full length
feature film.What
If? The Movie.will
help a lot here and learning about meditation
is critical to the
"Recent research strongly
suggests love is fundamentally an energy frequency.(all
in the multiverse is frequency).of
528Hz. This is mathematically related to Pi, PHI, the Fibonacci
series and the fundamental harmonics of the Sun as recorded by NASA."....Dr.
Len Horowitz.
Love is frequency 528Hz.(incredibly
interesting, not 'fluffy fluffy'; see 528revolution.com)
hear/see the compositions on 528 mentioned above on YouTube that will open
you up spiritually; you will feel the difference immediately, as
the frequency sensing DNA component, 'aerial',
in you responds, bringing multiversal life giving energy into you from
the invisible energy surrounding you. Stunning evidence compiled herein
proves DNA is nature's bioaccoustic and electromagnetic.(that
is, 'spiritual').energy
receiver, signal transformer and quantum sound and light transmitter. In
other words, the bioenergetics of genetics precipitates
life. Book is available from healthyworldstore.com
"I learned from Dr. Horowitz
about 528Hz in contrast to 440Hz used in contemporary music that is 'out
of tune',.modified
intentionally, similar to the falsification in the Gregorian
calendar. Tones are really the most fundamental things and I think
it is really a problem for the whole of humanity if they are intentionally
modified. 528 Hz was really pleasant to me when I chanted that frequency.
So, I always recommend it to people when I lead water ceremonies worldwide.
Dr. Horowitz's work is really important for those like me who are studying
the essence of life."....Dr.
Masaru Emoto, New York Times best-selling author of Messages from Water
and the Universe; Director,
Peace Project.
These scientific revelations
bring expanded spiritual meaning to life. Chapters incorporated this metaphysical
science non-fiction thriller include discussions of electro-genetics, quantum
physics, bioholography, human consciousness and even spiritual dynamics,
to accomplish an urgent mission, that of awakening humanity to the highest
levels of risk awareness and accountability for our planet's destiny.
"Love is granting another
the space to be the way they are and the way they are not."....Werner
2:4 "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he
loves us."
We already are spirit, expressed
from or physically manifested
as human; a spirit which is us in and around the body which we call human;
spirit already eternal, but doesn't know it.
The 'real' of us is the soul
beyond the ego level relied upon in the absence of knowing we even are
a soul, in order to as best we can, organize and correlate
at the human level. We are windows to the invisible multiverse of higher
It's just that we have unwittingly
allowed our ego to override and
cloud the soul we never knew we had and keep us in the
struggle of life with all its trials and sufferings. But like the Sun
behind the clouds, it's still there awaiting the clouds to be taken away
so it can shine.
We are an individual formed
expression of the spirit that underlies
us each of us, a spirit that is a special part of the entire quantum energy
field that is intelligent and that we call God or the Infinite Intelligence.
Though we are spirit, most
are not whole in spirit. The Bible calls those of whole spirit as
the Holy Spirit.
This spirit always has existed.
You have always been an individual expression
within it.
So, how is this love exemplified
and how can we learn it? It's important to learn it, as without it one
just will have to wait to
be, as they say, in this kingdom, in this realm.
Once one understands love,
he is in the 528 frequency that allows continuous spirit
connection with what is called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wholeness
and what science calls the energy of the quantum field that is intelligent.
Love is the experience of
being in harmony with the natural flow of multiiversal law. And what
then is this thing called 'sin'.
So where are we in our overstanding
of this underlying reality?
The movie.What
If? The Movie.gives
us an inspiring start:.1Corinthians
13:12,13 "For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to
face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And now abides faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these
is charity.(charity
is an old English word meaning love)."
Love is wanting others to
do well, to be the best they can and to experience all of life that is
good. Love is understanding that each person has eternal value and is to
be greatly respected:.Philippians
2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."
Love means that you think
and do what is good when you
can, both for you and for another and others. Love is not allowing a negative.opinion.to
take hold in you, such
as a negative opinion distancing
you from any concern
for another's welfare, such as thoughts that lead you into believing
in separation: Romans
13:10 "Love works no ill.(original
for 'ill' is 'nothing of a bad nature', 'nothing injurious', 'troublesome
or hurtful').to
his neighbour; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.".What
5:14 "For all the law.(the
way things have been designed to work in harmony and one can see this throughout
the multiverse).is
fulfilled in one word, even in this;.You
shall love thy neighbor as yourself."
