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Ephesians 2:1 And you has he quickened,
who were dead in trespasses and sins.
2:1 And you has he quickened.(made
alive), who were dead.(how
much can a dead person do to change the way he or she is).in
trespasses and sins.(original
for 'trespasses and sins' is things that 'keep you from spirituality and
keep you missing the mark' of spirituality').
Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past you walked according
to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the
air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.
2:2 Wherein in time past you walked according to the
course of this world, according to the
prince of the power of the air.(original
'ruler of the power of the air', that is, the ability to transmit evil
to the minds of those whose thinking is being overtaken by grief.
We open a door to it by allowing the blinding of our minds and that even
unknowingly, that's why many 'truthers' emphasize
people need to awaken:.2Corinthians
4:4; the corrupting consciousness,
mass mind of humanity has power to affect the blind {Matthew
15:14: Hosea 4:17; Philippians
4:7}, which are those at the
ego level {the 3d level} and as such they
are mesmerized
by the God of all worldly opinions who leads those astray to swallow what
the TV tells
them, because they have cast away their own thinking ability to the 'tell
a lie with vision'), the spirit that now works in.(original
also 'through'; you select
what plays through you in the form of what affects your attitudes and what
affects them are your thoughts:.Proverbs
4:23; Matthew 15:19).the
children of disobedience.(*).
this is so? The cabal are those hating God, worshiping Satan and are those
of the dark side, who are out to eradicate humanity.
The originals
for the word 'disobedience' here are 'unbelief',
'not persuasible',
'not compliant'
(to the laws of God:.Matthew
22:36-40), 'disobedient', 'contumacious')
that is, if an individual is so stiffnecked
to not believe (Romans 1:20) in
invisible reality of their existence, how will they ever think as a
spiritual one does? And they can't do this unless a miracle happens in
the mind, a miracle that is noticed when you want it to happen. When you
want it to happen, it's the work of the Infinite One personal to you:.1,
Notice Satan
is called a prince and one who is restricted to a certain territory, implying
that there may be other princes,
even worse in evil ways, somewhere in the multiverse,
where some humans have also been taken to:.Deuteronomy
2:3 And among whom.(original
is 'in which').also we all had
our conversation.(old
English for 'conduct').in times
past in the
of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind.(your
mind and the mass
mind together).and were.by
nature.the children of wrath even
as others.(the
mind of humanity).
2:4 But God who is rich in mercy
for his great love wherewith he loved us,
great was this love?.John
Ephesians 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins has quickened
us together with Christ. By whose grace
you are saved.(how
does God do this?).
2:5 Even when we were dead in sins.(or,
didn't even know about such things and were unable to move from the
human nature life of the ego realm
of sin and death, 'stuck in the mud' as
it were, stuck in the life of evil ways, stuck
in the life of having to deal with evil and hurtful policies, that of hurting
self, hurting others).has quickened.('quickened'
means 'made alive', made alive with; the Creator supports all things by
his energy and this occurs below
the atom).us together with
By grace
you are saved..That's
Emmanuel saves. It involves awakening
to the true stste you came here with.
Ephesians 2:6 And raised us
up to sit together with these heavenly powers through Christ Emmanuel,
2:6 And has raised us up to sit together.(all
of the same higher
consciousness; how much we are truly loved to have been made equal
{John 10:34} when in the
body of Christ:.Hebrews
10:5).with these heavenly powers.(all
will enter the true reality, that of the realm
of the invisible good, once they
awaken from their ego
'in' or 'by' or through;
word 'by' can also mean 'through' as in next verse).Christ
what 'Christ' is.
Ephesians 2:7 So that in the
ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace by kindness
toward us through Christ Emmanuel.
2:7 That in the ages to come.(that
is; the times after the One who became the Christ was here in the physical
form of Emmanuel and then returned to what is called heaven and made it
possible for us also to be in the family of God:.2Peter
Jude 1:24; 1Timothy
1:14).he might show the exceeding
riches of his grace by kindness toward us through.(or,
'thanks to', or 'in').Christ Emmanuel..Why
Christ came to Earth.
God set things
up so that we would come to know him, eventually finding out God is kind
and that if we too are that way, then we too are like God in that way.
So, that by seeing the contrast of evil in life, people hopefully will
clue in to what's right and what's not, thereby an option
is provided for choice. So we choose to learn or we choose to walk away
remaining in awkward
ignorance, the ignorance that has dogged
our lives thus
2:8 For by grace
are you saved.(we
were already
saved, so what's
this word 'saved' mean?).through.(that
is, because of).faith
and that not of yourselves, it is the.gift.of
the gift of God to you is because acts out of this thing he lives by and
that's called grace).
why if you're having a hard time to have beliefs
toward faith, but want to believe, those in Christ such as the Bruno
Gröning Circle of Friends
who themselves have been helped and healed, will believe for you. And many
others will do similarly for you, until you become one with believers,
meaning that you are a confident believer yourself.
2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
'my works are better than your works, so I'm really getting somewhere',
with the
being that 'you're not', which all is an outcrop
of the low consciousness childish concept,
'my dad can run faster than your dad', 'my mom's a better cook than your
mom', 'my toys are better than yours'.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Emmanuel unto good works, which God has
before ordained that we should walk in them.
