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forebode, foreboded, foreboding, forebodes.verbs
transitive verb use.to indicate the likelihood of; portend (harsh words that foreboded estrangement); to have a premonition of (a future misfortune)
intransitive verb use.to prophesy or predict
foreboding, forebodingness.nouns
presentiment especially of coming evil; portent; a sense of impending evil; apprehension
indicative of or marked by foreboding 

foreshadow, foreshadowed, foreshadowing, foreshadows.transitive verbs
to present an indicationor a suggestion of beforehand; antitype; presage; omen

located at or toward the front; forward
the front part; something that is located at or toward the front (the forehead)
at, toward or near the front; forward; before (the night before Christmas)
used by a golfer to warn those ahead that a ball is headed in their direction
to the fore.idiom
in, into or toward a position of prominence

forgive, forgave, forgiven, forgiving, forgives.verbs
forgiveness-is the act of forgiving (forgiving yourself is the first step toward forgiving others); to pardon; if you forgive someone who has done something bad or wrong, you stop being angry with them and no longer want to punish them; giving for another that which keeps him in a right stead with you after he has done something to separate the relationship.(?)
transitive verb senses.to give up resentment of or claim requital for (forgive an insult); to grant.relief from payment of (forgive a debt); to cease to feel resentment against an offender; pardon (forgive one's enemies)
intransitive verb senses.to grant forgiveness
synonyms.to excuse; to pardon

forsaken; bereft.(left quite forlorn of hope); sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion; desolate; being in poor condition; miserable; wretched (forlorn tumbledown buildings); nearly hopeless (a forlorn attempt) 

the material form or layout of a publication; in computers, the arrangement of data for storage or display, such as what font to use; a method for achieving such an arrangement; the material form or layout of a page; in computers, the arrangement of data for storage or display; a method for achieving such an arrangement
format, formatted, formatting, formats.transitive verbs
to plan or arrange in a specified form
Computers:.to divide a disk into marked sectors so that it may store data in a specified arrangement such as Linux/Unix format, Windows or Apple format; to determine the arrangement of data for storage or display

a forming or being formed; a thing formed
able to give form; helping to shape, develop or mold

hard to handle or overcome

further, furthered, furthering, furthers.transitive verbs
to help the progress of; advance; know more about
in addition; moreover; also

far, farther or further, farthest or furthest.adverbs
to, from or at considerable distance (a cat that had strayed far from home); to or at a specific distance, degree or position: (just how far are you taking this argument?); to a considerable degree; much (felt far better yesterday; eyes that seemed far too close together); not at all; anything but (seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure); to an advanced point or stage (a brilliant student who will go far)
far, farther or further, farthest or furthest.adjectives
being at considerable distance; remote (a far country); going back a considerable extent in time (the far past); distant; more distant than another (the far corner); more; additional (we are getting further complaints on that product); extensive or lengthy (a far trek); far seeing and comprehensive in thought or outlook (a commander of far vision); marked by political views of the most advanced or extreme nature (the far left or far right)
farther.adverb-a comparative.of the word far
to or at a more distant or remote point (ran farther than the others); to or at a more advanced point or stage (I went no farther that day); to a greater extent or degree (carried the idea farther)
farther.adjective-a comparative of far
more distant; remoter (the farther shore)
Usage note: according to a rule of relatively recent origin, 'farther' should be reserved for physical distance (the gas station is a little farther down the road) and 'further' for advancement along a nonphysical dimension (as he learned he moved further toward a higher position). See more Usage notes.
farthest.adjective-a superlative of far
most remote or distant
farthest.adverb-a superlative of far
to or at the most distant or remote point; to or at the most advanced point or stage; by the greatest extent or degree
further.adjective-a comparative of far
more distant in degree, time or space (a result that was further from our expectations than last time; the further lamppost); additional (a further example; a further delay)
further.adverb-acomparative of far
to a greater extent; more (considered further the consequences of her actions) in addition; furthermore (he stated further that he would not cooperate with the committee); at or to a more distant or advanced point (went only three miles further; reading five pages further tonight)
furthest.adjective.a superlative of far
most distant in degree, time or space (that's the furthest thing from my mind; they explored the furthest reaches of space)
furthest.adverb.a superlative of far
fo the greatest extent or degree (went the furthest of all the children in her education) at or to the most distant point in space or time (he swam the furthest)
the act of furthering, advancing forward
as far as.idiom
to or at a specific point, degree or extent (they will arrive at nine, as far as we know; as far as I know there is no road into that remote fishing cabin)
by far.idiom
to the most extreme or evident degree (he is by far the best millwright in the company)
far and away.idiom
by a great margin (that made him, far and away, the best known of the musicians in the competition)
far cry.idiom
a long way (the climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida)
far out.idiom
how far.idiom
to what degree, distance or extent (didn't know how far to believe them; tried to decide how far she could ski in such cold)
so far.idiom
up to the present moment (so far there's been no word from them); to a limited extent (you can go only so far on five dollars)
idiom-thus far
up to this point; so far (our success has been limited thus far)