2:8 "If you fulfil the royal law
according to the scripture, You shall love thy neighbour as yourself, you
do well.".It's
saying that love is the law of the universe under which all else is subordinate:.Matthew
If one is not loving, but
rather, a child of the
dark side, the guidance of what is called the Holy Spirit, the nature
of love God has and shares, will lead him and keep him in love:.Hebrews
13:5. So, get it!
It is impossible to enter this world of God, this world of love,
one has the key to get in and that key is love:.Revelation
22:13-15. Love
yourself and you'll live better.
4:7,8 "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God and every
one that loves is born of God.(or,
closer to the original 'bears forth God').and
knows God. He that loves not knows not God, for God is love."
There is evil in the world.
Evils need to be recognized in order to correct them. This is positive
thinking. Seeing the evil is not negative thinking. Distancing oneself
from any concern over it would be negative thinking. Not dealing with evil
would be negative thinking. But, how
does one deal with it?
Daniel made a decision to
his heart to begin to understand and answers came, leading him to an
3:12 "And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward
another and toward all men, even as we do toward you."
"The first condition of
life is something to love and the second condition is something to
Many college students live
on love, the love of their parents!
The only 'right' we have
is to love:.Ephesians
4:1-3. If you are an unloving person, you have no rights, you only
think that you have them:.Romans
13:8 "Owe no man any thing but to love one another, for he that loves
another has fulfilled the law.".Within
this umbrella called love are many
good ways to express it. Within the 1776
United States Constitution are principles laid down based on the Bible.
Do you know what rights are for everyone in every country who follows it?
See David Straight's video
5 at Utah beginning at 1:30:00, one hour and thirty minutes into it.
You are a mind using the
physical body your mind is in. Mind is a process. The physical body is
a thing. It too has many ongoing programmed processes. You are here for
the express purpose of being in a 'school', the school of the universe
as it were, a training session played
out on a 'stage'; here to see the duality of existence, the good
and the evil; here to see how both are in all societies of the world,past
and today; here to observe which is the best for all, the way of selfishness,
greed, subjugation and control or the way
of the spirit.
The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights should be taught to children in school.
Love is why life is worth
living, so why would some of us hate the bad people when it's God who first
loved us and that love enables us to live not any longer from the ordinary
consciousness, but from a higher consciousness?.1John
It's God that gave life to
humanity. God knows how to protect us in life from the evil of others:.Psalms
23:4. It's God who is
responsible for evil, because there is no
power greater than God.
All evil comes from humanity
listening not to God, but to what's there in the mass mind and as soon
as man aligns with a thought from the mass mind that is not at all a good
thought, then man has opened the door for increasing evil in his life,
because the opened door allows the dark side to further influence man toward
his own destruction. An
example of how the ordinary consciousness of humanity has allowed evil
to rise to suppress all humanity, subjecting all of us whose minds were
led away from the true God who created us.
Deceived humanity.(Revelation
12:9; Jeremiah 44:16,17).was
led away from all the good that would have come along with following the
love ways of God:.Matthew
All things in life have a
purpose and some, even the evil things, are to awaken us to learn
some things while we walk the
divided highway, sometimes taking us toward good and other times bringing
us back to our old ways:.Mattthew
We came here with two natures.
Having been born good, a
few years into growing up, negativity in the heart of dear children
begins to show. Most parents are at a loss of how
to handle it toward a positive outcome. Blinding him to his true birthright
of knowing his God-self within as creator of his life begins to occur for
a reason, that being, an alert to parents to begin to teach about why
he or she is here. Howbeit, most parents worldwide have become blinded
by their own selfishness as to how to produce a child of God.
And so the dark side perpetuating
this negative direction, was able to further their aim of destroying humanity
in ways such as control of government.(satanic
inspired leaders who really don't care about people and would sell their
mother out for personal gain), control of finances/taxations, control
of medical/pharmaceutical, chemical and food areas to further negatively
affect humanity through poisonings
accelerating death.
God is love and it's God's
love that gave humanity life. God is life and life is God. Not loving is
dangerous! Even with all the disappointments.we
have, living is because we have life, albeit,
life today often at a far lower level than is possible for all of us.
"So, it is impossible to
live if we take the artificial
path. We human beings have to stay on the natural, true, Divine
path if there's to be hope for Divine help. I know that it is not easy
for many a person for whom material things are such a part of his flesh
and blood that he feels comfortable only if he owns a lot of these things.
do we hate people when they are bad?".(1Corinthians
Love is life, whereas hate,
resentment, anger, greed, deceit, dishonesty, complicity
and such things of the dark side are
part of the way of death,
the way of the dark
side and we've all been on both to one degree or the other. Some have
gone from bad to worse and from worse to evil, as Janet
Ossebard has shown us in her astounding documentaries.
