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-Hagarenes/Hagarites:.Easton's Bible Dictionary: in the reign of Saul a great war was waged between the trans-Jordanic tribes and the Hagarites, a people dwelling to the east of Palestine, with whom the tribes of Reuben made war in the time of Saul and who were overcome in battle:.1Chronicles 5:19. A great booty was captured by the two tribes and a half and they took possession of the land of the Hagarites.

The Hagarenes still residing in the land on the east of Jordan, entered into a conspiracy against Israel:.Psalms 83:2-11. They are distinguished from the main body of Ishmaelites.

-hagiographa: The hagiographa were the holy writings, a term which came early into use in the Christian church to denote the third division of the Old Testament scriptures, called by the Jews Kethubim, i.e., 'Writings'. It consisted of five books, viz., Job, Proverbs and Psalms and the two books of Chronicles.(*). The ancient Jews classified their sacred books as the Law, the Prophets and the Kethubim or Writings. In the New Testament we find three corresponding divisions, viz., the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms:.Luke 24:44.

-Heave Offering and Wave Offering
From.Easton's Bible Dictionary:."Heave Offering means simply an offering, a present, including all the offerings made by the Israelites as a present. This Hebrew word is frequently employed. Some of the rabbis attach to the word the meaning of elevation and refer it to the heave offering, which consisted in presenting the offering by a motion up and down, distinguished from the wave offering, which consisted in a repeated movement in a horizontal direction, a 'wave offering to the Lord as ruler of Earth, a heave offering to the Lord as ruler of heaven'. The right shoulder, which fell to the priests in presenting thank offerings, was called the heave shoulder:.Leviticus 7:34; Numbers 6:20. The first fruits offered in harvest time were heave offerings:.Numbers 15:20,21."

Such things as these and the other over 600 laws, rules, regulations and practices listed in the Old Testament Mosaic Law, were done, not just because of the old covenant the ancients had agreed to, but because, the ordinary consciousness the people back then had.(except for a few, such as those who took a Nazarite vow and the few such as David).was the same consciousness we have today that requires something strong over it.(*).to keep society in line. Higher consciousness has something even better:.Romans 13:10; Matthew 22:36-40.

-Herods: The name of four princes, Idumeans.(they were from the area now known as Petra, where there were dwellings carved out of a huge rock; the Idumaeans took the land from the cave dwelling Horites:.Genesis 14:6).by descent, who governed either the whole or a part of Judea under the Romans and are mentioned in the New Testament.

-Herod the Great:.Matthew 2:1-23; Luke 1:5. He was the son of Antipater, an Idumaean, who was in high favor with Julius Caesar. At the age of fifteen years, Herod was constituted by his father procurator of Galilee under Hyrcanus II, who was then at the head of the Jewish nation.(Judah), while his brother Phasael was entrusted with the same authority over Judea.(also spelt in New Testament, 'Judaea', a a kingdom ruled by the Herods and part of the Roman province of Syria), about the year B.C.E. 41.

He put to death his wife Mariamne with her two sons Alexander and Aristobulus when he himself was at the point of death. He caused a number of the most illustrious of his subjects to be thrown into prison at Jericho and exacted from his sister a promise that they should be murdered the moment he expired, in order, as he said, that tears should be shed at the death of Herod. Herod the Great was Herod the nutcase.

This promise, however, was not fulfilled. His son Antipater was executed for conspiring to poison his father and five days after, Herod died anyway in 2 A.D., aged sixty-eight, having reigned as king about thirty-seven years.

It was during his reign that Emmanuel was born at Bethlehem and Herod, in consequence of his suspicious temper and in order to destroy Emmanuel, gave orders for the destruction of all the children of two years old and under in the place:.Matthew 2:8,12,13,16

After the death of Herod, half of his kingdom, including Judea, Ideumaea and Samaria was given to his son Archelaus with the title of Ethnarch, while the remaining half was divided between two of his other sons, Herod Antipas and Philip, with the title of Tetrarchs; the former having the regions of Galilee and Perea and the latter Batanea, Trachonitis and Auranitis.

