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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
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complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness (she came from high standards of her early American lineage)

the area of a modern theater that is located between the curtain and the orchestra

a still body of water smaller than a lake, often of man made artificial.origin

a prize or an award; something offered free or at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else; a sum of money or bonus paid in addition to a regular price, salary or other amount; the amount paid, often in addition to the interest, to obtain a loan; bonus; the amount paid or payable, often in instalments, for an insurance.policy; the amount at which something is valued above its par or nominal value, as money or securities; the amount at which a securities option is bought or sold; payment for training in a trade or profession; an unusual or high value (employers put a premium on honesty and good quality work but often the remuneration fails to reflect it)
of superior.quality or value (premium gasoline)
at a premium.idiom
more valuable than usual, as from real or contrived.scarcity (fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated); one frost equaled temporary shortages of oranges and coffee beans, yet higher prices continue years later)

a person who travels in a conveyance, such as a car or train, without participating in its operation; one that participates only passively in an activity; a wayfarer or traveler

a question to be considered, solved or answered (math problems; the problem of how to hem a skirt evenly); a situation, matter or person that presents perplexity or difficulty (urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog; the philosophical.problem of evil); a dilemma; a problem is a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for people (the main problem is greed and deceit); a problem is a puzzle that requires.logical.thought or mathematics to solve it (with mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating); problem children or problem families have serious problems or cause.serious problems for other people
difficult to deal with or control (a bully is a problem child even when grown up); problem customers, that is, being a bully, he is still an angry child in his or her mind); dealing with a moral or social problem
posing a problem; difficult to solve (a potentially problematic electrical situation may occur in homes that are very old if the wiring hasn't been upgraded to safer standards) in the home; open to doubt; debatable; not settled in mind; unresolved or dubious (a problematic automobile engineering feature) problematically.adverb

peddle, peddled, peddling, peddles.verbs
transitive verb use.to travel about selling wares (peddling goods from door to door); to seek to disseminate; give out (peddling misinformation, such as influence peddlers do)
intransitive verb use.to travel about selling wares; to occupy oneself with trifles

piddle, piddled, piddling, piddles.verbs
transitive verb use.to use triflingly; squander (piddle away one's time)
intransitive verb use.to spend time aimlessly; diddle; to urinate

prefigure, prefigured, prefiguring, prefigures.transitive verbs
to suggest, indicate or represent by an antecedent.form or model; presage or foreshadow (the paintings of Paul Cézanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20th century; the ancient.Roman Empire prefigured the control of man by the collective ego for those alert.souls who could see it); to imagine or picture in advance

one who is on the path toward a higher consciousness; one who embarks on a quest for something.conceived of as sacred; a traveler (our pilgrimage this year involves traveling to the mountain city of Banff, Alberta, Canada {map}); the English Separatists who founded the colony of Plymouth in New England (map), U.S.A. in 1620 were called Pilgrims
a pilgrimage is a journey that someone makes to a place that is very important to them (he's using his holidays for a spiritual pilgrimage, going inward through meditation); if you make a pilgrimage to a holy place, you go there for a spiritual reason (the pilgrimage to Mecca, a city of western Saudi Arabia near the coast of the Red Sea); a journey to a sacred place or shrine; a long journey or search, especially one of personal importance
pilgrimage, pilgrimaged, pilgrimaging, pilgrimages.intransitive verbs
to go on a pilgrimage

the protected country or region (Canada and Mexico being protectorates of the United States constitutional republic, now called America); a relationship of protection and partial.control.assumed by a superior power over a dependent country or region
protect, protected, protecting, protects.transitive verbs
to keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen or injured; guard; defend
adapted or intended to afford protection
something that protects
the act of protecting; the condition of being protected; one that protects (the dog is the protection for the farm yard); money extorted by racketeers.threatening.violence for nonpayment; bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution
one that protects (applied a protectant to the raw wood; those are the police protectants)
the government, office or term of a protector; the government of England under the corrupt Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, ruling as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
the advocacy, system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services

of, relating.to.or.being a time following a classical.period, as in art or literature

pardon, pardoned, pardoning, pardons.transitive verbs
to release an individual from punishment; exempt from penalty; to let an offense pass without punishment; forgiveness; to make courteous.allowance for; excuse (pardon me, I'm in a hurry)
one that pardons (a pardoner of the sins of others); a con of the medieval age where so-called.ecclesiastics authorized a lackey to raise money for religious works and grant papal indulgences such as the forgiving of sins to contributors, such as still occurs today
the act of pardoning
Law:.in law, a pardon is an exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or a crime; a document or warrant.issued.declaring such an exemption
pardonableness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)