fossilize, fossilized, fossilizing, fossilizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to convert into a fossil; to make outmoded or inflexible with time; antiquate
intransitive verb use.to become a fossil
a remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the Earth's crust
characteristic of or having the nature of a fossil; being or similar to a fossil; belonging to the past; antiquated; (from Latin fossilis, dug up, from fossus, past participle of 'fodere' meaning 'to dig')

fossil fuel.noun,.plural.fossil fuels
a hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel; called 'fossil' fuel because they said it is obtained from fossils, but not all of it is, because fossils only are found down to about 16,000 feet and they are drilling to 36,000 and more now, so it's not 'fossil' fuel, but something else entirely

frustrate, frustrated, frustrating, frustrates.transitive verbs
to prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart.(a persistent wind frustrated my attempt to rake the lawn); to make ineffectual or invalid; nullify
the act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated; the state of being frustrated; something that serves to frustrate (emotions we have frustrate us)

foresee, foresaw, foreseen, foreseeing, foresees.transitive verbs
to see or know beforehand (foresaw that the law that one always reaps what he has sown to one degree or another)

the act of looking forward; perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred; care in providing for the future (with forsight in planning he was able to stay out of all debt); prudence
foresighted, foresightful.adjectives

a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze
faddism, faddist.nouns

of or relating to brothers (a close fraternal tie); brotherly; of or constituting a fraternity (a fraternal association such as some universities have)
a body of people associated for a common.purpose or interest, such as a guild; a group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests or tastes (the fraternity of bird watchers); a social organization of men students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters; the quality or condition of being brothers; brotherliness

fraternize, fraternized, fraternizing, fraternizes.intransitive verbs
to associate with others in a brotherly or congenial way

producing no fruit; unproductive of success (a fruitless search); futile

a Freemason is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, an international fraternal and charitable organization with secret rites and signs; a member of a guild of skilled itinerant.masons during the Middle Ages

dull or plain; prim and sedate
a girl or woman regarded as dull, plain or unfashionable; a person regarded as colorless and primly sedate
frumpiness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

fifth column.noun
criminals with the hidden purpose of taking over a country, etc.; any motivated.clandestine.subversive.organizations working within a country and countries to further surreptitious purposes of those with such designs to subjugate people of the nation for the gain of a few (the few being, the cabal); a group of people who work secretly for support purposes of the organization to which they adhere; a secret group of conspirators that engage in purposes within a country to sabotage or drain that country's resources for their own gain, thus committing treason;, as the cabal has done in Africa, Australia, Canada, UK, EU and so many other nations including the United States; a group of traitorous people who act subversively in secret; plunderers; the term originated in a remark by Francisco Franco, the Spanish dictator when that he was marching on Madrid with four columns of troops and that there was a 'fifth column' of those aligned with him which were within the city ready to assist his efforts
fifth columnism, fifth columnist.nouns

Francisco Franco, 1892-1975, Spanish military leader, cabal.lackey and tinpot.dictator, who rose to power out of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 and who went on to subjugate Spain from 1939 until 1975. Franco by his actions has produced contradictory opinions about his role in history, the cabal pushing the lying side to propagandize.(1Corinthians 14:33) and the people knowing the truth:.Matthew 7:16-20. Franco's cabal defenders have viewed him as a Spanish statesman, arguing that he was responsible not only for 'saving' Spain (the same old cabal tune used in taking over a country using lies they always do, such as 'We'll make it better for you' and 'vaccinations are needed and safe') during a bitter civil war but also for steering the country towards 'peace and prosperity' (the nonsense they tell you so you'll lean toward trusting them. It's a 'create the problem, come in with the solution' con job the cabal controllers use in gaining more control and removing people's rights, placing themselves at the top the way cabal communists.ceaselessly have done). Franco's critics who could see through his nefarious plans paint a much darker portrait of him as an opponent of freeness, a comrade of German dictator Adolf Hitler and Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini during World War II 1939-1945 and as a despotic ruler of Spain for nearly 40 years, because they people were weak and acquiesced to the despot's subjugation measures....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99