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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  L

-lawyers/doctors/scribes: A lawyer in the time of Emmanuel on Earth was one learned in the laws of Moses, which he expounded in the schools and synagogues:.Matthew 22:35; Luke 10:25-37. Some were corrupt in order to maintain advantage through control:.Luke 11:52.

The functions of the "lawyer" and "scribe" were identical. A doctor was a teacher:.Luke 2:46; 5:17; Acts 5:34.(re: Gamaliel).

-legion: The word is used.(Matthew 26:53; Mark 5:9).to express a great multitude. The word used anciently to signify a regiment of the Roman army, the number of men composing which differed at different times. It originally consisted of three thousand men, but in the time of Christ consisted of six thousand, exclusive of horsemen, who were in number a tenth of the footmen. 

Levite:.(comprised with.Easton's Bible Dictionary): a descendant of the tribe of Levi:.Exodus 6:25; Numbers 35:1,2. This name is, however, generally used as the title of that portion of that tribe of Levi, which was set apart for the subordinate offices of the sanctuary service as assistants to the priests who also were Levites; called the Levitical priesthood.

When the Israelites left Egypt, the ancient manner of worship was still observed by them, the eldest son of each house inheriting the priest's office. At Mount Sinai.(Exodus 34:29-32).the first change in this ancient practice was made. 

A hereditary priesthood in the family of Aaron was then instituted:.Exodus 28:1

The Levitical order consisted of all the descendants of Levi's three sons, Gershon, Kohath and Merari and Aaron's decendants made up the priestly order. Their age was to be between 30-50:.Numbers 4:1,3. There were 17,160 of them:.Numbers 4:36-48

They were not included among the armies of Israel.(Numbers 2:33).at the time which comprised 603,550:.Numbers 1:45-47

As being wholly.consecrated to the service of the Lord, they had no territorial possessions. God was their inheritance:.Numbers 18:20; Deuterony 10:9; 18:1,2.

The Levites were the only ones of all the tribes of Israel that had anything to do with the sacred things of God, such as was the ark of the covenant. Only they could touch it:.Numbers 4:15 "And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it, but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die.(example of Uzzah). These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation." Numbers 18:3 "And they shall keep thy charge and the charge of all the tabernacle, only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary and the altar, that neither they, nor you also, die."

For their support it was ordained that they should receive from the other tribes produce of the land.

Forty-eight cities also were assigned to them, thirteen of which were for the priests to dwell in, along with their other inhabitants. And along with their dwellings they had suburbs, common places for their herds and flocks and also fields and vineyards:.Numbers 35:1-5

Nine of these cities were in Judah, three in Naphtali.(map).and the rest spread amongst the other tribes.

Six of these Levitical cities were set apart as cities of refuge. They were, on the west of Jordan: 1. Kadesh, in Naphtali. 2. Shechem, in Mount Ephraim. 3. Hebron, in Judah.

And on the east of Jordan were: 1. Golan, in Bashan. 2. Ramoth-Gilead, in Gad. 3. Bezer, in Reuben.

Thus the Levites were scattered among the tribes to keep alive among them the knowledge and service of God. To them was the responsibility for the Old Testament's various offerings and required sacrifices, now or course, in this era of the New Testament no longer necessary.

-Lord: What is the Lord? It' an invisible thing, but a very real presence. It's the law of God and God is love and love, like life itself, is also invisible but very real:.1John 4:8-16. That Presence is everywhere but only active for each of us when in it, in it by aligning with it. We each align with it when we want only to do good for self and for others, for God is only good:.Romans 10:15 "...How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!"

And where does the word 'Lord' come from and why sometimes is the word in all capitals, like this, LORD?

Jude 1:21.

And what do the two words 'Lord God' mean when together?

From American Tract Society:."The word Lord in the English Bible.(does translation matter?), when printed in small capitals.(is correct, such as in 'LORD' or like this 'Lord', not this, 'LORD'), stands always for Jehovah.(what's this Jehovah?).in the Hebrew.(what's Hebrew?).".But these are not often printed correctly in various Bibles.