-Herod Archelaus: circa.B.C.E. 4. From the.International Standard Bible Encyclopedia:."He was the oldest son of Herod the Great by Malthace, the Samaritan. He was a man of violent temper, reminding one a great deal of his father. Educated like all the Herodian princes at Rome, he was fully familiar with the life and arbitrariness of the Roman court. In the last days of his father's life, Antipater.(the name of one of two envoys sent by the senate of the Jews to the Romans), who evidently aimed at the extermination of all the heirs to the throne, accused him and Philip, his half-brother, of treason. Both were acquitted.(Antiquities of the Jews XVI, iv, 4; XVII, vii, 1). By the will of his father, the greater part of the Herodian kingdom fell to his share, with the title of "ethnarch". The will was contested by his brother Antipas before the Roman court. While the matter was in abeyance, Archelaus incurred the hatred of the Jews by the forcible repression of a rebellion, in which some 3,000+ people were slain. They therefore opposed his claims at Rome, but Archelaus, in the face of all this opposition, received the Roman support.(Antiquities of the Jews XVII, xi, 4). Archelaus, once invested with the government of Judea, ruled with a hard hand, so that Judea.(capital of Judah).and Samaria.(capital of Israel).were both soon in a chronic state of unrest. The two nations, bitterly as they hated each other, became friends in this common crisis and sent an embassy to Rome to complain of the conduct of Archelaus and this time they were successful. Archelaus was warned by a dream of the coming disaster, whereupon he went at once to Rome to defend himself, but wholly in vain. His government was taken from him, his possessions were all confiscated by the Roman power and he himself was banished to Vienna in Gaul.(Antiquities of the Jews XVII, xiii, 2, 3). He, too, displayed some of his father's taste for architecture, in the building of a royal palace at Jericho and of a village, named after himself, Archelais. He was married first to Mariamne and after his divorce from her to Glaphyra, who had been the wife of his half-brother Alexander.(Antiquities of the Jews XVII, xiii). The only mention made of him in the Gospels is found in Matthew 2:22.

-Herod Antipas: Comprised with.American Tract Society Bible Dictionary: Herod Antipas, B.C.E. 21 to 39 A.D., was a son of Herod the Great by Malthace his Samaritan wife and his own brother to Archelaus.(just above), along with whom he was educated at Rome. After the death of his father, he was appointed by Augustus.Caesar to be tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, that is, the southern part of the country east of the Jordan river.(Luke 3:1), whence also the general appellation of king is sometimes given to him:.Mark 6:14.

Emmanuel, as a Galilean, was under his jurisdiction:.Luke 23:6-12. He first married a daughter of Aretas IV, an Arabian king, B.C.E. 9 to 40 A.D., but afterwards becoming enamored of Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip, his own niece, he dismissed his former wife and induced.Herodias.to leave her husband and connect herself with him.

At her instigation he afterwards went to Rome to ask for the dignity and title of the king, but being there accused before Caligula, at the instance of Herod Agrippa, his nephew and the brother of Herodias, he was banished to Lugdunum.(now Lyons).in Gaul.(corresponds roughly to modern-day France and Belgium), about 41 A.D. and the provinces which he governed were given to Herod Agrippa. It was Herod Antipas who caused John the Baptist to be beheaded.

-Herod Philip: circa 4 A.D. From the.International Standard Bible Encyclopedia:."Herod Philip was a son of Herod the Great and Cleopatra of Jerusalem. Philip apparently was utterly unlike the rest of the Herodian family, retiring, dignified, moderate and just. He was also wholly free from the intriguing spirit of his brothers and it is but fair to suppose that he inherited this totally un-Herodian character and disposition from his mother. He died in the year 34 A.D. and his territory was given three years later to Agrippa I, his nephew and the son of Aristobulus, together with the tetrarchy of Lysanias.(Jewish Antiquities., XVIII, iv, 6; XIX, v, 1).

-Herod Agrippa I: called Agrippa by the great Jewish historian Josephus, this Agrippa was the son of Aristobulus and Bernice and the grandson of Herod the Great and Mariamne. Educated at Rome with Claudius.(Jewish Antiquities., XVIII, vi, 1, 4), he was possessed of great shrewdness and tact. Returning to Judea for a little while, he came back to Rome in 37 A.D. He hated his uncle Antipas and left no stone unturned to hurt his cause. He's also known as Herod Agrippa Major:.Acts 12.1-25.

