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the attitude, state of mind or behavior.characteristic of a bigot, that being intolerant of and often deceitfully.abusive toward others, while being fiercely.adherent to opinions they have accepted which they aren't able to prove to others as being correct (the 'covidiots' and the like, who accept opinions just so they can carry on their selfish living:.Isaiah 30:10 "Which say to the seers, See not and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.".And 1John 4:5); remember how Martin Luthor King, Ghandi and so many others were treated, who lived by the principles of peace and equality; evolutionists.evince bigotry; National Geographic nonsense

excessively devoted or hypocritical people, such as those following satanism; the word bigot is first recorded in English in 1598 A.D.; a bigot is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race or politics and is intolerant of those who differ; if you describe someone as a bigot, you mean they are bigoted; a bigot is a one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially one who regards or treats others as though they are worthless members of society (the satanic policies of cabal members including their corporations, schools and governments elicit bigotry:.Matthew 7:16,20)
being or characteristic of a bigot.(a bigoted person; an outrageously bigoted viewpoint); someone who is bigoted has strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions and will not change them, usually for reasons of selfish gain and will not change them even when they are proved to be wrong; blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or selfish opinion and intolerant toward others unless there is some gain in some way to be made at their expense

cheerfulness; lightness of spirit; resilience; ability to recover quickly from setbacks; the tendency or capacity to remain afloat in a liquid or rise in air or gas; the upward force that a fluid exerts on an object less dense than itself
having or marked by buoyancy.(a buoyant balloon; buoyant spirits); lighthearted; gay (in a buoyant mood; feeling up)
in nautical.terms, a float, often having a bell or light, moored in water as a warning of danger or as a marker for a channel; it is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger; a life buoy; an object that floats on the sea, a lake etc to mark a safe or dangerous area;
buoy, buoyed, buoying, buoys.transitive verbs
to keep afloat or aloft (a glider buoyed by air currents); to maintain at a high level; support; if someone in a difficult.situation is buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic; buoy up means the same as buoy (they are buoyed up by a sense of hope; to hearten or inspire; uplift; to mark with or as if with a buoy; from date 1200-1300 A.D..Middle Dutch 'boye' & 'boeie' and from Latin 'boia' meaning 'chain', because a buoy is kept in place with a chain and from 1500-1600, Spanish 'boyar' meaning 'to float'
buoy up, buoys up, bouyed up, bouying up.verbs
to make someone feel happier or more confident; if someone in a difficult situation is buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic

a shield; a means of protection; a defense: a small, round shield either carried or worn on the arm
buckler, bucklered, bucklering, bucklers.transitive verbs
to shield; protect

a clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or a belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other; an instance of bending, warping or crumpling; a bend or bulge
buckle, buckled, buckling, buckles.verbs
transitive verb use.to fasten with a buckle; to cause to bend, warp or crumple
intransitive verb use.to become fastened with a buckle; to bend, warp or crumple, as under pressure or heat; to give way; collapse (my knees buckled with fear); to succumb, as to exhaustion or authority; give in (finally buckled under the excessive demands of the job)
buckle down.phrasal verb
to apply oneself with determination
buckle up.phrasal verb
to use a safety belt, especially in an automobile

not producing offspring; incapable of producing offspring; sterile; lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation; unproductive of results or gains; unprofitable (barren efforts); futile; empty; lacking in liveliness or interest

a unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in dry measure and equal to 4 pecks, 2,150.42 cubic inches or 35.24 liters; a unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in dry and liquid measure and equal to 2,219.36 cubic inches or 36.37 liters

a low shrub with many branches; a thick growth of shrubs; a thicket; land covered with dense vegetation or undergrowth; land remote from settlement (lives out in the Australian bush); a shaggy mass, as of hair
bush, bushed, bushing, bushes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to grow or branch out like a bush; to extend in a bushy growth
transitive verb use.to decorate, protect or support with bushes
bush, bush-league.adjectives
second-rate; not very good 

bush, bushed, bushing, bushes.transitive verbs
to furnish or line with a bushing
a fixed or removable cylindrical.metal.lining used to constrain, guide or reduce.friction; in electricity, an insulating lining for an aperture through which a conductor passes; an adapter threaded to permit joining of pipes with different diameters

a painful, circumscribed.pus-filled inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous.tissue usually caused by a local staphylococcal.infection; also called furuncle

a skin swelling or sore; a blister; a blotch

an army unit typically consisting of a headquarters and two or more companies (a designated number in a military unit), batteries or similar subunits; a large body of organized troops; a great number (battalions of ants)

mean, cruel; rude, etc. 
brutality noun
the condition or quality of being brutal 
brutalize.transitive verb
to make or become brutal

an animal; a beast; a brutal, crude or insensitive person
of.or.relating.to beasts; animals; characteristic of a brute; entirely physical (brute force); lacking or showing a lack of reason or intelligence (a brute impulse); savage; cruel (brute coercion); unremittingly.severe (was driven to steal food through brute necessity); coarse; brutish
of or characteristic of a brute; crude in feeling or manner; sensually ruled; carnal; rough; uncivilized

appropriate, suitable or proper;' pleasing or attractive to the eye
become, became, becoming, becomes.verbs
intransitive verb senses or use.to grow or come to be (became more knowledgeable; will become clearer in the morning)
transitive verb senses or use.to be appropriate or suitable to (It would not become me to do such a thing as that); to show to advantage; look good with (the new suit becomes you)

