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an item that functions as a means of identification, such as a small piece of paper or cloth attached to, for example, an article of clothing designating.information.relative to its existence, like its origin, owner, contents, use or destination
label, labeled.or.labelled, labeling.or.labelling, labels.transitive verbs
to attach a label to; to identify or designate with a label; describe or classify (labeled according to sugar content); mark
relabel, relabels, relabeling, relabeled.verbs
to label again or differently (the poison MSG can be found under many names in many food products, all meaning MSG; relabeling polio under a different name made people think the disease had disappeared)

a very slow oscillation, real or apparent, of a satellite such as the moon as viewed from the larger celestial body around which it revolves

a locomotive is a large self-propelled.vehicle with a powerful engine for pulling a railway train on tracks placed so as the ground won't shift as the locomotive's moving weight travels to its destinaton; a locomotive is usually electric or diesel-powered for pulling or pushing freight or passenger cars on railroad tracks; a driving or pulling force; an impetus (the driving force in this family is the seemingly.unbounded energy of the children)
of, relating.to.or.involved in locomotion; serving to put into motion or propel forward; able to move independently from place to place; of or relating to a self-propelled locomotive; of or relating to travel
the act of moving from place to place; the ability to move from place to place (the bacterial flagellum has amazing locomotion)
capable of moving independently from place to place (locomotory animals); of or relating to travel; of, relating to or being a machine that moves about by operation of its own mechanism

a country of northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. Tripoli is the capital and the largest city, population, 3,096,000

any of various clear or colored synthetic coatings made by dissolving nitrocellulose or other cellulose.derivatives together with plasticizers and pigments in a mixture of volatile.solvents and used to impart a high gloss to surfaces; a glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating; a finish that is baked onto the inside of food and beverage cans
lacquer, lacquered, lacquering, lacquers.transitive verbs
to coat with lacquer; to give a sleek, glossy finish to
lacquer tree.noun,.plural.lacquer trees
a poisonous, eastern Asian tree (Rhus verniciflua) having pinnately.compound leaves and a toxic.exudation from which a black lacquer is obtained

linseed oil.noun
a yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of flax and used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes and in linoleum, printing inks and synthetic.resins

the seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed

a durable, washable material made in sheets by pressing a mixture of heated linseed oil, rosin, powdered cork and pigments onto a burlap or canvas backing; linoleum is used as a covering especially for floors

in ancient Greece and Rome, a libation was an alcoholic drink that was offered to their Gods; the pouring of a liquid offering as a religious ritual was required in the oblations.listed in the Old Testament's.Mosaic Law, but now completely done away with; a beverage, especially an intoxicating beverage

lubricate, lubricated, lubricating, lubricates.verbs
transitive verb use.to apply a lubricant to; to make slippery or smooth
intransitive verb use.to act as a lubricant
lubricative adj.
a lubricant is a substance which you put on the surfaces or parts of something, especially something mechanical, to make the parts move smoothly; if you refer to something as a lubricant in a particular.situation, you mean that it helps to make things happen without any problems (humor is a great lubricant for life); a substance, such as grease or oil, that reduces.friction when applied as a surface coating to moving parts; one that helps reduce difficulty or conflict

a person regarded as awkward and stupid; an oaf; a boor

lout, louted, louting, louts.intransitive verbs
to bow or curtsy; to bend or stoop

an action or a suit brought before a court, as to recover a right or redress a grievance

an exposition of a given.subject.delivered.before an audience or a class, as for the purpose of instruction
lecture, lectured, lecturing, lectures.verbs
intransitive verb use.to deliver a lecture or series of lectures
transitive verb use.to deliver a lecture to a class or an audience; to admonish or reprove.earnestly, often at length and with repetition to get the point across (mom was always lecturing me about my manners)

a reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural.passages are read during a church.service; a stand that serves as a support for the notes or books of a speaker; a podium

lean, leaned, leaning, leans.verbs
intransitive verb use.to bend or slant away from the vertical; tilting; to incline the weight of the body so as to be supported (leaning against the railing); to rely for assistance or support (you can lean on me whenever you need help); to have a tendency or preference (a government that leans toward fascism); to exert pressure (we're being leaned on to meet the deadline)
transitive verb use.to set or place so as to be resting or supported; to cause to incline
a tilt or an inclination away from the vertical (the twin buildings have two leans, one to the east and the other to the south)
one's particular leanings are the beliefs, ideas or aims you hold or a tendency you have towards them (she always had a leaning towards various forms of exercise)

lean, leaner, leanest.adjectives
not fleshy or fat; thin; containing little or no fat; not productive or prosperous; meager (lean months); containing little excess or waste; spare (a lean budget); thrifty in management; economical; in metallurgy, low in mineral contents (lean ore); in chemistry, lacking in combustible material (lean fuel)
meat with little or no fat

leap, leaped.or.leapt, leaping, leaps.verbs
intransitive verb use.to spring or bound upward from or as if from the ground; jump (leapt over the wall; salmon leaping upriver); to move quickly or abruptly from one condition or subject to another (some people always leap to conclusions instead of taking a bit of time to think first); to act impulsively (leaped at the opportunity to travel)
transitive verb use.to jump over (couldn't leap the brook); to cause to leap (leap a horse over a hurdle)
the act of leaping; a jump; a place jumped over or from; the distance cleared in a leap
by leaps and bounds.idiom
quickly (the baby is healthy and growing by leaps and bounds)
leap in the dark.idiom
an act whose consequences cannot be predicted (we thought the house was ok, but having taken a leap in the dark by not knowing if it really was ok and not having it first checked out before purchase, we ended up in a money pit)
leap of faith.idiom
the act or an instance of believing or trusting in something intangible or incapable of being proved (such as is evolution)