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now and then; from time to time
occurring from time to time; periodic; not habitual; not regularly
an event or a happening
occasion, occasioned, occasioning, occasions.transitive verbs
to provide occasion for; cause
on occasion.idiom
from time to time; now and then

something that decorates or adorns; an embellishment
ornament, ornaments, ornamented, ornamenting.transitive verbs
to furnish with ornaments (ornamented the windows with hanging plants)

of, relating.to.or.serving as an ornament or a decoration
something that serves as ornamentation, especially a plant grown for its beauty
the act or process of decorating, adorning.or.embellishing; the state of being decorated, adorned or embellished; something that decorates or adorns; an embellishment

overindulge, overindulged, overindulging, overindulges.verbs
transitive verb use.to indulge.(a desire, craving or habit) to excess (overindulging a fondness for chocolate); to indulge excessively
intransitive verb use.to indulge in something to excess

present everywhere simultaneously

a point of view; an attitude.(a positive outlook); expectation for the future (she expected to carry on with her education); a place where something can be viewed; the view seen from such a place (what an outlook we had of the surrounding terrain viewing from high up the mountain); the act of looking out

a condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate.elements of a group; a condition of methodical or prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved; condition or state in general (in good order); a sequence or an arrangement of successive things; an authoritative indication to be obeyed (the ship's captain gave an order than all passengers should board no later than 30 minutes prior to sailing time); that which is supplied, bought or sold (the auto dealership ordered 10 new cars); a request made by a customer at a restaurant food; the food requested (here is your order); a group of persons living under a religious rule (an order of monks); a group of people upon whom a government or sovereign has formally conferred honor for unusual service or merit, entitling them to wear a special insignia.(the Indian government awarded him its highest cultural honor, Order of the Lotus); the insignia worn by such people
order, ordered, ordering, orders.verbs
transitive verb use.to issue a command or an instruction to; arrange; predestine; ordain
intransitive verb use.to give an order or orders; request that something be done or supplied
in order that.idiom
so that
in order to.idiom
for the purpose of
in short order.idiom
with no delay; quickly
on order.idiom
requested but not yet delivered
on the order of.idiom
of a kind or fashion similar to; like (a house on the order of a mountain lodge); approximately; about (equipment costing on the order of a million dollars)
to order.idiom
according to the buyer's specifications

outweigh, outweighed, outweighing,outweighs.transitive verbs
to weigh more than; to be more significant than; exceed in value or importance (the positives outweigh the negatives)

a controlling type of individual of mankind genetics who has been bribed, brainwashed, blackmailed and threatened into a position of domination to subjugate others on behalf of those hiding far behind the scenes; an overlord is one presenting the attitude he or she knows what's right for others and thus will override another's will and with force if necessary to make sure another cannot exercise their own will; totalitarianism; such are they who engage in sabotage to make sure another's interests become ineffective

domineering in manner; arrogant.(an overbearing person overrides the feelings of others); uncaring; an overbearing person tries to make other people do what he or she wants in an unpleasant and forceful way; an overbearing mother or father is always trying to control other people, often their children, without considering their wishes and/or feelings in providing.guidance; tending to overwhelm; overpowering; excessively.dominant
overbearingness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
overbear, overbore, overborne, overbearing, overbears.verbs
transitive verb use.to crush or press down on with physical force; to prevail over, as if by superior weight or force; dominate; to be more important than; outweigh
intransitive verb use.to bear an overabundance of fruit or offspring

omit, omitted, omitting, omits.transitive verbs
to fail to include or mention; leave out (omit a word)

the beginning; the point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived (the origin of humanity); the fact of originating; rise or derivation
Mathematics:.the point of intersection of coordinate.axes, as in the Cartesian.coordinate.system

preceding all others in time; first; not derived from something else; fresh (an original play, not an adaptation); showing a noticeable departure from previous practice; new (a truly original approach in physics); being the source from which a copy, reproduction or translation is made
a first form from which other forms are made or developed (later models of the car retained many features of the original); an authentic work of art (bought an original, not a print); work that has been composed firsthand (kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher)

with reference to origin.(humanity originally had no money); at first (what I had originally expected); in a highly distinctive.manner.(interpreted the flute solo most originally)

the quality of being original; the capacity to act or think independently; something.original

originate, originated, originating, originates.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring into being; create (Nikola Tesla originated the system of free energy)
intransitive verb use.to come into being; start; stem

