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the quality or condition of being resonant ("It is home and family that give resonance . . . to life" ...George Gilder; "Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance" ...James Wolcott; "If it lacks resonance, it also better lack your involvement in it, because if something has resonance to you, it'll be good for you."); resonance is meaning, agreeableness with something one feels that is important to embrace (the movies.The Grand Self.and.What If? The Movie.had great resonance for her in that she got much out of it that lifted her spirits, setting her on a new pathway); if something has a resonance for someone, it has a special meaning or is particularly important to them (the ideas of order, security, family, spirituality, prosperity and country had the same resonance for them as for the ancients); if a sound has resonance, it is deep, clear and strong (his voice had improved even its resonance); the subject of resonance also is concerned with the electromagnetic.fields that surround objects
having a prolonged, subtle or stimulating effect beyond the initial impact; having great meaning; strong and deep in tone; resounding (a resonant voice; continuing to sound in the ears or making a meaningful impression that lasts in memory); echoing
resonate, resonated, resonating, resonates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to exhibit or produce resonance or resonant effects; to resound; if something such as an event or a message resonates with you, it strikes you as being important or good to consider; resonate with (an idea that resonates with many voters; she took antibiotics that didn't resonate with her system and had to get over the illness they caused)
transitive verb use.to cause to resound

a fundamental.element, principle or skill, as of a field of learning; something in an incipient or undeveloped form (the rudiments of social behavior in children; the rudiments of a plan of action)
Biology:.in biology, an imperfectly or incompletely developed organ or part
of, relating.to.basic.facts or principles; elementary; rudimental; being in the earliest stages of development; incipient; incompletely developed; rudimentary knowledge includes only the simplest and most basic facts (she had only a rudimentary knowledge of French); embryonic (a rudimentary beak); biological meaning is an incompletely developed organ or part; an organ mistakenly believed of having no functional.activity
rudimentariness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

rabies.plural noun
an acute, infectious.disease, often said to be a virus.which it isn't, it's a disease of most warm blooded animals, especially wolves, cats and dogs, that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals; natural treatment people averse to poisonous vaccinations involves this: Comprised with a January 1, 2007 article on rabies from the database of GreenMedInfo.com
When small red beans (azuki bean {also called aduki bean}, Vigna angularis Ohwi et Ohashi) were soaked and warmed in water or saline, the beans began to absorb water to swell and exuded kinds of substances probably as a prerequisite step for seed germination. Such exudate fluids displayed strong anti-infective activity against rabies infections in culture (as in a lab's mixing dishes). On the other hand, little anti-rabies activity was detected in the aqueous extracts from the red beans when tested soon after the extraction from powdered beans, while low titers of anti-infective activity appeared gradually in the extracts during cold storage. In contrast, no anti-infective activity was detected in the exudate fluids from non-colored azuki beans (white azuki), implicating that a certain anthocyanin related substance is involved in the anti-infective activity of red beans. Production of anti-infective and cytotoxic activities were affected differently depending on the bean-soaking conditions. In addition, the anti-infective activity resisted to 10 min-heating in boiling water, while the cytotoxicity was greatly weakened by the heating, suggesting that different substances are involved in the anti-infective and cytotoxic activities. Further studies on the anti-infective activity of the exudate fluids demonstrated that anti-rabies activity of the bean exudates affected not only the very early phase of infection cycle, but the bacterial infectivity was also affected similarly, implicating a possible application of azuki bean exudate fluids to post exposure treatment of rabid dog bite injuries in combination with vaccination.
of.or.affected by rabies; a rabid dog or other animal has the disease rabies; raging; uncontrollable (rabid thirst); extremely.zealous or enthusiastic (a rabid football fan)

repel, repelled, repelling, repels.verbs
transitive verb use.to ward off or keep away; drive back: repel insects; to offer resistance to; to refuse to accept; reject; to cause aversion or distaste in (rudeness repels everyone); disgust; repulse; resistant to; be incapable of absorbing or mixing with (oil repels water)
Physics:.to present an opposing force to; push back or away by a force (electric charges of the same sign repel one another)
intransitive verb use.to offer a resistant force to something

