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a small spherical.mass, especially a small drop of liquid
globular refers to a small spherical mass called a globule having the shape of a globe; consisting of globules; worldwide; global
a small drop; a globule; a soft, thick lump or mass (a glob of mashed potatoes; globs of red mud)

having the shape of a globe; spherical;of, relating.to.or.involving the entire Earth (pic); worldwide (global air service)
a body with the shape of a sphere, especially a representation of the Earth in the form of a hollow ball; the Earth; a planet; a spherical container such as a bowl; a glass cover for a light bulb; an orb
globe, globed, globing, globes.intransitive.and.transitive verbs
to assume the shape of or form into a sphere

of, relating.to.or.associated with the stomach
gastric juice.noun,.plural.gastric juices
the colorless, watery, acidic.digestive.fluid that is secreted by various.glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach and consists.chiefly of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, rennin and mucin

a toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit.motion or to change speed or direction; a transmission.configuration for a specific.ratio of engine to axle torque in a motor vehicle; equipment, such as tools or clothing, used for a particular.activity; paraphernalia (fishing gear); equipment; clothing and accessories (the latest gear for teenagers; personal belongings, including clothing (keeps her gear in a trunk); the harness for a horse; a ship's rigging; a sailor's personal effects
gear, geared, gearing, gears.verbs
transitive verb use.to equip with gears; to connect by gears; to put into gear; to adjust or adapt so as to make suitable (geared the speech to the younger audience); to provide with gear; equip
intransitive verb use.to come into or be in gear; to become adjusted so as to fit or blend
gear up.phrasal verb
to get ready for a coming action or event

a gap is a space between two things or a hole in the middle of something solid (she pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap); a gap is also a period of time when you are not busy or when you stop doing something that you normally do
(after the last project of building the garage there followed a gap of four years, during which he traveled for awhile); if there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap (we have a gap in skilled workers in our computer department); a gap between two groups of people, things or sets of ideas is a difference between them (the gap between rich and poor); an opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach (wriggled through a gap in the fence; a large gap in the wall where the truck backed into it); an opening through mountains; a pass; a space between objects or points; an aperture (a gap between his front teeth); an interruption of continuity (a nine-minute gap in the recorded conversation; needed to fill in the gaps in her knowledge); a conspicuous difference or imbalance; a disparity (a gap between one's earnings and spending; the gap between rich and poor)
gap, gapped, gapping, gaps.verbs
transitive verb use.to make an opening in
intransitive verb use.to be or become open

garnish, garnished, garnishing, garnishes.transitive verbs
to enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches; embellish; to decorate prepared food or drink with small colorful or savory.items, such as parsley or lemon slices or freeze an organic lemon, one without any wax or other coating and grate the rind to sprinkle on your salad; also you can grate some of the rind of the frozen lemon into distilled or filtered or spring water, to which you also have added freshly squeezed lemon juice and drink it as it's way more powerful for your health than anypharmaceutical.concoction made, even halting cancer (said to be 400x more powerful than chemotherapy), giving the body a chance to recover, whereas chemotherapy destroys your precious immune system more; take it every morning or more often, listen to your body and, see other remedies from God's pharmacy and from these sites on Telegram
Law:.in law, to garnishee
ornamentation; embellishment; an embellishment added to a prepared food or drink for decoration or added flavor
ornamentation; embellishment

is an individual subject to the legal process of garnishment, exercised usually by a tax department, in order to take his or her property often in the form of money
garnishee, garnisheed, garnisheeing, garnishees.transitive verbs
to grab onto by garnishment (garnishee a debtor's wages); to notify by means of a garnishment (garnishee an employer under penalty for non.compliance by a third party's order to withhold from a worker an amount necessary to settle an apparent.debt of the worker)
a legal proceeding.whereby money or property due a debtor but in the possession of another is applied to the payment of the debt owed to the plaintiff; a court order directing a third party who holds money or property belonging to a defendant to withhold it and appear in court to answer inquiries and receive direction as to who the money should go

an established military.post; troops.stationed at a military post
garrison, garrisoned, garrisoning, garrisons.transitive verbs
to assign troops to a military post; to supply a military location with troops

the quality or condition of being grand; magnificence ("The world is charged with the grandeur of God"....Gerard Manley Hopkins); nobility or greatness of character

grand, grander, grandest.adjectives
if you describe a building or a piece of scenery as grand, you mean that its size or appearance is very impressive; large and impressive in size, scope or extent; magnificent; rich and sumptuous (a grand meal was laid before them); grand refers to that which is of a stately or splendid.nature; dignified or noble in appearance or effect (the Hearst castle in California is a grand estate to tour); wonderful or very.pleasing (had a grand time); having higher rank than others of the same category (a grand admiral); having more importance than others; principal (the grand ballroom of a hotel); including or covering all units or aspects (the grand total to construct the building)
a grand piano; a thousand dollars is known as a grand

a person of eminence or high rank; nobleman of the highest rank in Spain or Portugal; used as the title for such a nobleman

a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous or bombastic.style, manner or quality.especially in language

grunt, grunted, grunting, grunts.verbs
intransitive.verb use.to utter a deep, guttural sound, as a hog does; to utter a sound similar to a grunt, as in disgust (it sounded to me as if the man sitting over there grunted in response to that last remark from the speaker)
transitive.verb use.to utter or express with a deep, guttural sound (he merely grunted his approval)
a deep, guttural sound; any of various.chiefly.tropical.marine fishes of the family Haemulidae that, upon removal from the water, produce grunting sounds by rubbing together tooth plates in the throat; one who performs routine or mundane.tasks