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forked tongue.noun,.plural.forked tongues
intent to mislead or deceive; usually used in the phrase 'to speak with forked tongue'

fork in the road.verb
a bifurcation (traveling along the country road we came to a place where the road split into two parts and we weren't sure whether to go left or right)

a utensil with two or more prongs, used for eating or serving food; an implement with two or more prongs used for raising, carrying, piercing or digging; a bifurcation or separation into two or more branches or part; (you'll come to a fork in a road, then take the left one and that'll lead you into the next town); in games, an attack by one chess piece on two pieces at the same time
characterized by a fork (a forked river); something that divides into two parts and forms a 'Y' shape can be described as forked (Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails); shaped like or similar to a fork (forked lightning)
fork, forked, forking, forks.verbs
transitive verb use.to raise, carry, pitch or pierce with a fork; to give the shape of a fork to (one's fingers, for example); in games, to launch an attack on (two chess pieces); to pay (forked over an extra $50 for front-row seats; forked up the money owed)
intransitive verb use.to divide into two or more branches (the river forks here); to use a fork, as in eating or working; to turn at or travel along a fork

a small industrial.vehicle with a power operated pronged.platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load to be lifted and moved
forklift, forklifted, forklifting, forklifts.transitive verbs
to move or stack by use of a vehicle with a power operated pronged platform

an insignificant or childish lie
fib, fibbed, fibbing, fibs.intransitive verbs
to tell a fib; lie

any of a group of reactions induced by living or nonliving ferments that create the process that splits complex.organic.compounds into relatively simple substances, especially the anaerobic.conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast
something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mold or an enzyme, that causes fermentation; catalyst
ferment, fermented, fermenting, ferments.verbs
transitive verb use.to produce by or as if by fermentation; to cause to undergo fermentation
intransitive verb use.to undergo fermentation

flail, flailed, flailing, flails.verbs
transitive verb use.to wave or swing vigorously; thrash (flailed my arms to get their attention); thrash about (arms flailing helplessly in the water); to strike or lash out violently (boxers flailing at each other in the ring); to beat or strike with or as if with a flail (flailed our horses with the reins); to thresh using a flail
intransitive verb use.to move vigorously or erratically; to thresh grain
a manual threshing device.consisting of a long wooden handle or staff and a shorter, free-swinging stick attached to its end

a fixed sum charged for a privilege a license fee; tuition fees; in law, an inherited or heritable.estate in land; in feudal law, an estate in land granted by a lord to his vassal on condition of homage and service; the word fee is also called fief and feud
fee, feed, feeing, fees.transitive verbs
from the Scots, means to hire
in fee.idiom
Law:.in absolute and legal.possession

fee simple.noun,.plural.fees simple
a fee without limitation to any class of heirs or restrictions on transfer of ownership; an estate in land of which the inheritor has unqualified ownership and power of disposition; private ownership of real estate in which the owner has the right to control, use and transfer the property at will; a fee ('in fee' means absolute and legal possession) without limitation to any class of heirs; they can sell it or give it away; a permanent and absolute tenure in land with freeness to dispose of it at will, especially (in full fee simple absolute in possession) a freehold tenure, which is the main type of land ownership

if you have the freehold of a building or piece of land, it is yours for life and there are no conditions regarding your ownership; an estate held in fee or for life; the tenure by which such an estate is held

one who is given to petty.criticism and constant.complaint
implies a querulous (inclined to find fault) or exacting temperament (a fault finding reviewer);
captious; carping

a weakness of character; something that impairs or detracts from physical or spiritual perfection; a defect (the tire on the car looked good but had a fault in it, lesson being, always buy new tires unless you know what to look for); in geology, a fracture in the continuity of a rock formation caused by a shifting or dislodging of the Earth's crust, in which adjacent surfaces are differentially.displaced.parallel to the plane of fracture; a fault line or plane, which is the plane along which the break or shear of a fault occurs; a shift; in electronics, a defect in a circuit or wiring caused by imperfect connections, poor insulation, grounding or shorting; in tennis sports, a bad service
fault, faulted, faulting, faults.verbs
transitive verb use.to find error or defect in; criticize or blame
at fault.idiom.deserving of blame; guilty (admitted to being at fault)
find fault.idiom.to seek, find and complain about faults; criticize (found fault with his speech; the fault finders way back when drove Moses nuts)