To love is the sum of life
and yet how many think they are living who feel unable to be loved and
love in return! Those who deserve love least.(*),
need it most! Some as Janet has shown are do entrenched into evil, they
have to be eradicated. And this is love from God to them. Why?
"The supreme happiness of
life is the conviction that we are loved."....Victor
Another key to open up understanding
3:16 with.1John
Loving one another is the
highest thing we can do on this human plane.
But what is
it that breeds love?.Luke
And how do
we show it?
makes a difference in keeping one's self and others in the love of God:.Jude
1:21,22. God 'keeps' us near Him the more of His love we overstand,
for God is love and anything unlike love separates us from His presence.(His
frequencies of vibration).in
It is the same in any relationship;
we only enjoy being around those who love us.(accept
us unconditionally, see our best, are non condemnatory, are helpful, kind,
listen with sincere interest, generous and have
fun with).
But that is expecting others
to be that way toward us. What if they are not? Well, we are what we love,
not what loves us. Just because you love someone does not mean they will
love us back.
God is love: 1John
4:8,16. We are what we love.(*).
Without love, we might as
well close the door on the human race. Love knows no boundaries.
Love is a direction, not
so much a destination. In true love there is no change of direction:.Hebrews
13:5 ".....for he has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake
thee." Ephesians 2:4 "But God, who
is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us.".God
people to Him, not with threats of punishment, but with kindness.
"The greatest weakness of most
humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while
they are still alive."
...O.S. Battista
"Love that never tells its
story, that never utters itself in word or gift or service, fades away
into drowsy indifference." ...Jowett
It is amazing to consider
that the Creator loves as much as He does to have planned what He has planned
for us 1, 2,
God is implementing it for us all in this great plan of Earth, man, space,
eternity and God. Humans are far too important to the Infinite One to be
here for a only a short 70-80+ years and then gone.
Humans are the focal
point of all the Infinite's interest.
If we never have been loved.(abused
neglected child, told we were no good, stupid, clumsy, brought up in the
cities, etc.), we find the concept
of our Creator's love little more than flowery phraseology.
Ask the Creator for help to see yourself as the Creator sees you and that.is.holy,
and perfect. That is how God.right
now and forever sees you, even if you know how you are:.Romans
4:17 "...even God, who quickens
the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were."
Just as you had nothing to
do with the sin you were born
into, you also had nothing to do with Creator's free gift of righteousness,
you so that a
relationship with Him is possible, if you choose to. Why
if you choose to? All of us long for a relationship with someone
who would love us unconditionally.
And, this relationship with
the Creator is all just beginning and goes on after the physical life you
and me are now leading, is over, over one way or the other; one way or
the other meaning that one doesn't
have to die.
You came here
for learning.
One of love's expressions
is a smile. Do you ever think of God as smiling at you because He's happy
with you?.Jeremiah
31:3 "The Lord has appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved
you with an everlasting
love. Therefore with lovingkindness have
I drawn thee.".Romans
is the word the Great Infinite One inspired to be used in the.Holy
He says that He loves us. That word, in the original
Greek, means 'rapport',
'a relationship with',
this meaning a heartfelt relationship with, a fellowship
with, closeness; how
2:6; 2John
1:9; John
15:9; 1Corinthians
6:17; Ephesians
1:10. 'Agape' love, as compared to other
Greek words for love just below on this page, is a love that 'sees' beyond
the physical in who your attention may be on.
Love keeps others in rapport
with you and you with others; they fit into you and you fit into them,
mostly by just 'being' when around them.
And so, the relationship grows deeper
each time.
Love is the lock that binds
two people in higher consciousness where they have a consistently deepening
connection with each other, where their love becomes increasingly interesting
as they go along. Why?
Standard Bible Encyclopedia:."Love,
whether used of God or man, is an earnest and anxious desire for and an
active and beneficent interest in the well-being of the one loved."
What makes a life spiritual?
It's love! It's love that protects. It's
love that turns the so called
physical body into spirit completely, as it draws more invisible energy
into us from
quantum field by means of the
Soul. That's why we meditate.
It's love that transmutes
things harmful into harmlessness:.Acts
28:2-6; Mark 16:18. What takes
a life down the spiritual path if not intention?.Psalms
is another word for love used in the Bible.
Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love. Phileo is love of brother,
sister, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, pets, that sort of thing
where someone or something has an affiliation.
It's that movement inside all of us that longs
for connection.
And we have 'eros'
in the Greek from which we get 'erotic'. It describes an anxious desire
for and an active interest in having sex. An example
of erotic love. Love does not necessarily need having one's relationship
confirmed at cost by going to a third party for a license
for sex in order to have a family.
Love involves a concern for
and a desire to be with sexually
and otherwise.
It's love.(feelings,
thoughts, partnership with, equal to, a rapport,
a true relationship that is constantly deepening and increasing from an
understanding and toward an overstanding
of each party; not that one overstands another as superior,
but each overstands the other. If you're 'in love', you're actions will
always increase rapport with another:.Romans
13:10. Rapport involves merging
with another's soul. And so, separation vanishes and oneness is present.
In real love there is no
at the ego level many
fears reside.
When rapport exists, each
time together the relationship takes a step up, somehow, even after working
out problems. If the Infinite
is active in both parties this always happen.
Use the baseball rule.in
strikes and you're out! If it gets to the 3 strikes point in a relationship,
something's wrong. One or both of you are stubborn, hardhearted and overly
concerned about the self. It'll just get worse as the years go by. But
if you're in a relationship already like that and many years have gone
by, consider yourself as having done pretty well. Why screw it up even
more by a major change?
But, know this,.God
strikes you out! He has the power to change us.(*),
but again, never overrides
anyone. His love is not.'do
things for me and I'll do them for you', as it is with many unspiritual
persons in relationships. Creator's love is 'baby, I love you any way you
are and if you don't like the way you are, I
can change you!'
True love is devoid
of a guarded.(hypocrisy).aloof
the abeyant attitude some have, the wall people present forth, to keep
others at bay,
where one is fearful of showing any 'weakness'.
of fear never find happiness, because fear prevents
True love expresses from
incredible strength.(1John
is unafraid if personal vulnerability
is noticed by another, as true love is imbedded
within the source of all love and power.and
3:17 "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable,
gentle and easy to be intreated,
full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy."
4:7,8,11,16 "Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and
every one that loves is
born of God. He that
loves not does not know God for.God
is love.....Beloved, if God so loved
us we ought also
love one another...And we have known.(original
Greek is 'experienced').and
believed the love that God has to us....."
The Great Infinite One is
all love, pure love, brilliant love, love through and through, great love.
With love comes great power that is locked out
for those in the prison of the
low consciousness ego level.
It's the nature of the
Great Infinite One to care, to be concerned, to be compassionate,
to be merciful, to be kind,
be giving and to be forgiving
and to now overlook the shortcomings humans have in their heart of this
great love presence.
The many
names of God in the original writings, describe God.
Thanks to His plan involving
the purpose for Emmanuel coming to Earth, we all have a clear path to a
relationship with this spiritual family of the
Infinite One.
Love is not just an attribute
of God, rather, it's His complete nature, used
in all He plans, thinks and does:.1John
4:8 "He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.".Love
is all these things. Love is His purpose:.1John
1:5 "This then is the message which we have heard of Him and declare
unto you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness
at all."
God loves you makes your love perfect:.1John
4:16,17. Believing the Creator, allows more of His Holy Nature, the
Holy Spirit, to indwell
you and your nature's
now is as His.
What is love? The Greeks
have three
words for love. And what about
loving too much? One of the tragedies of modern life is that love is often
being defined
by those who have yet to experience it.
4:16 "And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God
is love and he that dwells.(original
Greek is 'stays in a given place').in
love dwells in God and God in him."
How encouraging.
Isn't that just great!.One
of the things Christ wants is for you know that the Father loves you.
Love God. Love others.
Your new nature will lead
you to love. Our love is being made perfect and
more we are sure God dwells
in us, the more we are, as He is in our dealing in society:.1John
4:16,17 "And we have known and believed the love that God has to us.
God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him. Herein
is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
Because as he is, so are we in this world." 1Corinthians
3:9-11 "For we are labourers together with God. You are God's
you are God's building. According to the grace of God which is given unto
me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation and another builds
thereon. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other
foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Emmanuel the Christ."
5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old
things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Ephesians
4:24 "And that you put on the new man, which after.(or
as the original has it 'exactly like'; that is, we now
have the same nature of love that the Great Infinite One has).God
is created
in righteousness and true
holiness." Colossians 3:10
"And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image
of him that created him." Hebrews 10:20
"By a new and living way, which he has consecrated
for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh."