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any of several plants of the genus Linum, especially the widely cultivated L. usitatissimum, having blue flowers, seeds that yield linseed oil and is often used as flour when ground up; flax is slender stems from which a fine, light colored textile.fiber is obtained; any of several similar plants; color is a pale grayish yellow
the nutritious seed of flax, often made into a flour for bread and into an oil

friction is the force that results from and makes it difficult for things to move freely when they are touching each other (the pistons are coated with graphite lubricant to reduce friction); the rubbing of one object or surface against another; conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests (too bad there is friction between them so often); clash
Physics:.a force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact

a container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order; a line of persons, animals or things positioned one behind the other; any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers
file, filed, filing, files.verbs
transitive verb use.to put or keep papers, for example, in useful order for storage or reference; to enter a document on public record; to carry out the first stage of a lawsuit for example (filed charges against someone)
intransitive verb use.to march or walk in a line; to put items in a file; to make application; apply (filed for a job with the state; file for a divorce)
on file.idiom
in or as if in a file for easy reference (we will keep your résumé on file to consider you for any job opening that you may be qualified to fit into)

any of several hardened steel tools with cutting ridges for forming, smoothing or reducing especially metallic surfaces (the sharp edges of the eaves.trough are now filed down); a nail file
file, filed, filing, files.transitive verbs
to smooth, reduce or remove with or as if with a file

fire is the hot, bright flames produced by things that are burning (a fire chief; fire prevention); burning fuel or other material (a cooking fire; a forest fire); burning intensity of feeling; ardor; passion; enthusiasm; luminosity or brilliance, as of a cut and polished gemstone; a severe test; a trial or torment; the discharge of firearms or artillery (heard the fire of cannons)
fire, fired, firing, fires.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to burn; ignite; to light something up as if by fire (the morning Sun fired the tops of the trees); to add fuel to (something burning); to bake in a kiln: fire pottery; to arouse the emotions of; make enthusiastic or ardent (felt fired up after the encouraging.seminar)
intransitive verb use.to become ignited; to become excited or ardent; to tend a fire; to ignite fuel as in an engine; to generate an electrical.impulse, used of a neuron
on fire (the old shed was afire; he was afire with enthusiasm for helping others improve their learning {example})

the process of applying fire or heat, as in the hardening or glazing of ceramics; fuel for fires (they picked up small twigs and broke them up, getting them ready for later firing); to discharge from a position; dismiss
fire, fired, firing, fires.verbs
transitive verb use.to discharge from a position; dismiss; to fire up the kiln to finish pottery
intransitive verb use.to discharge from a position of employment for example; to be dismissed
fire away.phrasal verb
to start to talk or ask questions
fire off.phrasal verb
to utter or ask rapidly; to write and send a letter for example, in haste

filmy, filmier, filmiest.adjectives
of, resembling or consisting of film; gauzy (filmy lingerie); airy; covered by or as if by a film; hazy

film.noun,.plural.films.(pronounced 'fil mm', not 'fill um')
a film of powder, liquid or oil is a very thin layer of it; a thin covering or coating (a film of dust on the table); plastic film is a very thin sheet of plastic used to wrap and cover things; a thin skin or membrane; a thin, opaque, abnormal coating on the cornea of the eye; a thin, flexible, transparent sheet, as of plastic, used in wrapping or packaging; a thin sheet or strip of flexible material coated with a photosensitive emulsion and used to make photographic negatives or transparencies; a thin sheet or strip of developed photographic negatives or transparencies; a movie; movies considered as a group
film, filmed, filming, films.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover with or as if with a film; to make a movie
intransitive verb use.to become coated or obscured with or as if with a film (the window filmed over with moisture); to make or shoot scenes for a movie

in psychiatry, a pathological.amnesiac.condition.during which one is apparently.conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state; this condition, usually resulting from severe.mental.stress, may persist for as long as several months; in music, a polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally

a U.S. warship of 4,000 to 9,000 displacement tons, larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser, used primarily for escort duty; a high-speed, medium-sized sailing war vessel of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries

a farce is a humorous and ludicrous play in which the characters become involved in complicated and unlikely.situations; a light dramatic work in which highly improbable.plot situations, exaggerated characters and often slapstick.elements are used for humorous effect; a mockery (the election was a farce, for it was fixed easily using electronic voting, to provide the outcome a few wanted it to be); the broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works; a ludicrous, empty show
farce, farced, farcing, farces.transitive verbs
to pad or fill out (a speech, for example) with jokes or wittcisms

of or relating to farce; resembling a farce; ludicrous; ridiculously clumsy; absurd
farcicality, farcicalness.nouns

one of the light, flat growths forming the plumage of birds, consisting of numerous.slender, closely.arranged.parallel.barbs forming a vane on either side of a horny, tapering, partly hollow shaft; the vane of an arrow
feather, feathered, feathering, feathers.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover, dress or decorate with or as if with feathers; to fit an arrow with a feather; to thin, reduce or fringe the edge of by cutting, shaving or wearing away; to shorten and taper hair by cutting and thinning; to connect with a tongue-and-groove.joint; to turn an oar.blade almost horizontal as it is carried back after each stroke; to turn off an aircraft engine while in flight (feathered the engine)
intransitive verb use.to grow feathers or become feathered; to move, spread or grow in a manner suggestive of feathers; to feather an oar; to feather a propeller
feather in one's cap.idiom
an act or deed to one's credit; a distinctive.achievement
feather one's nest.idiom
to grow wealthy by taking advantage of one's position or by making use of property or funds left in one's trust

fare, fared, faring, fares.intransitive verbs
to get along (how are you faring with your project?); to travel; go; to dine; eat
a transportation charge, as for a bus; a passenger transported for a fee; food and drink; diet (simple home-cooked fare)

a device such as a valve for regulating the flow of a liquid from a reservoir such as a pipe or drum

forming or occurring at the end; last (the final scene of a film); of or constituting the end result of a succession or process (she finally comprehended the meaning of life); ultimate (an act with an immediate and a final purpose); not to be changed or reconsidered; unalterable (the decision is final)
something that comes at or forms the end, such as the last or one of the last of a series of contests (the finals of a spelling contest); the last examination of an academic course (was studying for the finals)
the condition or fact of being final; a final, conclusive or decisive act or utterance (she always has to have the final word on my projects)
finalize, finalized, finalizing, finalizes.transitive verbs