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protract, protracted, protracting, protracts.transitive verbs
to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong (their lovemaking time was protracted as the kids were at grandma's)
Mathematics:.to draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor (which is a semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles); plot
a semicircular.instrument for measuring and constructing angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle piece of plastic marked with degrees along the curved.edge; an adjustable.pattern used by tailors
Anatomy:.to extend or protrude.(of say a body part; his nose was protracted)

a preamble is an introduction that comes before something you say or write; a preliminary.statement, especially the introduction that serves to explain its purpose; an introductory occurrence or fact; a preliminary

purge, purged, purging, purges.verbs
if you purge something of undesirable things, you get rid of them; to purify; to clean; to free from impurities; to remove undesirable things
transitive verb use-to make free of something unwanted (purge a manhole of gas; purge yourself of fear; purge livestock of chemicals); to free from moral or ceremonial defilement; to cause evacuation from as the bowels
intransitive verb senses.to become purged; to cause purgation; to have or produce frequent evacuations

purgatory is the place where Roman Catholics believe the spirits of dead people are sent to suffer for their sins before they go to heaven; an alleged.state in which the souls of those who have died must expiate their sins; a place or condition of suffering, expiation or remorse (a purgatory of drug abuse); you can describe a very unpleasant experience as purgatory (every step of the last three miles was purgatory);.Dictionary of Theology:."An incorrect doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, purgatory is the belief that there exists a place after death where some of the sins of people are purged through suffering. After a period of time corresponding to the suffering necessary for the sins committed, the person is then set free and enters heaven. Gifts or services rendered to the church, prayers by the priests and masses provided by relatives or friends in behalf of the deceased can shorten, alleviate or eliminate the sojourn of the soul in purgatory. This is an unbiblical doctrine rejected by the majority of Protestant churches. It reflects the misunderstanding of the atonement of Christ as well as adding insult to the finished work of the cross. The error of purgatory is the teaching that we might perfect ourselves and remove sin through our sufferings. If that were possible, then why did Christ need to die?.Galatians 2:21 "I do not frustrate the grace of God, for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain."
tending to cleanse or purge
of, relating to or suggestive of purgatory; cleansing of sin; expiatory

the act of purging or purifying

an irresistible impulse to start fires 

producing or produced by fever; caused by or generating heat; of, relating to solid rock formed from molten rock; igneous

a small compartment or recess, as in a desk, for holding papers; a cubbyhole; the small hole or holes in a pigeon loft for nesting
pigeonholed, pigeonholing, pigeonhole, pigeonholes.transitive verbs
to put aside and ignore; shelve; to place or file in a small compartment or recess; to classify mentally; categorize

an overspreading element that produces an effect, especially of gloom; if something palls, it becomes less interesting or less enjoyable after a period of time (already the allure of meals in restaurants had begun to pall; if a pall of smoke hangs over a place, there is a thick cloud of smoke above it (a pall of oily black smoke drifted over the cliff-top); if something unpleasant casts a pall over an event or occasion, it makes it less enjoyable than it should be; something that covers or conceals; a heavy cloth draped over a coffin; a coffin especially when holding a body
pall, palled, palling, palls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to lose strength or effectiveness; to lose in interest or attraction (his humor began to pall on us); to become tired of something 
transitive verb use-to cause to become insipid; to deprive of pleasure in something by satiating

of, relating to or giving advantage or preference (preferential treatment); manifesting or originating from partiality or preference (preferential tariff rates)

phony.also.phoney, phonier, phoniest.adjectives
not genuine or real; actions intended to deceive or mislead; not authentic; not honest or truthful; not upstanding; having a false or misleading appearance and/or manner, such as if one were to have a mask on, which is what the word 'person' means; intended to defraud; dishonest; fraudulent; a sham; counterfeit.(a phony approach and/or presentation of self such as presents itself as if with a mask on; a phony credit card); false; spurious.(a phony name); deceptive.(a phony excuse; presenting a phony front); insincere or hypocritical; giving a false impression of truth or authenticity.(came with a phony impression everyone knew wasn't genuine); specious
something not genuine; a fake; one who is insincere; an impostor; a hypocrite

a particle is a fluctuation of energy, a wave, not a material particle like a speck of dust, but a detectable occurrence of frequency formation; all is energy or wave function, vibration, a system of its own within the unified field; a particle is any of the basic units of matter and energy (as a fermion-{proton, electron, [neutron]}, molecule, atom or boson {photon}); a particle is formed when an energy wave collapses being absorbed by the electron; particles are made up of fluctuating energy, frequencies; everything has a frequency of being; strange thing about particles is they take on shape the moment they are observed; also see 'elementary particle'; see 'anti particle'; see 'behavior of particles'
Grammar:.a clause or article of a composition or document; since all matter is composed of particles, how can we change one into another, such as say, lead into gold?

