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Creationism is the fact that man, the Earth and the rest of the multiverse was originally created rather than randomly exploding from nothingness into some sort of a chance existence
an act of creating; the act of God by which the world was brought into existence; the fact or state of having.been created; the world and all things in it; all creatures or a class of creatures; an original product of human invention or artistic imagination (the latest creation in the field of computer design)

the true and only Creator of life, love, light, compassion and all good creation that we call God

create, created, creating, creates.transitive verbs
to cause to exist; bring into being; to give rise to; produce (that latest movie created a lot of laughs); to produce through artistic or imaginative.effort (create a poem; create a role)
one that creates (the creator of a some new device)

a created living being, such as human beings and animals

cryptogram.noun,.plural.cryptograms.also called a cryptograph
a piece of writing in code or cipher; a figure or representation having a secret or occult.significance

the process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret writings or ciphers

conjure, conjured, conjuring, conjures.transitive verbs
to call or bring to mind; evoke (Arizona conjures up an image of stark deserts for most Americans); to imagine; picture; to make something appear or happen in a way which is not expected (lacking the proper parts the mechanic was adept at conjuring up ways to quickly, yet safely, get the customer going on his way)
the act or art of conjuring

a contributing.factor; any of various.organic or inorganic.substances.necessary to the function of an enzyme; a substance, such as a metallic iron or coenzyme, that must be associated with an enzyme for the enzyme to function; date of word origin 1935-40 A.D.

a nonproteinaceous (not a protein substance) organic substance that usually.contains a vitamin or mineral and combines with a specific protein, the apoenzyme, to form an active enzyme system

a cryptographic.system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code; the key to such a system; a message written or transmitted in such a system; a design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram; the mathematical symbol 0 denoting absence of quantity; zero; an Arabic numeral or figure; a number; the Arabic system of numerical notation
ciphered, ciphering, ciphers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to solve problems in arithmetic; calculate
transitive verb use-to put in secret writing; encode; to solve by means of arithmetic

a phosphoprotein of milk, one that is precipitated from milk by heating with an acid or by the action of lactic acid in souring and is used in making paints and adhesives; produced when milk is curdled by rennet, the chief constituent of cheese and is used in making plastics; casein causes mucous to form in the respiratory.tract, making it difficult for those having asthma

a violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change; a violent and sudden change in the Earth's crust; a devastating flood; from Greek 'kataklusmos', from 'katakluzein', to inundate, 'kata-' is an intensive preface., 'down and away from'; CATA- + kluzein, 'to wash away'} 
cataclysmic or cataclysmal-adjective

a boy used in pederasty; a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man; a male who submits his body to lewdness; a male prostitute

of or involving the Roman Catholic Church; catholic means universal

corrosive and bitingly trenchant; cutting; causing a burning or stinging sensation, as from intense emotion; capable of burning, corroding, dissolving or eating away by chemical action
a caustic material or substance; a hydroxide of a light metal; a caustic curve or surface
caustic soda.noun,.plural.caustic sodas
also known as sodium hydroxide
synonyms.sarcastic, sardonic, satirical

a waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks; something, such as lace, thought to resemble a waterfall or series of small waterfalls, especially an arrangement or fall of material; a succession of stages, processes, operations or units; Electronics: a series of components or networks, the output of each of which serves as the input for the next
cascade, cascaded, cascading, cascades.intransitive.and.transitive verbs

clarify, clarified, clarifying, clarifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make clear or easier to understand; elucidate.(clarified her intentions); to clear of confusion or uncertainty (clarify the mind); to make clear by removing impurities or solid matter, as by heating gently (clarify butter)
intransitive verb use.to become clear

clearness of appearance (the clarity of the mountain air); clearness of thought or style; lucidity (writes with clarity and perception)

center.also spelt.centre.noun,.plural.centers.also spelt.centres
a point or place that is equally distant from the sides or outer boundaries of something; the middle (the center of town; the center of a stage); a point equidistant from the vertexes of a regular polygon; a point equidistant from all points on the circumference of a circle or on the surface of a sphere; a point around which something rotates or revolves (the Sun is the center of our solar system); a part of an object that is surrounded by the rest; a core (chocolates with soft centers); a place where a particular activity or service is concentrated (a health center); an area of dense population (a metropolitan center)
center, centered, centering, centers.verbs
transitive verb use.to place in or at the center (centered the vase on the table); to direct toward a center or central point; concentrate or focus (tried to center the discussion on the main subject); in football, to pass the ball back between the legs to begin a down
intransitive verb use.to be concentrated; cluster: (the business section was slowly centering in urban areas); to have a central theme or concern; be focused (her novels center on the problems of adolescence)
the action or process of placing in the center

situated at, in or near the center (the central states); forming the center; having dominant or controlling power or influence (the central office of the corporation); of basic importance; essential or principal (central to educating is the principle of showing others how to think and teaching them to ask questions and providing example of situations for ascertaining just what those questions should be); easily reached from various points (a central location for the new store); of or constituting a single source controlling all components of a system (central heating and air conditioning)
an office or agency that is at the center of a group of related activities and serves to control and coordinate them (traffic central at the airport)
centralize, centralized, centralizing, centralizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to draw into or toward a center; consolidate; to bring under a single, central authority
intransitive verb use.to come together at a center; concentrate

located in or at a center; central; concentrated about or directed to a center (she was medically centric listening only to what her doctor told her about her health and not listening to her son, example)
word centric is from circa 1590 A.D., Greek 'kentrikos/kentron' meaning 'of the center'

central nervous system.(CNS).noun,.plural.central nervous systems
the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord; a human's central nervous system

of, relating.to.or.affected with coma; unconscious; marked by lethargy; torpid; existing but unable to think
a state of deep, often prolonged.unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs

