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if you exercise something such as your authority, rights or a good quality, you use it or put it into effect (they exercised their right of speaking what they believed in to those interested in what they had to say); when you physically exercise, you move your body energetically in order to get fit and to remain healthy; an act of employing or putting into play; use (the free exercise of intellect; the exercise of an option); a task, problem or other effort performed to develop or maintain fitness or increase skill (a piano exercise; a memory exercise); a program that includes speeches, presentations and other ceremonial activities performed before an audience (graduation exercises)
exercise, exercised, exercising, exercises.verbs
transitive verb use.to put into play or operation; employ (it's ok to proceed, but exercise caution because the roads are slippery in some places); to subject to practice or exertion.in order to train, strengthen or develop (exercise the back muscles; exercise the memory); to put through exercises (she put herself to exercising in order to keep in trim shape); to carry out the functions of; execute (exercise the role of parenting)
intransitive verb use.to take exercise
the act or an instance of exercising

sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate (building our house was enough work to keep us all busy for weeks)
an adequate number or quantity ("The Gods above should give. They have enough and we do poorly live."....Henry David Thoreau)
to a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently (is the fish cooked enough?); very; fully; quite (we were glad enough to leave before the rain started); tolerably; rather (she sang well enough)
used to express impatience or exasperation (you've been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! Go out and get some exercise and fresh air)

electrolysis is the process of passing an electrical current through a substance.in order to produce chemical changes in the substance; from the Greek 'lysis' meaning 'untying'; the process of separating a liquid into its chemical parts by passing an electric current through it; the producing of chemical changes by passage of an electric current through an electrolyte; subjection to this action; the destruction of hair roots with an electric current; chemical change, especially decomposition, produced in an electrolyte by an electric current; destruction of living tissue, especially of hair roots, by means of an electric current applied with a needle-shaped electrode

a solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolytic.cell or other medium; a collector or emitter of electric.charge or of carriers of electric charges, as in a semiconducting.device

of.or.relating.to.electrolysis; produced by electrolysis; of or relating to electrolytes

a machine that converts.energy into mechanical.force or motion; such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel; a mechanical appliance, instrument or tool; an agent, an instrument or a means of accomplishment (the engine that drives this household is love);  a locomotive; a fire engine; an internal combustion engine
engine, engined, engining, engines.transitive verbs
to equip with an engine or engines
not having an engine (he rebuilt the old car, leaving it engineless, as it was to be lifted onto the roof of a building for display)

the application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes and systems; the profession of or the work performed by an engineer (many types of engineering); sklllful.maneuvering or direction (geopolitical engineering; social engineering; locomotive engineering)
one who is trained or professionally engaged in a branch of engineering; one who operates an engine (the engineer running the train)
engineer, engineered, engineering, engineers.transitive verbs
to plan, construct or manage as an engineer; to plan, manage and put through by skillful acts or by contrivances from evil.motives; maneuver

excommunicate, excommunicated, excommunicating, excommunicates.transitive verbs
if a Roman Catholic or member of the Orthodox Church is excommunicated, it is publicly stated that the person is no longer allowed to be a member of the Church, this being punishment for some wrong that particular chruch determined, such as in Galileo's time; to deprive of the right of church membership by ecclesiastical.authority; to exclude by or as if by decree from membership or participation in a group
a man or woman who has been excommunicated
having been excommunicated; from Latin 'to share in common'
the act of excommunicating; the state of being excommunicated; an ecclesiastical censure that deprives a person of the right to belong to the church he or she was in

of.or.relating.to.the electron; of or relating to electronics
the science and technology of electronic phenomena; electronic devices and systems such as computers and cell phones

consequently; therefor
consequently; hence

a passage or way out (an emergency exit in a theater; took the second exit on the freeway); the act of going away or out; the departure of a performer from the stage
exit, exited, exiting, exits.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make one's exit; depart
transitive verb use.to go out of; leave (exited the plane through a rear door)

eatable; fit to be eaten (edible roots; edible mushrooms)
something fit to be eaten; food (edibles such as non genetically modified vegetables, seeds, grains, nuts and fruits)

espy, espied, espying, espies.transitive verbs
to catch sight of something distant, partially hidden or obscure; glimpse

the ruler of a province or a people; from the Greek ethnos, meaning nation; see ethnic; compare tetrarch

having a positive.electric.charge; capable of acting as a positive electrode; tending to release electrons to form a chemical.bond