particle physics.proper noun
a branch of physics dealing with the constitution, properties and interactions of elementary particles especially as revealed in experiments using particle accelerators,.called also high energy physics and to do with particle colliding; the purpose of particle physics is to discover the ultimate blocks of the universe by breaking matter into the smallest pieces possible; physicists smash particles into one another in particle accelerators and analyse what's left
particle physicist.noun,.plural.particle physicists

a particle is a minute.quantity or fragment; a relatively small or the smallest discrete.portion or amount of something;
of, relating.to.or.formed of separate particles
a particulate substance such as dust in the air; a small part; particulates are very small particles of a substance, especially those that are produced when fuel is burned (the unnecessary particulate pollution in our atmosphere as caused by fossil fuels burning from vehicles, homes furnaces and factories)

highly injurious or destructive; detrimental; deadly; wicked; if you describe something as pernicious, you mean that it is harmful); pernicious implies.irreparable harm done through evil or insidious corrupting or undermining influences (the claim that pornography has a pernicious effect on society)
baneful implies injury through poisoning or destroying (the baneful notion that discipline destroys creativity) 

noxious applies to what is both offensive and injurious to the health of a body or mind (noxious chemical fumes)

deleterious applies to what has an often unsuspected harmful effect (a diet found to have 
deleterious effects) 

sex as practiced by a man with a boy

postulate, postulated, postulating, postulates.transitive verbs
if you postulate something, you suggest it as the basis for a theory, argument or calculation or assume that it is the basis (the theory of evolution begins with the axiom of a created universe); to assume as a premise or take for granted or claim as true, existent or necessary; depend upon or start from the postulate of; to assume as a postulate or axiom-(as in logic or mathematics); to suppose; conjecture

intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction; your passion is something you're excited about doing (his passion was in making meaningful and helpful movies, such as 1, 2); strong emotion; an object of desire or deep interest; a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept; ardent affection; love; sexual desire; often capitalized regarding the sufferings of Christ (the movie The Passion Of Christ, by Mel Gibson), the time between the night of the Last Supper and his death; the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces to defect; emotion (his ruling passion is greed
passion applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable (was a slave to his passions) 

capable of, having or dominated by powerful emotions (a family of passionate personalities) wrathful by temperament; choleric; marked by strong sexual desire; amorous or lustful; showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent (a passionate speech against injustice in the court room); arising from or marked by passion (a teacher who is passionate about her subject)
lacking strong emotion or feeling (a passionless concern for the plight of another); unbiased or impartial; detached (a passionless commentary of another's woes)
synonyms.fervor, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal

prime minister.noun,.plural.prime ministers
a chief minister appointed by a ruler; the head of the cabinet and often also the chief executive of a parliamentary.'democracy'
prime ministerial.adjective
prime ministership.noun,.plural.prime ministerships
prime ministry.noun,.plural.prime ministries

a very small amount (not a pittance of care for those who are less fortunate); a meager monetary allowance, wage or remuneration

the treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the use of psychological.techniques designed to encourage communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being personality growth and behavior modification

Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus. 1493-1541. The German-Swiss alchemist and physician who introduced the concept of disease to medicine; he held the 'out to lunch' approach that illness was the result of external agents attacking the body rather than imbalances within the body and advocated the use of chemicals against disease-causing agents (and so began the pharmaceutical industry)

made a participant in knowledge of something private or secret (was privy to secrets of corporations); secret; concealed
an outdoor toilet; an outhouse; a toilet
Law:.one of the parties having an interest in the same matter
in a privy manner; privately or secretly

the visible outer layer of a star, especially of the sun

a piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus

an emergency situation (this coat will do in a pinch); the act or an instance of pinching; an amount that can be held between thumb and forefinger (a pinch of pepper)
pinch, pinched, pinching, pinches.verbs
transitive verb senses.to squeeze between the thumb and a finger, the jaws of a tool or other edges; to squeeze or bind (a part of the body) in such a way as to cause discomfort or pain (these shoes pinch my toes); to take money or property unlawfully; steal
intransitive verb senses.to press, squeeze or bind painfully (this collar pinches); to be miserly
relating to pinch-hitting or pinch runners in baseball (a pinch single; a pinch steal of second base)
pinch pennies.idiom
to be thrifty or miserly

inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious; characterized by an inordinate interest in sex (prurient thoughts); arousing or appealing to an inordinate interest in sex (prurient literature); to yearn for, itch

prokaryotes are simple forms of a cell and are an organism of the kingdom Prokaryotae, constituting the bacteria and cyanobacteria, characterized by the absence of a nuclear membrane and by DNA that is not organized into chromosomes