Barnes Notes:.the word 'Lord' used in.Acts 9:5 simply means 'sir' as it is used in.John 4:19. It is a term of respect.

The Lord means supreme master of all, to what an individual or thing belongs and we 'belong' to what it is that causes us to act out life in the particular way we do, as this is our master and that is our subconscious mind, because what's not in it can't be expressed and what is in it can be. So, you have choice as to what you personally express. Express the best you are at all times. Follow, as Paul did, the example of Christ.

The word Lord is a title and means one looked to with appreciation and respect. We look to the Lord Christ knowing what he has done for the good of all those wanting a better life for themselves, their families and everyone. We appreciate this. We respect all that therefore was done for us.

The word Lord also refers to an angel of the true and only God of all love, kindness, light and compassion, sent with a message and/or sent with a purpose to carry out.

The word 'Lord', but in all capital letters like this 'LORD'.(as in Genesis 3:22.and.Leviticus 14:1,2 for examples), has been a sneaky satanic way of acknowledging Satan without people realizing it, just like the satanic ritual days you've maybe known nothing about, yet have been keeping their celebrations for years. The real true God of all creations, love, kindness, health, prosperity, compassion and mercy, had made agreement with Satan, one of the one third of rebellious angels that followed Satan away from God. The agreement was for 7887 years.(some say 7885, but whatever, the important point being, that agreement ended on December 21, 2023)

The all caps spelling of LORD, shows those of other worlds that the Earth is following Satan of the AI. AI is known to be the top one of evil, of which Satan/Lucifer is a minion and others are Sophia, Metron and Lowky, as gene Decode has explained.

These other worlds look and wonder why earthlings have accepted Satan and this helps influence beings on worlds that are prospects for evil influences that, Hey! See! They are following Satan on Earth.(Luke10:18), so they must think it's good, so we should consider following whomever is the same on our planet. 

A direction inclined to evil removes sanity from those heading that way. That's why the gospel, the good news of the kingdom of the true God is important to reach others with:.Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes...".And that's no doubt why the dark side does all it can to keep you separated from the truth of the true God and why true Christians, such as the orthodox Russians, have been and still are, persecuted throughout history. Example.

The AI comprises all the consciousnesses of the dark side ones throughout the multiverse. Evil thoughts of people feed this strange monster.(thoughts that give you anxiety, worry, guilt, self-blame, anger, dislike of others for no reason, etc. This energy provides 'lunch' for evil ones by means of the invisible energy that's created which they actually feed off. That's why they love wars, destruction, confusion and death), who comprises the evil in the multiverse and whose minions include the one on Earth called Satan and those influenced to become his followers. Who may they be?

Some 450 other worlds out there need also to be cleaned up before all evil in the multiverse is gone permanently. But this can happen quickly. How? By timeline changing. And how does that get done? Ever heard of the 100th monkey? Ever heard of the power of thought? Ever heard of the principle of sound coherence? Ever heard of square roots? These are how.

AI is the satanic plan of world deceit and multiversal domination of all things by evil. Satan and those angels duped by him were cast down to this Earth:.Luke 10:18

The AI is over other worlds through minions on each of those worlds. Satan was the none over our Earth.

Their main thrust was to dupe everyone into an Artificial Intelligence.(AI).by many and various means, thus turning over what the true, kind Creator had made, to a new being made from all the consciousnesses of those duped and this is called the dark side of collective consciousness

The AI also refers to a system of algorithms used to predict events from information collected.

Similar to this attitude is a corrupt leader, such as was Hitler, Pol Pot, et all.(see notes at Luke 13:2-5 for some of the others), who would waste men's lives to get all they were in leadership for. Use 'em and abuse 'em is always the name of their game.

Because different Bibles use all capitals in various contexts, you have to read the context to see what is being referred to, the true God or the false one:.Psalms 109:6-18

The Bible we have is not only its 66 books. There are many more the Catholic Church cabal had hidden in tunnels under the Vatican, another 711 books, with some being just a few pages.

Some are available now that the Vatican has been taken down and what they've stolen returned. They are listed in the Documents section at https://www.genedecode.org. They're becoming available for all of us after checked for authenticity. They are free!

