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a dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings and/or their translations in another language (a Spanish-English dictionary; a French-English dictionary); a dictionary is a  reference book containing information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation and etymology; now there are pronouncing dictionaries so you can hear the word as it should be spoken and a linked dictionary, such as here on this website; there are many dictionaries such as computer, science and medical dictionaries, as well as electronic spelling checking software as can be used in a computer

choice and use of words in speech or writing; the selection and arrangement of words in relation to effective expression (very poor diction in the essay); degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation in speech or singing; enunciation
synonyms: wording, vocabulary, phraseology, phrasing; these nouns denote choice of words and the way in which they are used; 'Wording' stresses style or manner of expression (writing in which the wording takes on a regional flavor); 'vocabulary' is the aggregate of words a person understands or uses (the general vocabulary of an educated native speaker of English); 'Phraseology' and phrasing include vocabulary, characteristic.style, and the way in which words are grouped (the abstruse phraseology of physics; a composition marked by elegant.phrasing)

consideration of a subject by a group or by two persons; an earnest.conversation; a discourse on a topic
discuss, discussed, discussing, discusses.transitive verbs
to speak with others about; talk over

any of various soluble.polysaccharides obtained from starch by the application of heat or acids and used mainly as adhesives and thickening agents

abnormal or impaired.functioning, for example, as of a bodily system or organ

disorganize, disorganized, disorganizing, disorganizes.transitive verbs
to destroy the organization of, systematic arrangement of or unity of

not connected; separate or detached; marked by unrelated parts; incoherent (being somewhat dazed, she described the accident in a disconnected way; the toaster won't work if it's disconnected) disconnectedly.adverb
disconnect, disconnected, disconnecting, disconnects.verbs
transitive verb use.to sever or interrupt the connection of or between (disconnected the hose); to shut off the current in an appliance by removing its connection to the electrical power source
intransitive verb use.to sever or interrupt a connection disconnection.noun,.plural.disconnections

display, displayed, displaying, displays.verbs
transitive verb use.to present or hold up to view
Computers:.to provide information or graphics on a screen; to give evidence of; to exhibit.ostentatiously; show off; to be endowed with an identifiable form or character (a shrub that displays hardiness); to spread out; unfurl (the peacock displayed its fan)
intransitive verb use.Computers:.to provide information or graphics on a screen (a personal computer that displays and prints)
the act of displaying; a public exhibition; objects or merchandise set out for viewing and usually also for purchase by the public
often used to modify another noun (a display cabinet; picked a display type of font for the new advertising campaign)

dislike or aversion; f you feel distaste for someone or something, you dislike them and consider them to be unpleasant, disgusting, or immoral (he professed a distaste for everything related to usury); a feeling that something or someone is unpleasant or morally.offensive
distaste, distasted, distasting, distastes.transitive verbs
to feel repugnance for dislike; to offend; displease
unpleasant; disagreeable (found most cocktail parties he attended distasteful); objectionable; offensive (used distasteful language); expressing aversion or dislike (shot me a distasteful glance)

dislike, disliked, disliking, dislikes.transitive verbs
to regard with distaste or aversion; if you dislike someone or something, you consider them to be unpleasant and do not like them (we don't serve liver often because so many people dislike it); dislike is the feeling that you do not like someone or something (she made no attempt to conceal her dislike of corporations wrecking the environment); your dislikes are the things that you do not like (consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job)
an attitude or a feeling of distaste or aversion

characterized by abundant use of detail or thoroughness of treatment (a detailed report on representatives following the will of the people)
the details of something are its individual features or elements
(details of the plan are still being worked out; I recall every detail of the party); details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them (get the details of how financial institutions are allowed by governments to charge horrendous.compounding interest rates); a detail is a minor point or aspect of something (only minor details now remain to be settled and then we can start putting up the new library); you can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail (we like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm for fine woodwork); if you detail things, you list them or give information about them; if someone does not go into details about a subject or does not go into the detail, they mention it without explaining it fully or properly (he said he had been in various parts of Britain but did not go into details); if you examine or discuss something in detail, you do it thoroughly and carefully (an effective writer examines his wording in detail before deciding on the final text); a detail is an individual part or item; a particular; particulars considered individually and in relation to a whole (careful attention to detail); a minor or an inconsequential.item or aspect; a minutia (skipped the details to get to the main point); in military, the selection of one or more troops for a particular duty; the personnel so selected; the duty assigned (garbage detail)
detail, detailed, detailing, details.transitive verbs
to report or relate minutely or in particulars; to name or state.explicitly; to provide with artistic or decorative detail  (detailed the quilt with colorful appliqué); to select and dispatch for a particular duty
in detail.idiom
with attention to particulars; thoroughly or meticulously (explained her proposal in detail)

a young woman or girl; a maiden; a lady

throughout the course or duration of (all the days at summer camp during the midday it cooled down with a slight breeze); at some time in (he was born at home during the time his dad was away); occurring within the time (during the football game they walked up and down the stairs selling popcorn to the fans)

a fellow; a guy (hey dude, what's up); to dress elaborately or flamboyantly (got all duded up for the show); a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range especially an Easterner in the West 

a division of an area; a region or locality.noted for a distinguishing feature (what city district do you live in?; went to the lake district for their vacation)
district, districted, districting, districts.transitive verbs
to mark off or divide into districts; anciently, the Egyptians called their districts 'nomes'
throughout the entire area

drought.also spelled.drouth.noun (pronounced 'drowt')
a long period of abnormally low rainfall

apart from others in space, time or relationship; when two things are very far apart, you talk about the distance between them; if you can see something in the distance, you can see it, far away from you; the extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space; the fact or condition of being.apart in space; remoteness; the length of (what is the distance of travel between the two cities?); the point or an area that is far away (telephone wires distanced to some remote connection point); a depiction of a point or an area that is far away; a stretch of space without designation of limit; an expanse (a land of few hills and great distances); a point removed in time (at a distance of 2 weeks, he couldn't recall what he had for dinner that night as the details were clouded in his mind); chillness of manner; aloofness; standoffish
distance, distanced, distancing, distances.transitive verbs
when you want to emphasize that two people or things do not have a close relationship or are not the same, you can refer to the distance between them; to leave far behind; outrun
separate or apart in space; far removed; remote (distant lands; a distant sound; a distant telephone call; the distant past; distant events); far apart in relationship (a distant cousin); minimallysimilar (a distant likeness)

situated away from the centre of the body or an area or from the point of attachment; the opposite of proximal; anatomically located far from a point of reference, such as an origin or a point of attachment (feet are distal from arms)