faulty, faultier, faultiest.adjectives
containing a fault or defect; imperfect or defective

the young offspring of a horse or other equine animal, especially one under a year old
foal, foaled, foaling, foals.intransitive verbs

a folder is a thin piece of cardboard in which you can keep loose papers; a folder is a one item usually containing a group of individual files stored together on a computer; one that folds or is folded, such as a booklet or pamphlet made of one or more folded sheets of paper; a flexible cover folded in the center and used as a holder for loose paper (a file folder; a hanging folder)

fold, folded, folding, folds.verbs
transitive verb use.to bend over or double up so that one part lies on another part (fold a sheet of paper); to make compact by doubling or bending over parts (folded the laundry; folded the chairs for stacking); to bring from an extended to a closed position (the hawk folded its wings); to bring from a compact to an extended position; unfold (a suitcase that folds out to become a display table; folded the ironing board down from the wall); to place together and intertwine (fold one's arms); to envelop or clasp; enfold (folded his children to his breast; folded the check into the letter); to blend in a cooking ingredient by gently turning a mixture on top of it (folded the beaten egg whites into the batter; folded in the butter with the mixture); to discontinue operating; close (they had to fold the restaurant a year after they started it); in games, to withdraw one's hand in defeat, as by laying cards face down on a table
intransitive verb use.to become folded (twofold, threefold, sixfold, twentyfold, etc; evil deeds done come back in other ways, affecting the perpetrator 20 times, aka 20 fold, in greater measure:.Leviticus 6:1-5); to be capable of being folded (a bed that folds for easy storage; the sixfold Hexapia; the 32-fold scale to measure an Earthquake's strength, called the Richter scale; fold also means to close, especially for lack of financial success; to have failed; in games, to withdraw from a game in defeat; to give in; buckle (a team that never folded under pressure); to weaken or collapse from exertion
the act or an instance of folding; a part that has been folded over or against another (the loose folds of the drapery; clothes stacked in neat folds); a line or mark made by folding; a crease (tore the paper carefully along the fold)

a fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep; a corral; a flock of sheep; a religious congregation (the minister welcomed new parishioners into the fold)

something.surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error or a breach of contract; a forfeiture forfeit.adjective
lost or subject to loss through forfeiture
forfeit, forfeited, forfeiting, forfeits.transitive verbs
to surrender, be deprived of or give up the right to
the act of surrendering something as a forfeit; something that is forfeited; a penalty.as it were

a lobby as of a theater or hotel; an entrance hall; a vestibule; the foyer is the large area where people meet or wait just inside the main doors of a building such as a theatre, cinema, hotel or house

fizzle, fizzled, fizzling, fizzles.intransitive verbs
to fail or end weakly, especially after a hopeful beginning (lighted candles on birthday cakes fizzle out quicky); to make a hissing or sputtering sound (shake up a carbonated canned of drinkable liquid such as beer and open it and will fizzle all over the place)
fizzle out verb
end weakly; taper off, collapsing, come to nothing, die away, fail, fall through, dying off, withering away; end or fail in a weak or disappointing way; to peter out

fizz, fizzed, fizzing, fizzes.intransitive verbs
to make a hissing or bubbling sound
a hissing or bubbling sound; effervescence; an effervescent beverage
fizzy drinks are drinks, such as sparkling mineral water, that contain small bubbles of carbon dioxide; they make a sound like a long 's' (ssssss) when you pour them

a man engaged to be married
a woman engaged to be married

received from the original.source (firsthand information)

most.fundamental; primary; denoting.mathematical.equations involving only the first power of the independent.variable or only the first derivative of a function
first-order logic.adjective
first-order logic is also called predicate calculus; the language describing the truth of mathematical formulas, which describe properties of terms and have a truth value, such as, and for example, the following are atomic formulas:

   If F1, F2 and F3 are formulas and v is a variable then the
   following are compound formulas:

   F1 ^ F2 conjunction - true if both F1 and F2 are true,

   F1 V F2 disjunction - true if either or both are true,

   F1 => F2 implication - true if F1 is false or F2 is
   true, F1 is the antecedent, F2 is the consequent (sometimes
   written with a thin arrow),

   F1 <= F2 true if F1 is true or F2 is false,

   F1 == F2 true if F1 and F2 are both true or both false
   (normally written with a three line equivalence symbol)

   ~F1 negation - true if f1 is false (normally written as a dash '-'
   with a shorter vertical line hanging from its right hand end)

   For all v . F universal quantification - true if F is true for all
    values of v (normally written with an inverted A).

   Exists v . F existential quantification - true if there exists some
   value of v for which F is true. (Normally written with a 
   reversed E).

   The 'order' of a logic specifies what entities 'For all' and
   'Exists' may quantify over. First-order logic can only
   quantify over sets of atomic propositions, e.g. for all
    p . p => p), example. 

Second-order logic can quantify over functions on propositions; Higher-order logic can quantify over any type of entity; the sets over which quantifiers operate are usually implicit but can be deduced from well-formed constraints

the ordinal number matching the number one (1) in a series; the one coming, occurring or ranking before or above all others. 3. The beginning; the outset (from the first moment we met; at first glance he looked as if it was my old friend from childhood); the transmission.gear or corresponding gear ratio.used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle; the winning position in a contest (finished first); in baseball, first base; a first baseman
corresponding in order to the number one; coming before all others in order or location (the first house on your left); occurring or acting.before all others in time; earliest (the first day of spring); ranking above all others, as in importance or quality; foremost (was first in the class) 
of, relating.to.or.being the transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle
before or above all others in time, order, rank or importance (the plane she was coming on arrived first; forgot to light the gas oven first); for the first time; rather; preferably (he would go first this time)
in the first place; to begin with

wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied

a long, narrow, shallow trench made in the ground by a plow; a rut, groove or narrow depression (snow drifting in furrows); a deep wrinkle in the skin, as on the forehead
furrow, furrowed, furrowing, furrows.verbs
transitive verb use.to make long, narrow, shallow trenches in; plow; to form grooves or deep wrinkles in
intransitive verb use.to become furrowed or wrinkled

flash, flashed, flashing, flashes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to burst forth into or as if into flame; to give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts as in using a flashlight; to appear or occur suddenly (the image flashed onto the screen); to move or proceed rapidly (the cars flashed by); to think of or remember something suddenly (flashed into my mind)on that time we got caught in the storm
transitive verb use.to cause light to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts; to cause to burst into flame (the dry leaves flashed to flame as soon as they were lit with a match); to make known or signal by flashing lights (intersection lights at almost every corner); to communicate or display at great speed (flashed the news out to the Internet; a flash flood as was the great flood); to cover with a thin protective layer
a sudden, brief, intense display of light; a sudden perception (a flash of insight); a split second; an instant (I'll be on my way in a flash); a brief news dispatch or transmission; a flashlight; instantaneous illumination for photography (had to use a flash to get the picure at night); photograph by flash; a device, such as a flashbulb, flashgun or flash lamp, used to produce such illumination
happening suddenly or very quickly (flash freezing of fresh vegetables); ostentatious; showy (a flashy car)
flash in the pan.idiom.a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing (he dropped in for a flash in the pan visit); something that promises great success but fails (the new razor was a flash in the pan attempt to gain more sales)

flashy, flashier, flashiest.adjectives
cheap and showy; gaudy; giving a momentary or superficial.impression of brilliance; if you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are smart and noticeable, but in a rather vulgar way; big, bright or expensive and intended to be impressive (large flashy cars); someone who is flashy wears expensive clothes, jewellery etc in a way that is intended to be impressive; quickly and easily seen to be shallow or vulgar (a flashy nightclub act) gaudy; giving a momentary or superficialimpression of brilliance; flashy implies an effect of brilliance

sheet metal used to reinforce and weatherproof the joints and angles of a roof