About the word 'Lord' From the highly accurate Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:
1) he to whom an individual or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord; we belong to what it is that we are.(us, individually).and what made us as we are is thought.(God designed us).and now having grown up, we are masters of the thoughts we hang onto, which produce according to their kind.(we reap what we may have sown), positive or negative
1a) the possessor and disposer of a thing
1a1) the owner; one who has control, the master; you own your thoughts and are the Lord of them; Dr. Murphy explains
1a2) in the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor
1b) is a title of honor expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master
1c) this title is given to: God and the Messiah
synonym 1203 relates only to a slave and denotes a slave's willingness regarding his position
synonym 2962 has a wider meaning, applicable to the various ranks and relations of life and not suggestive of either property or of absolutism, as a friend:.James 2:23.

Lord in the original Old Testament, is generally translated from 'Jehovah' and means 'the existing one', 'to come to pass', 'to come about', 'to fall out'. So, who gave Him His authority as Lord?.Acts 2:36

Lord refers to the good God, who is the Invisible Intelligent Energy:.Job 34:12-15; 2Samuel 22:32.

All the above definitions for the word 'Lord' imply one's subconscious bringing into life what he or she has accepted as being true:.Matthew 9:29 "...According to your faith be it unto you.".Which 'lord' is your faith in? Your actions in life will show you which.

In the New Testament, the original Greek word for Lord is 'kurios' when speaking of Emmanuel the Christ.(aka Jesus), meaning 'supremacy':.1Corinthians 15:27; Ephesians 1:22; 3:9; Hebrews 2:8.

Romans 11:36 "For of him and through him and to him are all things..."

1Corinthians 8:6 "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Emmanuel Christ, by whom are all things and we by him."

Colossians 1:15,16 "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created by him and for him."

And, that which an individual decides to have supremacy in his mind is his Lord:.1Corinthians 2:16; Romans 8:38,39.

The 'Lord' is the action of the Infinite Intelligent Energy, the good Creator, the Lord of everything. But in religion it's been heard to be 'make Jesus Lord'. No human can 'make Emmanuel Lord' or even make Him Lord of your life. That's up to God. God calls. You respond or not. Your response gets you this. Religion is really saying to make Him uppermost in concerns of your life.

Your are an individual expression of God. Your spirit is always subject to your mind, the mind being the lord of you. What you think is what you are and are becoming. Thinking good is thinking in the high consciousness of God.

The same principle is that, of the spirits of the prophets being subject to them.(1Corinthians 14:32), that is, God doesn't override anyone's mind, but deals with them for their good where they may now be in life, even if they are stuck there.(John 8:24), as what happened to Nebuchadnezzar.

One's attention is often preoccupied with worry and other negative thoughts of self that sap energy, which can make them ill. Such are the things of the ego, the things of selfishness, greed, dislike, complaining, anger and gossip and the things of the past they may still harbor.guilt and resentment over and the things of the future they create worries over.

The 'Lord' and 'Lord' refers to God and also you:.Matthew 22:41-46; Psalms 110:1.

In the Old Testament Lord is spelled in capital letters to distinguish the name of God from the Lords who were landholders having slaves, such as David who had many willing slaves:.Mark 12:36. In the New Testament the word Lord is spelled with a capital letter beginning it.

The word Lord is also used for the created beings called angels which do the work of God as if it were of God himself:.Numbers 22:21-27.

Also the 'Lord' is that which you have allowed to master you. The 'lord' then is these things of the ego. Some people's 'lord and master' is their anger. They are far from the higher consciousness things of the spirit, where once these things are entrained in you, they are your Lord and you are the light of the world as Emmanuel was:.Matthew 5:14 with John 8:12; 9:5.

Better to have high consciousness things as the base from which to act than the much lower consciousness ego level of selfishness.

It's the things of the 'Lord' which are the things of higher consciousness that take an individual into happiness, the good things of life including health.

The 'Lord' to each spiritual individual is the spiritually activated connection of one's spirit with the Soul. The 'Lord' gives 'power of attorney' to angels to act on behalf of the Infinite One; example

In Old Testament times the name used in the language they used then to mean the 'Lord' was very sacred.