On the accession of Caligula to the imperial throne, Agrippa was taken from prison where he had been confined by Tiberius and received from the emperor in 38 A.D., the title of king, together with the provinces which had belonged to his uncle Philip the tetrarch. In order to ingratiate himself with the Jews, he commenced a persecution against the Christians, but seems to have proceeded no further than to put to death James and to imprison Peter, since he soon after died suddenly and miserably at Cesarea in 44 A.D.

-Herod Agrippa II: aka Herod Agrippa Minor.(Acts 25:1 to 26:32), was the son of Herod Agrippa I and was educated at Rome, under the care of the emperor Claudius. On the death of his father, when he was seventeen years old, instead of causing him to succeed to his father's kingdom of Chalcis, which had belonged to his Uncle Herod, he was afterwards transferred in 53 A.D. from Chalcis, with the title of king, to the government of those provinces which his father at first possessed, namely, Batanea, Trachonitis, Auranitis and Abilene, to which several other cities were afterwards added.

It was before him that Paul was brought by Festus:.Acts 25:13-27: 26:32. This Herod died on the third year of Trajan's reign, at the age of seventy years.

-Hezekiah:.2Kings 18:1-3 "Now it came to pass in the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, that Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign. Twenty and five years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. And he did that which was right in the sight of God, according to all that David his father did."

2Kings 18:5 "He trusted in the God of Israel, so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him."

King Hezekiah's history is contained in these three accounts:.2Kings 18:13-19:37, Isaiah chapters 36-39 and 2Chronicles chapters 29-32. Each account adds more on this most interesting true story. Be sure to read all three. Some of it is below if you don't have time now.

The accounts cover Hezekiah's massive trouble with king Sennacherib and how it was solved.

Micah the prophet lived and prophesied in the reign of Hezekiah:.Jeremiah 26:18.

Hezekiah had a good mother and was a good king of Judah:.2Chronicles 29:1,2..His great grandfather was Uzziah.

Hezekiah means 'whom God has strengthened'. And God did strengthen him, but only after Hezekiah asked.(so, ask for what.you.need and want:.Matthew 7:7).

He reigned from B.C.E. 726 to 698, after his father passed.

His reign is memorable for his faithful efforts to restore the worship of the true God:.2Kings 18:6.

Hezekiah is noted for his pride and presumption toward the Assyrians and for the distractions of the invading host against him, provided by God in answer to his prayer. He's also known for his sickness and humiliation and the prolonging of his life by fifteen years and that of peace:.2Kings 20:6.

Hezekiah refused to pay the tribute which his father Ahaz had paid and."rebelled against the king of Assyria and served him not":.2Kings 18:7. This led to the invasion of Judah by Sennacherib who took forty cities and besieged Jerusalem:.2Kings 18:13; Isaiah 36:1-17.

Sennacherib tried to intimidate Hezekiah into leaving his reliance on the true God:.2Kings 19:10-13. But Hezekiah knew better.

Sennacherib the king of Assyria had dealt treacherously with Hezekiah. Hezekiah at this time should have been more trusting of God:.Isaiah 31:1-3.

Sennacherib eventually got his comeuppance:.2Kings 19:5-7,35,37.

Later, Hezekiah had a serious illness and was on his death bed:.2Kings 20:1. He was told by the ancient prophet Isaiah that he was in his last days. But after Hezekiah prayed, the Creator did something wonderful for him, adding another 15 years to his life and God also took over defending his city and gave Hezekiah an amazing sign. 

The narrative of Hezekiah's sickness and miraculous recovery is here:.Isaiah 38:1-8. After hearing that he was going to be ok and not on his way out, Hezekiah needed some sign of reassurance. God gave him that too!.2Kings 20:8-11.

From.Easton's Bible Dictionary:."Various ambassadors came to congratulate him on his recovery and among them Merodach-baladan.(the name Merodach frequently occurs as a surname {family name} to the ancient kings of Assyria and Babylon; it means 'thy rebellion'; Merodach was the chief deity of the Babylonians in the time of Nebuchadnezzar-II), the viceroy of Babylon.(2Chronicles 32:23; 2Kings 20:12), to whom Hezekiah was a bit too open, a tad too naive.(God loved Hezekiah and wanted Hezekiah to become even better, so a lesson was taught so that Hezekiah's character would always have the learning from the lesson:.2Kings 20:12-21). Merodach-baladan here is Berodachbaladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon.