Congress, congress.noun,.plural.Congresses, congresses
the act of coming together or meeting (we'll congress at the pier before boarding the cruise ship); the national legislative body of the United States of America, consisting of the senate.(known as the Upper House) and the House of Representatives.(known as the Lower House); the two year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives; the national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic; a formal assembly of representatives, as of various nations, to discuss problems; the act of coming together or meeting; a single meeting, as of a political party or other group
congressional, congressionally.adjectives

a town or city in a state or nation that is the seat of those elected to manage its affairs; a city that is the center of a specific activity or industry (the maple syrup capital of the world); wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated by an individual, partnership or company; material wealth used or available for use in the production of more wealth; the remaining assets of a business after all liabilities have been deducted; net worth
Usage Note:.the term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital and the term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol; see more Usage notes
first and foremost; principal (taking on a life partner is a decision of capital importance); relating to or being a seat of government; extremely serious (a capital blunder); involving death or calling for the death penalty (a capital offense); of or relating to financial assets, especially being or related to those financial assets that add to the net worth of a business (made capital improvements at the plant site); relating to or being a capital letter

capital punishment.noun,.plural.capital punishments
the penalty of death for committing a serious.crime
capital offense.noun,.plural.capital offenses
a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate

in architecture, the top part of a pillar or column

capital letter.noun,.plural.capital letters
a letter written or printed in a size larger than and often in a form differing from its corresponding lowercase letter; an uppercase letter; aka all caps

capital stock.noun,.plural.capital stocks
the total amount of stock authorized for issue by a company, including common and preferred stock; the total stated or par value of the permanently invested capital of a company

the top part of a pillar or column

an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned (governments are the largest corporations and corporation owners {owning other corporations} there are) and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market or what appears to be free on the surface

of or relating to capitalism or capitalists
favoring or practicing capitalism (a capitalistic country) capitalistically.adverb

a supporter of capitalism; an investor of capital in business, especially one having a major financial interest in an important enterprise

capitalize, capitalized, capitalizing, capitalizes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to turn something to one's advantage; benefit (capitalize on an opponent's error); benefit
transitive verb use.to use as or convert into capital; to supply with capital or investment funds (capitalize a new business); to authorize the issue of a certain amount of capital stock of (capitalize a corporation); to convert (debt) into capital stock or shares; to calculate the current value of (a future stream of earnings or cash flows); to include (expenditures) in business accounts as assets instead of expenses
Grammar:.to write or print in capital letters; to begin a word with a capital letter

cede, ceded, ceding, cedes.transitive verbs
to surrender possession of; relinquish; to yield; grant

a document such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Atlantic Charter or an official agreement such as issued by a sovereign, legislature or other authority, legally approved by the people to be affected by it, creating a public or private corporation, such as a city, police department, utility company or a ruling body having been given various authorities by those who set up the corporation for their purposes, whose corporate rules are used to imply.accedence to corporate policy to others outside the corporation who maybe dealing with the corporation; a charter also defines protections and immunities of those within the corporation, their privileges and purposes (example, a royal charter was granted by Queen Elizabeth I to Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583 to colonize Newfoundland, the first colony of England in North America); a written grant from the public, being the sovereign power of a country conferring certain rights and privileges on a duly elected representaive, a corporation or others; a document outlining the principles, functions and organization of a corporate body; a constitution (the city charter; the nation's charter); special privilege or immunity; a contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel or space on a vessel; the hiring or leasing of an aircraft, a vessel or other vehicle, especially for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers; a written instrument given as evidence of agreement, transfer or contract; a deed
charter, chartered, chartering, charters.transitive verbs
to grant a charter to; establish by charter; to hire or lease by charter (charter an oil tanker)

public good; a nation or state governed by the people; a republic; a body of people in a politically organized community that is independent and in which the.government functions by the common consent of the people; the United States of America and its autonomous states are thus commonwealths

Commonwealth of Nations (British Commonwealth of Nations)
members who share a common commitment to promoting human rights, democracy and economic development; all members accept the British monarch as the symbolic head of the Commonwealth; all but one, Mozambique, were once associated in some constitutional way with either the former British Empire or with another member country. The association was formerly known as the British Commonwealth of Nations, but today is referred to simply as the Commonwealth. English is the official language of many members of the Commonwealth. About 1.7 billion people live in the 54 independent nations (1/3 of the people on Earth) and the more than 20 dependencies that make up the Commonwealth. Commonwealth members share many customs and traditions as a result of their association with Britain. Many have parliamentary systems of government based on the British and/or American model and their judicial and educational institutions are often similar. Almost all members of the Commonwealth were once ruled by Britain as part of the British Empire. Some of them were largely settled by people of the United Kingdom. Others, such as India and Nigeria, were areas where British administrators governed a large non British population. The Statute of Westminster, enacted by the British Parliament in 1931, officially proclaimed the Commonwealth a free association of self-governing dominions. As such, they became independent states, some of which later formed into independent nations..comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