2:10 For we are his.(original
has no word 'his', but implied,
meaning God does now as God did then?.Romans
11:4,5; this workmanship mentioned here in this verse can shape a person
spiritually if
one wants to be)
created in.(or
'through' {*}).Christ.(word
'Christ' means 'anointing', 'anointed'; that is, your
soul is now restored and has connection to the Father, the only true
Creator of all, through Christ,
the Intelligent Energy of the multiverse; with Christ you too are an anointed
one (?),
as the 'Christ' {*},
the author & finisher of our faith:.Hebrews:12:2;
15:58; it's a
process {1Corinthians 6:11},
a process toward a reward for good works that
you do).Emmanuel unto.(original
works.(that is, upon
works which
exchanged our
bad and purged us of spiritually
profitless works:.Hebrews
9:14), which God has before ordained.(when
before?).that we should walk in
What are we
to do?.1Thessalonians
1:9 "...turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God.".Good
to have money, lots of it. Each of us can then do much for ourselves, family
and others:.1Timothy
One has to
realize what and where he or she is in before walking there. Many need
to know why they are here.
3:4; 1John 5:20.
Original can
also mean 'walk in him', meaning Christ and to do that requires what our
may be on, that is, God
has called you to be so:.Galatians
4:19; Colossians 1:12. We are
here to awaken to and continue on in the purpose for which we are on the
Earth in the first place and what's that?
And just why
should we 'walk in good works'?
So then how
can I learn today, one might ask. And are
good works just sincerely helping others?
Ephesians 2:11 Wherefore remember, that you being
in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that
which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands;
2:11 Wherefore remember, that you being in time past Gentiles
in the flesh.(speaking
of physicality),
who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the
in the flesh made by hands.(the
Jewish people).
Ephesians 2:12 That at that time you were without
Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from
the covenants of promise.having no hope and
God in the world.
2:12 That at that time you were without Christ.(having
no interest in the spiritual things of life), being aliens from
of Israel and strangers from the covenants
of promise.(Titus
no hope and without God in the world.
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Emmanuel you who
sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
2:13 But now in Christ Emmanuel
you.(Paul is here referring
to the Gentiles as the verses just above show).who
sometimes were far off.(John
11:52 "...he should gather together in one the children of God...").are
made nigh.(near).by
blood of Christ.
2:14 For he is our peace, who has made both one and has broken down
the middle wall of partition betweenus.(*);
not peace 'out there', it's peace in us:.Philippians
4:7; Colossians 3:15. The way
to peace they have not known (Isaiah
59:8) has brought this world to shambles.
Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the
even the law of commandments contained
in ordinances,
for to make in himself of twain, one new man, so making peace;
2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity.(note
there was an emnity; what was this enmity? It was the heart of humanity
back then and even today, no matter if they be of the ancient nation of
Israel or Gentile
or descendents of them.Deuteronomy
5:29), even the law of commandments contained.(word
'contained' not in original but implied)
ordinances (in Old Testament times, when they
sinned {missed the mark in doing what
they had agreed with God to do} they were required
to make a sin offering,
for to make in himself of twain.(two
being the commandments {which would have worked good for them, but back
then they didn't have the heart to want to be involved with them} and the
the things to do in life based on those commandments), one
man, so making peace;
Emmanuel came
to show us that the opposites in us were the same as they were in those
of ancient times, the opposites being something that could have proven
good for them, as compared with their
heart which was not inclined
towards good {Proverbs 14:12};
good is from the
soul {the source of good} and evil emerges
from the ego; Christ
came so that these two could be reconciled.
Ephesians 2:16 And that he might reconcile both unto
God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity.thereby.
2:16 And that he might reconcile
both.(refers to verse
11).unto God in one body by the cross,
having slain the enmity.thereby.
The enmity
being that which kept us from God and what was that if not the ordinary
consciousness man has been in that has been so hurtful to him all throughout
history. The enmity is slain by Christ
in us and Christ is the epitome
of the higher consciousness of the Creator-Father.
It's an exchange:.Matthew
2:17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off and to
them that were nigh.
Ephesians 2:18 For through him we both have access
by one Spirit unto the Father.
2:18 For through him we both.(both
Jews and Gentiles, as verse 11 and verse 19 shows).have
access.(original means
'to have been brought close to', that is, that relationship
with the Creator whereby we are fully and completely acceptable
to Him).by
Spirit.(means in
this verse that we {speaking here of those in
Christ} are in the good
part of the oneness
that is everything {because by a miracle of the mind having
awakened us we have chosen to be so} and so are others of different
mind in this overall oneness, but they are separated by what they are today,
but only for awhile are their frequencies
of expression as they are).unto
the Father.
2:19 Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellowcitizens
with the saints and of the household of God.
2:20 And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Emmanuel the Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
16:18; 1Peter 2:6; Acts
2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto an holy
temple in the Lord.
2:22 In whom you also are builded together.(*).for
habitation of God through the Spirit.
in us.by
means of.His
spirit. The Holy Spirit is guiding us into more truth, building, as
it were, a greater 'house' in you for God, your Father to dwell in:.1John
Humans are
both flesh and blood and soul, soul which is the spirit connection to God,
by means of the Holy Spirit in you. That's
why the satanicaly influenced evil ones on Earth wanted you to get jabbed,
as the so-called 'vaccine' was actually
a bioweapon designed to alter your DNA, the aerial connection to the real
you, your soul:.Psalms
God was also
with the angels, but as all sentient
beings have free choice, some
left God's way of love to create their own ways, which didn't provide for
them what the ways of God would have:.Jude
1:6. Why could they not do it? A rebellious nature is away from love.
One walking around with offences.(Matthew
18:7), having resentments is not one who lives by the forgiveness of
Father-God through Christ. God is only love:.1John
4:8-16. But these wayward
ones carried on with their cantankerous
natures trying to make their own heaven on Earth, but just for them and
failing miserably. And they are still trying, but are now on their way
out. And what a mess they have made. Look at the results of what they have
in the DUMBS and tunnels. One just can't produce anything good when
supported by evil ways:.2Peter
2:12; Jude 1:10. Einstein saw
this too.