Hezekiah is spoken of as a great and good King of the ancient southern kingdom of Judah:.2Kings 20:2,3. He set himself to abolish idolatry from his kingdom and among other things which he did for this end, he destroyed the."brazen serpent".which had been removed to Jerusalem and had become an object of idolatrous worship:.2Kings 18:4.

He closed his days in peace and prosperity and was succeeded by his unworthy son Manasseh. He was buried in the."chiefest of the sepulchres of the sons of David":.2Chronicles 32:33 "And Hezekiah slept with his fathers and they buried him in the chiefest of the sepulchres of the sons of David and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honor at his death. And Manasseh his son reigned in his stead."

2Kings 18:5 "He trusted in the God of Israel so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him."

-Holy Days.(Old Testament):.The ancient Holy Days, part of the now done away physically burdensome Mosaic Law, are described in Leviticus 23rd chapter, of which seven special convocations occurred as feasts. They were commemorated annually right up through the time of Emmanuel and the disciples:.Matthew 26:17; John 5:1; 7:2,14; Acts 18:21; 20:6; 20:16. These Holy Days were a foreshadow of what was to come and that was Christ. In Christ they are all fulfilled. Christ is the culmination of all their meanings.

The feasts were kept in the early New Testament church for awhile because they were convocations people were used to and identified with as a time to get together, such as we have today with Thanksgiving holiday. The ancient practices as delineated in the Mosaic Law are, like all physical requirements of it, are no longer required.

These feasts or festivals pointed to a future time, the time of Christ, the turning point of all history.."We have no festival that clearly appears to have been instituted by our Savior or his apostles."....Amtract Dictionary. All these festivals were of the Old Testament.

The ancient feasts or festivals are the weekly Sabbath and the seven festivals when people got together: the Passover; days of Unleavened Bread.(also known as the offering of firstfruits).leading to Pentecost.(means 'fifty count'); the feast of Trumpets; the day of Atonement; feast of Tabernacles; the day of Atonement. Details

The festivals or feasts began at sundown and ended at sundown.

The Passover was a day separate from the seven days following it. The entire time is often referred to as Passover time. This year, 2022, is the 3,334 Passover since the ancient Israelites left their bondage to the Egyptians.

It has a parallel for us today as excplained in this short video

-Hoshea:.Elah was Hoshea's father. Hoshea was an evil king as was his father and grandfather and he reigned nine years over Israel, beginning in B.C.E. 729:.2Kings 17:1,2.

The wicked reign of Hoshea ended with Shalmaneser coming against him and putting him in prison: 2Kings 17:3,4. Shalmaneser cruelly stormed Betharbel.(a ruin southwest of the sea of Galilee and north of Tiberias, remarkable for its caves, hard to approach, a safe place from surprise attack {map}).and made Hoshea tributary.

But Hoshea secretly made alliance with So also called Sabacho II, king of Egypt and got himself into big trouble for the seriousness.of the conspiracy he concocted:.2Kings 17:4 "And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea, for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt and brought no present to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year. Therefore the king of Assyria shut him up and bound him in prison."

Hoshea was the 18th and last king of Israel. The time was one of social revolution and dynastic change. Of the last five kings of Israel, four had met their deaths by violence. Hoshea himself being a murderer of one of them:.2Kings 15:30.

Hoshea, though called 'king' was only a satrap to Tiglath-pileser III, an Assyrian king..Hoshea held his so-called kingship only by good behavior. The realm which he administered was but the shadow of its former self.

Tiglath-pileser had already carried into captivity the northern tribes of Israel, them being, Zebulun, Naphtali, Asher and Dan as also the two and a half tribes East of the Jordan:.2Kings 15:29. Apart from those still forming the kingdom of Judah, there remained only Ephraim, Issachar and the half-tribe.(Numbers 34:14-29).of Manasseh.

-Huldah:.Huldah, means weasel, a prophetess; the wife of Shallum. She was consulted regarding the "book of the law" discovered by the high priest Hilkiah:.2Kings 22:14-20; 2Chronicles 34:22-28. She resided in that part of Jerusalem called the Mishneh.('the college'), supposed by some to be the suburb between the inner and the outer wall, the second or lower city, Akra. She obviously had the smarts to be a college girl.

Anna, Miriam and Deborah are the only others who bear the title of."prophetess".