serving or tending to repel; able to repel; resistant or impervious to a substance (a water repellent fabric)
repellence or repellency.noun

a very large amount (reams of work to do); quantity of paper, formerly 480 sheets, now 500 sheets or, in a printer's ream, 516 sheets
ream, reamed, reaming, reams.transitive verbs
to form, shape, taper or enlarge (a hole) with or as if with a reamer; to remove (material) by this process; to squeeze the juice out of fruit with a reamer

resolve, resolved, resolving, resolves.verbs
transitive verb use.to decide to; to reach a decision; to do what you have decided to do; to find a solution to; solve; to make a decision about; to bring to a usually successful conclusion (resolve a conflict); to separate something into constituent parts
intransitive verb use.to reach a decision or make a determination (resolve on a course of action); analyze
resolve.noun-firmness of purpose; resolution; a determination or decision; a fixed purpose
resolvability or resolvableness, resolver.nouns

firm or determined; unwavering

the stateorquality.of being.resolute; firm.determination; a resolving to do something; a course of action determined or decided on; if you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something (New Year's resolutions; they made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas period); a resolution is determination to do something or not do something; the resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it; a statement of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by an assembly; the part of a literary work in which the complications of the plot are resolved or simplified
Computers & Printing: the resolution of an image is how clear the image is; the fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image, as on a video display terminal
Chemistry and Physics:.the act or process of separating or reducing something into its constituent parts
Law:.a court decision; an explanation, as of a problem or puzzle; a solution
Music:.the progression of a dissonant tone or chord to a consonant tone or chord

replenish, replenished, replenishing, replenishes.verbs
transitive verb use-to fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to (replenish the larder); to inspire or nourish (the music will replenish my weary soul)
intransitive verb use-to become full again
replenisher, replenishment.nouns

a usual, customary or subversive course of action or behavior made to control behavior (the rule in libraries is quietness; cabal methods of subjugation); an authoritative, prescribed direction, especially one of regulations governing procedure; the duration of such; a generalized statement that describes what is true; in mathematics, a standard method or procedure for solving a class of problems (mathematical rules)
rule, ruled, ruling, rules.verbs
transitive verb use-the putting into subjugation of people through methods of control; dominion or direction over; govern; to mark with straight parallel lines; to make a straight line with a ruler
intransitive verb use-to be in control or command; to prevail at a particular level or rate (prices rule low in the slow season)
rule out.phrasal verb
to prevent; preclude (the snowstorm ruled out their weekly trip to grandma's place); to remove from consideration; exclude
as a rule.idiom
in general; for the most part (as a rule, we take the bus)

a series of objects placed next to each other, usually in a straight line; a succession without a break or gap in time (traveled through eight smal towns in a row; won the title for three years in a row); a continuous line of buildings along a street (row housing; rows of a garden)
row, rowed, rowing, rows.transitive verbs
to place in a row
a tough row to hoe.idiom
a difficult situation to endure

row, rowed, rowing, rows.verbs
intransitive verb use-to propel a boat with or as if with oars
transitive verb use.to propel a boat with or as if with oars; to carry in or on a boat propelled by oars
the act or an instance of rowing; a trip or an excursion in a rowboat (let's go on a row)
one who rows

row.noun.(pronounced r ow, 'ow' as in a verbal response to sudden pain)
a boisterous disturbance or quarrel; a brawl; an uproar; a great noise
row, rowed, rowing, rows.intransitive verbs
to take part in a quarrel, a brawl or an uproar

unprincipled, deceitful and unreliable person(s), group(s) or governments such as hidden groups operating without sanction and for self-interest; acting and/or instituting policies that are not toward the best interest of those affected or to be affected by them (many politicians being rogue, speak with forked tongue); a scoundrel or rascal; an organism that shows an undesirable variation from expected standards; a vicious and solitary animal, especially an elephant that has separated itself from its herd; rogue is being corrupt; dishonest; of or being a nation whose leaders defy norms of loving human behavior
rogue, rogued, roguing, rogues.verbs
transitive verb use.to defraud
intransitive verb use.to remove deviant plants
deceitful; unprincipled