the obverse of an opinion, situation or argument is its opposite (the obverse of poverty is prosperity; the obverse of humility is arrogance); the side of a coin, medal or badge that bears the principal stamp or design; the more conspicuous of two possible alternatives, cases or sides (the obverse of this issue); the opposite of hope is despair; the opposite of hate is not love, as love is whole and thus has no opposites, thus, the opposite of hate is apathy)
Logic:.the counterpart of a proposition obtained by exchanging the affirmative for the negative.quality of the whole proposition and then negating the predicate (the obverse of 'no act is unpredictable' is 'every act is predictable')
the process of obverting or the condition so resulting
Logic:.in logic, the inference of the obverse of a proposition
obvert, obverted, obverting, obverts.transitive verbs
to turn something so as to present another side or aspect to view; to alter the appearance of
Logic:.to subject a proposition to obversion
facing or turned toward the observer (the obverse side of a statue is the side which has the face toward you); serving as a counterpart or complement

owe, owed, owing, owes.verbs
transitive verb use.to be indebted to the amount of (I owe my life to noticing the danger at the right moment; he owes me five dollars); to have a moral obligation to render or offer (I owe them an apology for being late); to be in debt to (we owe the plumber for services rendered); to be indebted or obliged for (owes her good health to diet and exercise and sleep)
intransitive verb use.to be in debt (she still owes an apology to him)
owing to.preposition
because of; on account of (I couldn't attend, owing to time constraints)

of or belonging to oneself or itself (she makes her own clothes)
that which belongs to one (it is my own)
own, owned, owning, owns.verbs
transitive verb use.to have or possess as property (owns a chain of restaurants); to have control over (populaces mostly lack control of that which affects them and often that, adversely)
intransitive verb use.to make acknowledgment of (the kids owned up to who ate all the cookies)
on one's own.idiom
belonging completely to oneself (a room of one's own); one's own efforts (she got the job on her own); responsible for oneself; independent of outside help or control (he is now out of college and on his own
the state or fact of being an owner (she has right to it as she was the purchaser)

marked by excessive.eagerness in offering unwanted services or advice to others (an officious host; officious attention); obsequious; eager to render services or help others; obliging; dutiful

sociable and responsive to others; friendly (a warm, outgoing personality); going out or away; departing (an outgoing passenger train); retiring from or relinquishing a place, a position or an office (the outgoing chairperson); addressed for sending (outgoing mail); intended to be taken out, as from a restaurant (outgoing orders of east Indian food)

outgo, outwent, outgone, outgoing, outgoes.transitive verbs
to go beyond; exceed or surpass
something that goes out, especially an expenditure or a cost; the act or process of going out

ought.auxiliary verb
a past participle of the word 'owe'; used to indicate obligation or duty (you ought to work harder than that if you hope to finish before company arrives); should; used to indicate.advisability or prudence (you ought to wear a raincoat); used to indicate.desirability (you ought to have been there; it was great fun); used to indicate probability or likelihood (she ought to finish by next week; have you brought him ought {anything} to eat); the negative form of 'ought to' is 'ought not to', which is sometimes shortened to oughtn't to in spoken English; you use 'ought to' to mean that it is morally right to do a particular thing or that it is morally right for a particular.situation to exist(you've got a good wife and you ought to take care of her); you use 'ought to' when saying that you think it is a good idea and important for you or someone else to do a particular thing, especially when giving or asking for advice or opinions (I don't think you ought to be doing it that way; you ought to ask for some advice before starting); you use 'ought to' to indicate that you expect something to be true or to happen; you use 'ought to have' to indicate that you expect something to have happened already (going to the party ought to be fun); you use 'ought to' to indicate that you think that something has happened because of what you know about the situation, but you are not certain (he ought to have reached the house some time ago); you use 'ought to have' with a past participle to indicate that something was expected to happen or be the case, but it did not happen or was not the case (basically the system ought to have worked; the money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient); you use 'ought to have' with a past participle to indicate that although it was best or correct for someone to do something in the past, they did not actually do it (I realize I ought to have told you about it; perhaps we ought to have trusted people more; I ought not to have asked you a thing like that, I'm sorry); you use 'ought to' when politely telling someone that you must do something, for example that you must leave (I really ought to be getting back now; I think I ought to go) 
Usage note: 'ought to' is sometimes used without a following verb if the meaning is clear (Should we begin soon? Yes, we ought to). 
   In questions and negative sentences, especially those with contractions, 'to' is also sometimes omitted (Oughtn't we be going soon?). Although the omission of 'to' was formerly possible in English, it is now considered nonstandard. Usages such as  that are common in many varieties of American English. The phrase 'ought not to' is preferred to 'He hadn't ought to come' (He ought not to come) and 'She shouldn't ought to say' (She ought not to say). See more Usage notes.