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the total of two or more quantities; the aggregate; a number; a sum (the amount of apples left in the fridge is 3); a quantity (a great amount of wisdom)
amount, amounted, amounting, amounts.intransitive verbs
to add up in number or quantity (the purchases amounted to 50 dollars; to add up in import or effect (that plan will never amount to anything); to be equivalent or tantamount

an object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury

apart from.preposition
with the exception of; besides (apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged)
at a distance in place, position or time (railings spaced two feet apart; born three years apart); away from another or others (grew apart over the years; decided to live apart from the city); in or into parts or pieces (split apart); one from another (I can't tell the twins apart); aside or in reserve, as for a separate use or purpose (funds set apart for the project); as a distinct item or entity (quality sets it apart); so as to except or exclude from consideration; aside (all joking apart, one would think they're crazy)
set apart; isolated (a people who have existed over the centuries as a world apart)
an apartment is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building (they lived in a two bedroom apartment)
date 1600-1700 A.D. from French 'appartement' and from Italian 'appartamento' which comes from the word 'appartare' meaning 'to put aside' and 'to separate'

having or consisting of rings or ringlike segments

also spelt Algonquin or Algonquins and Algonkin or Algonkins;
see Kevin Costner's.500 Nations: The Story of the American Indians; the Algonquin were any of various Native American peoples inhabiting the Ottawa River valley of Quebec and Ontario; an Algonqiun is member of one of these peoples; any of the varieties of the Ojibwa language spoken by the peoples called Algonquin

a family of North American Indian languages spoken or formerly spoken in an area from Labrador (map) to the Carolinas between the Atlantic coast and the Rocky Mountains; a member of a people traditionally speaking an Algonquian language

the lowermost part of an entablature in classical.architecture that rests directly on top of a column, also called epistyle; the molding around a door or window

one that applies, as for a job

a device or instrument designed to perform a specific.function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use; a tool; a dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective function

a shady resting place in a garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown; an axis or shaft supporting a rotating part on a lathe; a bar for supporting cutting tools; a spindle of a wheel, as in watches and clocks; a tree, as opposed to a shrub

arc welding.noun,.plural.arc weldings
a method of joining two pieces of metal together by using a special tool called an electric arc to generate the heat needed

a luminous bridge formed in a gap between two electrodes, as in arc welding; something shaped like a curve or an arch (the vivid arc of a rainbow); a segment of a circle; a degree of measurement on the circumference of a circle, used especially in the phrase of arc (example, 11 minutes 3 seconds of arc to get to that position from one end or from its center toward one end); in electricity, a luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes
arc, arced, arcing, arcs.intransitive verbs
to form an arc; to move or seem to move in a curved path (the stars that arc across the sky)

a structure, especially one of masonry, forming the curved, pointed or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway; a structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U; a curve with the ends down and the middle up (the arch of a raised eyebrow); in anatomy, an organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot;
arch, arched, arching, arches.verbs
transitive verb use.to provide with an arch (arch a passageway); to cause to form an arch or similar curve; to bend backward (the dancers alternately arched and hunched their backs); to span
intransitive verb use.to form an arch or archlike curve (the high fly ball arched toward the stands)
chief; principal (their arch issue); mischievous; roguish (an arch glance)

on all sides (dirty clothes lying around); in a circle or with a circular motion (spun around twice); in circumference or perimeter (a pond two miles around); in rotation (wheeled around; wander around)
being in existence (our old dog is no longer around); being in evidence; present (asked if the store manager was around)
been around.idiom
having had many and varied experiences

arrive, arrived, arriving, arrives.intransitive verbs
to reach a destination
the act of arriving; one that arrives or has arrived; the reaching of a goal or an objective as a result of effort or a process (our ultimate arrival at a compromise); the arrivals display at an transportation.facility (we'll check the arrivals when we get to the airport to see if the plane is still on time for landing here)

if you present an aside, you are using a digression to move away for a moment in order to reveal something else; if you take or draw someone aside, you take them a little way away from a group of people in order to talk to them without others around (Jim put his arm around her shoulders and drew her aside); if you move aside, you get out of someone's way; to or toward the side (she stepped aside to allow the other person to stay on the sidewalk); if you set something such as time, money, or space aside for a particular purpose, you save it and do not use it for anything else; apart (a day set aside for relaxing)
an aside is something that you say that is not directly connected with what you are talking about (the pace of the book is leisurely, with enjoyable literary and historical asides); a parenthetical.
departure; a digression

attach, attached, attaching, attaches.verbs
transitive verb use.to fasten, secure or join; to connect as an adjunct or associated.condition or part (the carpenter attached the soffit on the roof of the house); to affix or append; add (we attached several papers to the main document); to ascribe or assign (attached no significance to the treaty made with the North American Indians); to bind by emotional ties, as of affection or loyalty (I am attached to my family); in law, to seize persons or property by legal.writ
intransitive verb use.to adhere, belong or relate (a tiny increase in income attaches to the new position, unworthy of applying for it)
the act of attaching or the condition of being attached; something, such as a tie, band or fastener, that attaches one thing to another; a bond, as of affection or loyalty; fond.regard; a supplementary part; an accessory; appendage; in law, a legal seizure of property or a person; the writ ordering such a seizure

in addition; besides; likewise; too (if you will stay, I will also) also.conjunction
and in addition (it's a pretty cat, also friendly)

in anatomy, any of a branching.system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues and organs of the body; compare vein; a major.route of transportation into which local routes flow (the growing city needed more major arteries to carry the increasing traffic)
of, like or in an artery or arteries; of, relating.to.or.being the blood in the arteries that has absorbed oxygen in the lungs and is bright red; being a main road or channel with many branches: an arterial highway; an arterial route
a through road or street

await, awaited, awaiting, awaits.verbs
transitive verb use.to wait for; expect; to be in a state of abeyance until (a contract awaiting signature); to be in store for (the kids were awaiting dad to come back with a pizza for dinner)
intransitive verb use.to wait; to be in store (a busy day awaits)

onto or on a shore, reef or the bottom of a body of water (a ship that ran aground; a ship aground offshore); on the ground (aircraft both aloft and aground)

Augustus Caesar
originally called Octavian, B.C.E. 63 to A.D. 14, first emperor of Rome B.C.E. 27 to 14 A.D. and grand-nephew of Julius Caesar; he defeated Mark Antony (also spelt Anthony) and Cleopatra in B.C.E. 31 and subsequently gained control over the empire; in B.C.E. 29 he was named emperor and in B.C.E. 27 he was given the honorary title Augustus; the month of August was inserted into the calendar now known as the Gregorian Calendar, which is the calendar widely used in the world today; Emmanuel was born during his reign; even king Herod liked him

a ludicrous or extravagant.act or gesture; a caper

of or relating to an appeal; appellate
one that appeals a court decision (different types of courts)
having the power to hear appeals and to review court decisions (an appellate court)

a name, title or designation; the act of naming

relating to or resembling a tree; living in trees; arboreous (arboreal apes)
having many trees; wooded; resembling or characteristic of a tree; treelike; arboreal
a shady resting place in a garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown; a tree, as opposed to a shrub

an axis or shaft supporting a rotating part on a lathe; a bar for supporting cutting tools; a spindle of a wheel, as in watches and clocks

one more; an additional (would you like another cup of coffee?); distinctly.different from the first (took another route to town); some other (put it off to another day when it wasn't snowing)
an additional one (one score followed by another); a different one (this shirt is too big; I'll try another); one of an undetermined number or group (for one reason or another); see Usage note at  each other; See more Usage notes

in a proper.manner; correctly; set things aright (she's not here today as she had to deal with some problems or difficulties)