key to wellness is to maintain balance in the immune system. Combine with
a nutritious diet the following information to pick you up in a hurry.
"The art of healing comes
from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start
from nature, with an open mind."....Philippus
Aureolus Paracelsus
"Let food be your medicine
and medicine be your food." ...Hippocrates
Medical doctors are very
good at dealing with things apart from one's healing of chronic diseases.
Chronic issues indicate the body is starved for nutrition and is organ
starvation. Looking after broken bones, knowing when to send one on to
physiotherapy, etc., doctors are very good at these things. However, asking
most doctors for healing advice is as bad or worse than consulting with
a carpenter regarding an issue with your vehicle's internal parts.
You must change your
eating habits if it's the standard North American diet. There are benefits
of a Macrobiotic Diet for diabetes as explained by Dr Michael Greger
Also see his website, all
free, at
If you even begin to eat
almost entirely as the vegans
do, which is close to a Macrobiotic way of eating, you'll notice remarkable
differences in even 2 days and wow! how you'll feel after 2 weeks.
There are other
things you can do along with implementing a Macrobiotic eating lifestyle
that will assist you in cleaning up your body by keeping both your blood
and colon
clean. This is important because:.Leviticus
17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood...
These are the keys to throwing off any illness
and maintaining optimum
health. Keep your blood clean and keep your colon clean, get.lots
of sleep and rest, some
exercise and eat the highest quality foods you can afford and/or bless
your food before eating and why worry
and get stressed.
To markedly improve your skin consider this renewing
The product Essaic is a great blood cleaner, effective
with cancers,

some attest to.(at search for 'Essiac Tea'). Needs to be taken over
3 months as one's body is always
It's effectiveness is akin to the 40 day renewing
fast below. It costs you a bit.(about
$35. a bottle which lasts about a week or get the powder and make your
own for about one third the cost), but hey! sell your BMW and put
your money into your body's health. It takes longer to get positive results
than the fast talked
about just below, but it's less fiddly
and easier to do and easier on you. Some men and women prefer going to
a health practitioner to get a colonic
every couple of days while doing the renewing fast.
The 40 day renewing fast.costs
you very little for the food and equipment and provides massive
positive results. Hey! What's 40 days when we're talking about the rest
of your life?
But if you're in no mind to fiddle around this
way, use the info in this video.(click
on the girl's pic):
But if interested in the amazing.renewing
fast, here you go!
If not in a state
of health where one can easily fast and do daily tasks, wait until feeling
well enough before starting a renewing fast.
That's because the body begins to clean itself, taking toxins from everywhere
it can inside of you to get rid of them. Any negative frequency.(all
is frequencies either helpful or harmful).that
is not of God's original pattern for the body is removed. Weak and dying
cells.(called exosomes).are
removed at this time and at an accelerated rate.
Plan for lots of rest and peace during fasting
time and because during the first 8-10 days a massive cleaning is going
on and during this you probably won't feel so well at all. But it's all
good! The major encouragement comes probably before the 10th day. Then
look out as everything begins to greatly turn around, so much so,
that the improvement you'll feel every day thereafter is so amazing that
even after 40 days, you may say to yourself that you could and maybe should,
do this forever. You'll feel so good! And the good increases
every day. It just doesn't stop. It's really amazing what happens!
You just won't believe that every day your body feels better than the day
before. Like, how could this be? But it is! You'll think 'How can this
be my body doing this? Is there no end to it?' It truly restores and renews
like nothing else known, that is, as long as you can get through those
first days of 'pleasant' agony, pleasant because you believe enough in
the outcome to get you through those first few days of massive cleansing.
The renewing fast involves first eating only fruit
and vegetables and drinking water when thirsty, for about 3 days to allow
the body to slowly adapt for it's renewal.
Then, prepare a broth, enough for about a week,
by using only vegetables,
to avoid further toxicity. Use potatoes, leeks, turnips, wild rice as harvested
by the First Nation's people in Northern Manitoba or similar. Also use
organic brown short or long grain rice such as Lundberg's of California,
organic chard, organic carrots, organic parsnips, organic kale, organic
parsley, organic oregano.(dried
oregano is fine).organic beets, organic
beans if you wish, but they need to be prepared first and they'll take
a while to cook, so cook them separately and then add them to the main
batch later, if you want to use beans.
Add the vegetables to the stainless steel pressure
cooker if you have one; if not, use a stainless steel pot. A pressure cooker
hastens the cooking time of the beans. Add the vegetables after
the beans are cooked. Avoid garlic, onions, salt and spices for the broth
you'll use in the fast.
Once the vegetables are cooked, the broth is ready.
