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By knowing that you are fully accepted.by the Father, even if you do still sin.(ancient Abraham's example), still do come short, do still fall down in life. By knowing the Father loves you so very much.(how much?).that He gave His only Son to reconcile you forever to Himself, so that you could have a vibrant relationship with Him:.John 17:23; Romans 5:10.

If your son or daughter went away, got into prostitution, drugs, etc. and ended up in the slammer for armed robbery and assault, would you still love him or her?

With all your heart, right! David too was this way regarding Absalom, one of his sons:.2Samuel 13:37

But when it comes to God and our sins, many feel out and away from the Father's love because they do what's called sin, that His love falls short here because of what they have done. God's care and love never falls short for you or anyone, no matter how evil they may have become:.Psalms 103:13; Hebrews 13:5 "...for he said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.".It's only you leaving the true God that'll screw your life up. You always have free choice.

Hey! God's love is big enough to cover any and all wrongs one may have done:.John 3:17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn.(*).the world, but that the world through him might be saved.(*)." Hebrews 1:5 "For unto which of the angels said he at any time, You are my Son, this day have I begotten you? And again, I will be to him a Father and he shall be to me a Son?" 1Corinthians 6:3 "Know you not that we shall judge angels?..."

Martin Luther wrote extensively about this love God has for each of us.

God is love and that love is typified toward us.

As Pascal said of how the Creator looks at us."I love you more ardently than you have loved your sin."

By knowing the Father thinks and knows for sure that you are now as holy, as righteous, as perfect in His eyes as His only son He.raised up in a resurrection, making you a member of His family, equal with Him.(Philippians 2:5,6).in holiness and perfection; by knowing this, you gain the power.(1Corinthians 1:18).and your life becomes transformed and you begin to.sincerely.care for others.

People have already been redeemed:.2Timothy 1:9. They are just not as yet awakend to that. And that's our job. What Christ did, He did for all and for all time. All that's now necessary is to get into the realm of God, the higher consciousness way that is now open to all:.Acts 17:30.

Forget focusing on sin. Focus on the spiritual nature Christ made possible!.Hebrews 12:22-24. So often we focus on our lacks instead of on the example Christ showed while here on Earth in the flesh:.1Peter 2:21 "...leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps." John 13:15 "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."

You are totally free, because of what He accomplished to put you in a perfect relationship with the Father. You have His fulness. We are more than conquerors through Him:.Romans 8:37.

When you are free in Him, you are ready for a vibrant relationship with a mate. 

Being right with God is not something one has to do to prove, but is a gift for anyone who may accept it.

That's why He sent Christ to give us the gift of righteousness, making you right with Him, now and ALWAYS!.Stay on the good side, will yuh!

What we may have been taught has led us to think that our sins are bigger than Christ's ability to handle them? That was a gift of the Creator for all time for each of us individually.

What can now separate you from the Father.(Romans 8:35-39).if you don't want to be separated? Could there ever be a time when God doesn't want you, doesn't love you? Is there ever a time when a loving parent ceases to love their children, no matter how bad they are? When you love someone, you always love them. God always loves you! God doesn't need you, me or anyone else.(Luke 19:40), but God wants us, because He does love us and wants to share all the good possible:.1Corinthians 2:9.

God says He loves you and has backed it up with actions, that of becoming and giving His Son to enable you to have a relationship with Him.

We need to know His love deeply. It will turn you on unlike anything else. It will transform your life. It will change your heart. It'll give you the fire! It will get you a crown in God's government and you'll radiate brilliance of beauty, perfection and holiness for eternity.

Christ.(what does 'Christ' mean?).is a gift to you. Accept the gift. Appreciate the awesome power available to you. Use it for all its worth; why? Relish it with all your heart. You will then be set for right relationships, with God and others:.Luke 2:52.

When you are on fire for God, you will be on fire for each other. Coming from a horrendous background can cause someone to be aloof and unaffectionate, even hateful. Seeing a mom and dad hug, kiss and show warmth to each other.(*).has a wonderful impact upon a young boy and girl's psyche. Having a mom and dad who really do love.(shows it).you, makes for producing a quality individual. 75% of those in prison have been physically and sexually abused and even ignored by their bad ass parents when they were children. What a terrible burden to place upon a child's mind and heart for selfish reasons, for any reason.

The devils come and go in whomever they please when one has not the Holy Nature.(Spirit).of God in and/or with him. 

Those deprived of experiencing such wonderful backgrounds have much to practice until the decision of their head becomes heartfelt emotion and habitual of them. Hey, don't get discouraged. If you believe Christ is in you, you have the awesome power of the Creator, as we've just talked about, to enable transformation. What better parent could you possibly have? All you gotta do is decide to be a certain way and look for opportunities to practice what you've decided upon. Circumstances will show up and you'll comprehend how it all works. Use it. 

When you are at the point where you enjoy the times alone with God above all else, you are ready for a committed relationship to another physical person. Sadly, many are more committed to TV than to time with God. You are here for seventy to hundred or so years if you do not get cut off early. Make the very best use of your time.(Ephesians 5:16).to get the very best reward. Stop playing with life and start living it hot and wise and according to your heart felt guidance! And that guidance is unique to each individual. 

Titus 2:14 "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself.a peculiar.(original is "that which is one's own").people.(people of God), zealous.(hot, hot, hot).of good works."

Good works like:.Luke 24:32 "And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures?" Acts 18:25 "This man was instructed in the way of the Lord and being fervent.(to boil with heat, excited, hot, enthusiastic).in the spirit, he spoke and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John.".(that was all he knew at the time, as Christ had not yet appeared on the scene)

Protective answer for pick up lines:
Man – "So what is it that you do for a living?"
Woman – "I'm a female impersonator."