baffle, baffled, baffling, baffles.transitive verbs
to frustrate or check an individual as by confusing or perplexing; stymie; to impede the force or movement of
a usually static device that regulates the flow of a fluid or light; a partition that prevents interference between sound waves in a loudspeaker

an account of a person's life written, composed or produced by another (a film biography of Marlon Brando); an oral biography
containing, consisting.of.or.relating.to the facts or events in a human being's life; of or relating to biography; compare autobiography

be all, end all.or.be all and end all, be that as it may.noun
the quintessential or all important element; the totality; the whole purpose:.1Timothy 6:10; the supreme.aim.(profit is the be all and end all of most corporations and some of them get it by evil means; see Janet Ossebaard's History of the World)

you use 'be' with a present participle to form the continuous tenses of verbs (I think it was meant to be); the word 'be' in original Greek and Hebrew
intransitive verb senses or use.to exist in actuality; have life or reality (why should it be so hard to get ahead financially?); to remain in a certain.state or situation.undisturbed and untouched (the children are playing in the backyard sandbox, keep an eye on them but let them be till lunchtime)
to be sure.adverb
admittedly correct; certain; for certain, sure, no doubt, doubtless, of course, to be sure, as a matter of course, truly

being is.existence; something that is in being or comes into being is that which exists; the totality of all things that exist (the Creator-God being); all the qualities.constituting one that exists (a human being); a man, woman or child (a human being); the.essence; 'being' is also used in non-finite.clauses where you are giving the reason for something (it being a Sunday, most men had the day off from weekly work; of course, being young, I did it with ease); other things being equal; for the time being; present participle of 'be'; the state or quality of having existence (we all are human beings); well-being; one's basic or essential.nature; personality; something, such as an object, an idea or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist or is represented as existing
the state or fact of existing
past participle of be; original Greek and Hebrew
to go or come (have you ever been to Canada?; have you been home recently?)

blunder, blundered, blundering, blunders.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move clumsily or blindly; to make a usually serious mistake
transitive verb use.to make a stupid, usually serious error.in something; botch; to utter.something.stupidly or thoughtlessly

blush, blushed, blushing, blushes.intransitive verbs
to become red in the face, especially from modesty, embarrassment; flush; to become red or rosy; to feel embarrassed as caused by one's mind trying to figure out a clashing of invisible energies when another is present (each time she feels on the spot she begins to blush; a feeling someone else knows that an individual is not really the way she or he wanted them to think that she was:.Psalms 39:6; 2Corinthians 10:12; Philippians 4:11; Hebrews 13:5
a reddening of the face, especially from modesty, embarrassment, or shame; a red or rosy color (the blush of dawn)

the young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl.hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother; the children in one family (John and Jane are coming over with their brood of 8)
brood, brooded, brooding, broods.verbs
transitive verb use.to sit on or hatch eggs; to protect young by or as if by covering with the wings (quietly walk past as mother hen is brooding) 
intransitive verb use.to be deep in thought; meditate; to sit on or hatch eggs; to focus attention on a subject to gain more information from it
kept for breeding (a brood hen; a brood mare)

a signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse, located on a coast (we could see the beacon of your flashlight from a long way off); a radio transmitter that emits a characteristic guidance signal for aircraft; a source of guidance or inspiration
beacon, beaconed, beaconing, beacons.transitive and intransitive verbs
to provide with or shine as a beacon

beckon, beckoned, beckoning, beckons.verbs
transitive verb use.to signal or summon, as by nodding or waving; to attract because of an inviting or enticing appearance
intransitive verb use.to make a signaling or summoning gesture; to be inviting or enticing
a gesture of summons

bother, bothered, bothering, bothers.verbs
transitive verb use.to disturb or anger, especially by minor irritations; annoy; to make agitated or nervous; fluster; to make confused or perplexed; puzzle; to intrude on without invitation or warrant; disturb; to give trouble to (a hurtful cut that bothers her when she washes dishes)
intransitive verb use.to take the trouble; concern oneself; to cause trouble
a cause or state of disturbance
causing bother; troublesome

for the reason that; since
because of.preposition
on account of; by reason of
Usage note: A traditional rule holds that the construction 'the reason is because' is redundant and should be avoided in favor of 'the reason is that'. The usage is well established, however and can be justified by analogy to constructions such as 'his purpose in calling her was so that she would be forewarned of the change in schedule' or 'the last time I saw her was when she was leaving for college'. All three constructions are somewhat less than graceful, however. When 'because' follows a negated verb phrase, it should be preceded by a comma ( , ) where the 'because' clause explains why the event did not occur ('He didn't marry her, because she was frivolous'); this means roughly 'Her frivolity was his reason for not marrying her'; when no comma is used, the 'because' clause is understood as part of what is being negated ('He didn't marry her because she was frivolous') means roughly 'His reason for marrying her was independent of her frivolity'. See Usage note at 'as'. See more Usage notes.

too poor in quality to produce anything beneficial (character being bad for so long is far away from doing good; the desert is barren until the rainy season comes); not producing.offspring; incapable of producing offspring; sterile; lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation; unproductive of results or gains; unprofitable (barren efforts); futile; devoid of something good (we went fishing but found none, none at least that would bite our lines); empty; lacking in liveliness or interest (an individual who feels depressed is one unable to encourage others); the club had a few people there when we went but was mostly barren)
a tract of something unproductive such as land, often with a scrubby growth of trees; often used in the plural (outside the town where the chemical factory used to be, the area became known as 'the barrens')
barrenness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)