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A false teacher is one in a position of teaching and influence who teaches, in ignorance or by design, things contrary to the truth of the Bible

Throughout the New Testament Paul talks of falsies:.2Corinthians 11:13-15. It often had to do with new Christians going into bondage.(2Corinthians 11:20; Galatians 5:1).and fear.(Romans 8:15), leading them out of a relationship with their Creator because they still saw sin in their lives creeping around from time to time. And they had various fears, such as wanting to keep the Old Testament Sabbath Day correctly. The falsies were glad to see them carry on in their fears and errors.

Their bondage included rules and regulations imposed upon them.(like today's 800,000 plus cabal rules put in place to catch you in ways they can get money from you):.Hebrews 9:9,10. These were negative things crafted in such a way as to be surreptitiously added to the original freedom the true gospel was bringing to people and changed people from this joyous freedom Christ came to reveal.(Acts 2:41-47; 8:4-8; 15:3; 19:23).to confusion:.Galatians 3:1-3; 1:6,7; 2:11-16,21; 4:9-11; 1Corinthians 14:33; James 3:14-18; Romans 2:7,8.

Religion has been erroneously telling people for years that they are wrong with the Creator in some way or the other, when the exact opposite is true:.Matthew 12:1-8.

Often that is what is heard today, backed up with scripture: "If you are not tithing, you are robbing God and away from obedience to Him.(Malachi 3:8-12).and "If you are not keeping the commandments, the holy, just and good law.(Romans 7:12).brothers and sisters, how can God be pleased with you?" 

Like hello! God is pleased when Christ has made you free:.Romans 8:2.

The word religion comes from a root which means 'to bind'. In this case, it was not a binding together, such as a wholeness, a oneness of belief.(1Corinthians 1:10), but rather, a binding back to what Christ provided freedom from. Getting one's mind on past errors again provides for worry regarding one's future and this takes you out and away from the joy of the present.

Religion is man's attempt to figure out the invisible world with his limited low consciousness. That's why religion can be such a confusing mess. The mess is left off from when one sticks to high consciousness things.

Going back into bondage to what the Creator-Father, the One residing in the silence had taken away in Christ to make us free, is antichrist. Creator-Father God is love. Antichrist refers to the dark side which is totally and completely anti love, but can appear loving to gain what it wants for self.

Anti Christ or against Christ or an opposition to Christ, is a rival 'Christ', that is, there is two ways, that of the ego life, the life influenced by the mass mind and pumped into those susceptible to the dark side invisible beings and those called mankind who also walk among those God created, called humanity:.1John 4:2,3. And there is the way of the Creator. You choose.

Since God is love, resentment and depression over past things is as much anti Christ as is the greed/control syndrome when ones lives life from the ego level. They are anti love and since Creator-God is love, they are anti God, anti Christ. 

Many religious people work hard at being good because of things done in their evil past they feel they must atone for. But this is not the way of the Creator. Their lives have already been atoned for:."So, a true religion must show people the way of the Creator.".John 14:6 "Emmanuel said unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life."....Grigoro Grabovoi.

The way to 'handle' evil is to deal only in truth. Being good is better than being bad. What does that mean? Forget trying to atone for those evil things that are obviously still in mind making you feel that you should fight them. Why fight that which has already been conquered and therefor no longer counts as a threat? Instead live in joy. Be, in being good! 

False religion has been telling people for years they are wrong and must 'get right with God'. This is a false gospel. Why?

This is the warfare to be aware of:.Ephesians 6:10-18.

There is nothing in the New Testament about a 'spiritual' warfare for us, for the spiritually minded people of love. That was all settled in Christ. As long as one is focused on the side of light, he needs not to worry about assaults the dark side uses. There is He that is 'bigger' than any of us, who looks after these things. You rest! How?

So, how does one stay focused?:.1Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour." 2Corinthians 10:3-5 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.(meaning, the thinking that is common to the body of Christ, higher consciousness thoughts)." 1Timothy 1:18,19 "This charge I commit unto you, son Timothy, , that you by them.(verse 3).might war a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck." 

The New Testament talks about warfare regarding those who teach error.(1Timothy 1:18-20).and against fleshy problems.(2Corinthians 10:4).and it is used as an analogy regarding the apostles working:.1Corinthians 9:7.

It also talks of standing against."the wiles and darts of the devil".(Ephesians 6:11,16), wrestling against spiritual wickedness, the devil pumping your mind at every opportunity.you may give him to get you into fleshly, physical problems so you end up broken and discouraged and separated from the good God. Physical problems affect one's spiritual outlook. But all these are no longer a part of your realm. You are now in a new life. But how some might say, do I get the evil out?

In this new life we stand against the 'evil days'.(Ephesians 6:11-14), that is, we are able to keep them at bay, keep them from ever affecting us again. But you can choose to return to the dark side's mass mind thinking. You 'choose' this by slipping away spiritually, by letting off from thinking the spiritual way, which is supported by study of the Great Infinite's One's words, and by neglecting the quiet times we should be having in order to nourish the relationship with the family of God that should be important for us to maintain contact with:.Hebrews 2:3 "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.....".That is why you must always be on the qui vive.

Emmanuel was of higher consciousness and this enabled him to defeat the devil:.Matthew 4:1-11. It was a spiritual thing, the most real thing there is: 2Corinthians 10:4.

There were no thoughts in Christ to open opportunity for the devil. He was above the ego level from the start and in much higher consciousness than the so low ego level. The high consciousness level is where we all should be now:.Acts 17:30.

Emmanuel was brought.by the Holy Spirit into spiritual warfare, a thing of the mind, of the consciousness levels.

He came from the realm of the Creator. He was perfect! The attack on Him was overt. On us the attacks, without Him in us.(His presence, His attitude, His power), are inert, that is, if our focus is off the spiritual path Emmanuel died to make possible for us, we have really no hope of defeating such a insidious evil being..(*)

Forget consuming your time thinking that you should be fighting a defeated devil's influences. The devil cannot influence your mind negatively if you are full and up spiritually and you will always be up spiritually if you watch your thoughts, always being on the qui vive, never allowing negative thoughts to gain ascendency in your mind, never allowing your attitude to tear you down. This can give more power to the devil than to Christ!.Joshua 24:15. Your mental focus is most important. Concentrate on Christ in you, give attention to your now made holy nature and the fact that you are fully, wholly and completely accepted by the Great Infinite One into His spiritual family! Concentrate on persuading yourself as to the truth about you. 

Paul refers to this seducing by false teachings in contexts talking of 'fleshly righteousness', having to do with the law, as in Romans 8:1-8, the point being, some new Christians were being seduced by those.(2Peter 2:19,20; Galatians 5:1,4,7,9,10,13,14,17,18; Galatians 4:3-5,9,10,24-26; 2:4).telling them to do things based on a law God had taken away:.Galatians 5:18. This law showed us what was wrong with the flesh without the Spirit of God in us. 

The things of the Spirit have nothing to do with the flesh:.Galatians 5:22-25. That old Mosaic Law had only to do with obedience of the flesh under the old covenant

The ego is at constant war. There are differences between those motivated by the ego, selfish side and those motivated by love: Luke 16:8.

In the New Testament in Christ, we are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit.(2Corinthians 3:3; Romans 8:9; Hebrews 12:9).and there are big differences.

Since Christ is the image of God.(John 14:9; 2Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3).the Father.(us too:.Romans 8:29).antiChrist is anything that is apart from the higher consciousness ways Christ in the physical individual of He whom we call Emmanuel, is anti, that is, against the ways of higher consciousness of the Infinite Oneness.

The word 'antichrist' is used only by the apostle John. Referring to false teachers, he says:.1John 2:18-27; 4:3; 2John 1:7. Regarding false things about Christ, are demons influencing minds to various degrees. Whoever comprehends yet denies is anti Christ:.1John 2:22,23. And how does one who is a Christian live in such a way as to deny Christ and the Father, thus being anti Christ? More

To be 'anti' means to be against, such as 'antibiotic' means against life', 'biotic' means 'living'. To be anti Christ, one must know something about what he or she may be against, because it's impossible to be against something unless one knows at least something about it. So, if they are against Christ, it could be because they have heard and believed the wrong message about Christ and obviously, being a lazy loafer, never bothered to research it for themselves, for why would one be against that which he was convinced would be of great benefit. Or, the antichrist road could be the way used to gain assent for wayward.theories. There are some against God so much they are easily influenced by the dark side:.2Thessalonians 2:3,4.

Those in Paul's time who wanted their philosophy replacing God's truth, had to prepare a way for acceptance of their teachings. The way they used, was the same hackneyed way other 'falsies' before them used regarding Emmanuel when he was on the Earth, using attempts to discredit. Attempts to discredit in order to establish opposites, are nothing new to our society today.