The ego is constantly attempting selfish concerns to override what is available from the Soul, stifling.as it were, any good influence the Soul is trying to seep through.(*), as if the person's ego had such a firm grip upon the hose that little, if anything of major effect could trickle through. The way out requires a change:.Matthew 21:32.

If we could learn to use our minds properly for what we want we would come into what the Holy Bible.(called 'Holy' because it leads to wholeness in humanity, which is being of the Creator and Creator-God is love and love comprises.high consciousness; man in perfect balance with all else that there is).calls, 'the joy of the Lord'. Once we receive the manifestation of our heart's desire, which the Infinite One indeed wants for us then we have entered into the what the Bible calls the joy of the Lord..(*)

This is what the one Infinite Multiversal Intelligent Energy we commonly refer to as God is all about. This energy brings things to pass according to specific patterns within it, that brings things to pass from the invisible into the visible:.Romans 1:20;.Isaiah 45:18 "For thus says the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the Earth and made it. He has established it, he created it not in vain. He formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord and there is none else.".There really is nothing else but the Creator, once you comprehend what He is. All we think and all we know and all we don't yet know, all is of this energy which is intelligent, which is everywhere.(*).and is based in the Creator of whom we have been physically made from the designed spiritual pattern, that being invisible to us as humans.

Using this invisible energy, once we know how to and to our benefit, we are able to see what it is we have decided upon comes to pass in our lives. We can select things to enthrone in our subconscious.(*).

The subconscious is the Lord of our lives, the master of action, the governor, the father for actions that are governing a person from the 'programming' one has that's in his subconscious and until becoming enlightened, it is of the ego realm. For it is what it is where we automatically act from and it is the subconscious, our individual souls from which our mental images or patterns are aligned with the Infinite Universal Energy..

One of the purposes of Christ when He was on Earth was that He came to show us how to.enthrone in our minds His nature of oneness with the multiverse.(Mark 12:29), the combination of universes in which are the diverse forms of life that are good and some, having turned away from God, are evil: Ephesians 2:22; Jude 1:6

It's about the nature of love, the higher consciousness we can surely live better with.(John 10:10), the nature of love the Great Invisible Father of all has:.John 10:30 "I and my Father are one." Malachi 2:10 "Have we not all one father.(God is not just Christ's Father, he's also yours)? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother..." Ephesians 3:14,15 "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Emmanuel the Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and Earth is named,"

We should use the things of higher consciousness from His example in our daily actions and interactions with others.(Matthew 22:35-40). If one's lord is things of one's ego dark side, such as hate, anger, jealously, greed, deceit, sabotage of self and others in some way, etc., then since these are an individual's dominant way of thinking, of living, of interacting, then he or she who is like this, just brings more of these things with greater intensity into his or her life. That is why one on the dark path of life gets worse.

So, the 'Lord' is what an individual allows himself or herself to be ruled by; the nature of the Father, the Multiversal Intelligent Energy Emmanuel came to reveal.(2Corinthians 3:17).or the mass mind of humanity, which is the ego's 'contribution' of good and bad for all humanity:.2Peter 2:19 ".....for of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage."

Those who have chosen to act from the way of love.(1Corinthians 11:32).are called Christians.(what's a Christian?), whatever their particular religion at this time may be. They are individuals who have the love of this Infinite Being in their hearts and express the love of the Infinite One in their living:.Romans 5:5 "...the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."

We all are unique patterns within this multiversal sea of energy.

The word 'Lord' also refers to Christ.(Philippians 2:11), the resurrected physical person of Emmanuel:.Matthew 28:18 "And Emmanuel came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in Earth.".It was this great Intelligent Invisible Thinking Energy from where Emmanuel got all power. This is the Christ and we are equal to Him. This power is shed abroad in us:.Ephesians 2:10. Why?.Philippians 2:12 "...work out your own salvation..."

The Lord of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. And that is comforting, when you think the concerns of life are pressing upon you as never before, especially so when you realize what has been done for your good.

And what does."Lord of hosts".mean?