ravel, raveled, raveling, ravels.verbs
transitive verb use.to separate the fibers or threads of cloth, for example; to unravel; to clarify by separating the aspects of; to tangle or complicate
intransite verb use.to become separated into its component threads; unravel or fray; to become tangled or confused
a raveling; a broken or discarded thread; a tangle

a relative position in a society; a position or grade (rank of sergeant)
rank, ranked, ranking, ranks.verbs
transitive verb use.to place in a row or rows; to give a particular order or position to; classify
intransitive verb use.to form or stand in a row or rows; to hold a particular rank (ranked first in class)

rank and file.noun
the individuals who constitute the body of society, a nation or organizations as distinguished from its leaders (enlisted troops for example, as compared to officers)
pull rank.idiom
to use one's superior rank to gain an advantage

rank, ranker, rankest.adjectives
strong and offensive in odor or flavor; conspicuously offensive; flagrant; absolute; complete (a rank amateur; a rank stranger); growing profusely or with excessive.vigor.(rank vegetation in the jungle; yielding a profuse, often excessive crop; highly fertile (rank Earth)

reconstitute, reconstituted, reconstituting, reconstitutes.transitive verbs
to provide with a new structure (the parks commission has been reconstituted); to bring a liquid in concentrated or powder form to normal strength by adding water (reconstituted apple juice)

a formal or official recording of items, names or actions (registered the vehicle); a book for such entries; the act of registering; a device that automatically records a quantity or number; an adjustable, grill-like device through which heated or cooled air is released into a room; a state of proper alignment (color registration in a printer must be exact or prints will be fuzzy); from Middle English 'registre' which is from Old French and from Medieval Latin 'registrum', an alteration of Late Latin 'regesta' from Latin.past participle of 'regerere' meaning 'to record', where 're' is 'in reference to' and 'gerere' means 'to carry' (Americans and Canadians do not have to register their guns and are able to open carry them); words 'regis', 'register', 'registration', 'regent', 'regina, 'region', registrar', 'regnum', the Spanish 'Regidor' and other such words, refer to listing something with the queen/king or what's called the Crown, for a fee; in other words, what you register is that which is given to the queen/king/crown, so it now belongs not to you but to them and for their scam of charging you even a fee, for your required gift to them, they allow you use of it and give you a piece of paper such as is called a license, which means a waver of prosecution as long as you keep paying what they charge in their protection racket
register, registered, registering, registers.verbs
transitive verb use.to enter in an official register; to enrol officially or formally, especially in order to vote or attend classes; to set down in writing; record; to give outward signs of; express (her face registered surprise); to attain or achieve (registered a new high in sales); to cause mail to be officially recorded and specially handled by payment of a fee; to adjust so as to be properly aligned
intransitive verb use.if a piece of information does not register or if you do not register it in your mind, you do not pay close attention to it and so you do not remember it or react to it (what I said sometimes didn't register in her brain; the sound was so familiar that he didn't register it); to place or cause placement of one's name in a register; to have one's name officially placed on a list of eligible voters; to enroll as a student; to be shown or expressed, as on the face; to make an impression; be recorded in the mind (the warning appeared to register); to be in proper alignment
Computers:.a part of the central processing unit where groups of binary.digits are stored as the computer is processing them
the act of registering (voter registration); an entry in a register; a document certifying an act of registering; in printing, the alignment in music, a combination of organ stops selected to be used in playing a piece; the technique of selecting and adjusting organ stops

rejoice, rejoiced, rejoicing, rejoices.verbs
intransitive verb use.to feel joyful; be happy in heart; be delighted (rejoiced at the news; rejoiced in her friend's good fortune)
transitive verb use.to fill with joy; gladden
rejoice in.phrasal verb
to have or possess (rejoices in a keen mind)