Throw out the vegetables because you only want the broth with its smaller
particles. The broth contains these tiny parts from the vegetables, so
don't filter them out.
Put the broth in glass jars and into the refrigerator
once the broth cools down a bit.
Use the broth whenever you feel hunger during the
day. At night, take some freshly squeezed by you fruit juice, only organic
and mixed half and half with spring water preferred. You can also use solarized
water; tap water that's been in the Sun in only a blue bottle. Mix some
drops with a good regular tap or filtered or distilled water. Small blue
bottles come with a dropper and are available in organic food stores and
health stores. In the Sun it should sit for 15 minutes to an hour. No Sun
today? Put the bottle under an incandescent light for an hour. Incandescent
bulbs give off the yellowish light and also give off quite a bit of heat.
Avoid using fluorescent lights, ever, unless they are full
Have a look at Amazon on the Internet or perhaps
your drug store and get an enema kit.(many
drug stores no longer sell it). They usually hold about a quart.(approximately
one litre). It looks like a hot water bottle and has a hose to connect
to it with a clip on the end to stop the flow of water from the bag when
you need to.
Prepare about 1 quart or one litre of regular tap
water by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to it as this removes most
of the chlorine
that is still added to tap water, even when safer alternatives are available
such as
The freshly squeezed lemon juice helps the water clean you out better;
take out the larger seeds from the lemon juice. If there is still the highly
toxic fluoride in your
water, instead use spring water with no fluoride in it or even distilled
or RO.(reverse osmosis).water.
Fill the enema bag.('hot
water bottle').with the prepared water.
First warm it up to body temperature so it's not cold. Some people who
can afford to, have a colonic
at a natural health practioner's office as many of them are equipped with
the very efficient colonic machines.
Anyhow, if you're doing it yourself.(it's
easy!), hang the enema bag.(similar
to a hot water bag, only with a hose that comes out the top).from
the door of your bathroom at such a distance so that the end of the hose
reaches you below your bum a bit as you are hands and knees on the floor.
Let a little of the bag's contents out into the toilet so that you get
the air out of the hose. Put a couple of large thick towels on the bathroom
floor so you can lie on them.
Now you're ready to rock! Put a little coconut
oil or vaseline on the outlet part of the hose.(about
2-3 inches). Insert it in your bum hole. You can regulate the rate
the water flows with your finger on the clip. Take in enough water to the
point of it beginning to feel uncomfortable. Then turn around to lie on
your back on the towels on the bathroom floor and massage your abdomen
and tummy until you feel that's enough and you feel you have to sit on
the toilet. Alternately, stand up and walk around, massaging tummy and
abdomen until you feel like you better right now sit on the toilet to let
it all out. Then do it all again until the enema bag is again emptied.
Clean it all up, getting ready for next time. Some people do this twice
a day, morning and evening, a good idea for the first week or so, then
you can cut back to once a day.
For the first 8-10 days, do it morning and evening,
then depending on what you think, once a day may be enough.
For the first 8-10 days your body will 'go down'
and you'll need much rest. This is because it is changing from mostly
building and fueling itself to cleaning itself and rebuilding itself.
After about 8-10 days you'll notice new energy
happening. This is the rebuilding. As the days carry on the rebuilding
accelerates. If you carry on as most who have done this do, for say, 40
days, you'll say to yourself 'I can't believe how much better I am each
day. I think I would never want to stop this. This is amazing!' You're
turning from a toxic human being to a healthy one.
Even at the 40 day mark you'll still see black
stuff sitting in the toilet after your enema. This is poisons still coming
out; dead cells and toxins from the organs renewing and from poisons being
eliminated that were lodged in the bones and fat.
By doing this you will lose weight until you reach
your ideal weight and you will feel so, so very good, as you never have
before if this is the first time you've done this. Your skin will tighten
up, your aches and pains vanish and you've taken 30 years off your age.
So, now it maybe time to adapt to regular eating
again. Take 3 days to 'come back' by eating vegetables and fruit, just
as you did to 'come into it'. Continue taking the broth, but now with the
vegetables. You don't so much need the juice now because your eating the
Eat only organic foods and drinks from now on to
maintain what you have gained. Some foods are ok if not organic, if they
are locally grown without being from genetically modified seeds and grown
without chemical fertilizers and sprays that are 'cides'.
So, stop poisoning the blood with what you eat
and drink and get a colonic.(irrigation
of the large intestine and removal of impacted
stuck poisonous toxic matter; see a natural health practitioner or ask
about it at a good local health foods store or do it yourself as outlined
above).every year or so to stay in
tune, for now, as many days as you feel necessary.
The majority of diseases can be rid of by cleaning
the blood and colon. It is important to keep both the blood and the colon
clean. Macrobiotic/vegan eating habits will accomplish this over time and
maintain your new state of health.
an individual's wrinkles and scars go away or diminish with this renewing
"Dr. Norton M. Hadler is
professor of Medicine and Microbiology/Immunology, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and attending rheumatologist, University of North
Carolina Hospitals. In his 2008 book Worried Sick: A Prescription for
Health in an Overtreated America, he looks at many of the most popular
and most widely practiced modern medical 'cures', such as angioplasties,
bypass surgeries, mastectomies,
statin drugs, chemotherapy and so
on. He analyzed the scientific studies that originally supported the widespread
use of these therapies. He also reviewed all the significant studies that
have been done on them ever since. And do you know what he found? He found
that in many cases there was absolutely no proof that they worked continuously
as expected! And in many cases, they were actually worse than doing nothing
-- and they all have serious side effects. Dr. Hadler calls this the "medicalization"
of an overtreated society. He argues that the medical industry is an artificial
social construct where health conditions are turned into diseases for financial
(article was there under
Masterson Journal)
"Conventional medicine has
proven itself useless in preventing the degenerative diseases that dominate
health care today. Has the drugs-and-surgery approach to medicine made
any improvement whatsoever in reducing the rates of these diseases over
the last three decades? None. In fact, disease rates continue to rise every
year. Diabetes is skyrocketing in children, cancer survival rates have
barely budged in thirty years and depression is now spreading like an epidemic
across the population. And on top of that, infertility rates have spiked,
forty percent of the population is now taking pharmaceuticals daily and
tens of millions of our children have been labeled 'sick' with a diagnosis
of a fictitious disorder called 'ADHD' that's being treated with prescription
amphetamines that used to be called 'speed' when they were sold as street
drugs."....Health guru Mike Adams,
founder of
In the 2002 paper titled "Selling sickness: the
pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering" in the British Medical
Journal, Ray Moynihan, Iona Heath and David Henry, describe the mechanisms
of the Mothers Act disease mongering campaign to a tee when explaining
that:."Within many disease
categories informal alliances have emerged, comprising drug company staff,
doctors and consumer groups. Ostensibly
engaged in raising public awareness about underdiagnosed and undertreated
problems, these alliances tend to promote a view of their particular condition
as widespread, serious and treatable.
"A key strategy of the alliances
is to target the news media with stories designed to create fears about
the condition or disease and draw attention to the latest treatment. Company
sponsored advisory boards supply the 'independent experts' for these stories,
consumer groups provide the 'victims' and public relations companies provide
media outlets with the positive spin about the latest 'breakthrough medication'.....the
series of articles was in Search for 'drugs suicide'.
Read books on Macrobiotics. Good ones are available
from the Kushi Institute.(
And if your really in trouble
with disease...
Special Message from Michio Kushi:
"In these times it is especially
important to keep your dreams alive. Without a dream, what is life? Without
your health, how can you create your dream? How can you change your life
or help
change the world?
Kushi Institute was founded
to teach the very practical, macrobiotic way of understanding how to live
a life of vitality and freedom. Through our own transformation we help
create a healthy and peaceful world.
For over 30 years Kushi Institute
has provided macrobiotic education and thousands of people have attended
courses and learned the principles by which they can change their destiny.
I encourage you to keep on with your studies, as there is always more to
learn and be inspired by. Even I am still always learning in this great
adventure of life!"
Mainstream medicine in dealing with the human
body uses a disease based model. Here symptoms and pain are governed with
medication and/or surgery.
Two doctors discussing a patient. One asks the
other: "Should we treat him or let him live?"
It's a fact! When the western medical system is
hampered in some way.(doctor/hospital
strikes, war destroys hospitals/treatment centers, etc.).mortality
rates drop. It is estimated in the United States of America some 1/4 million
deaths occur annually from medical errors; that's 2,500,000 in ten
years. Obviously, it's not anywhere near a science and should be called
something other than medical 'science'.
There are widespread differences, both in outlook
and in methods and results when compared to alternative therapies. Modern
medicine misses the point that mechanisms of disease are not the origins
of disease. Understanding origins of disease involves understanding that
a human being is supported by his invisible reality, the
Soul. Here we find the
real person beyond space and time constrains,
the body is just an expression of it.
Alternative therapies work from the principle of
or a holistic
model. Alternative therapies work on returning the body to homeostasis.(balance).and
maintaining that balance to ensure good health and long life. They accomplish
through mind/body techniques, exercise and diet, herbs and supplements,
acupuncture, massage and the
so many other alternative therapies that work in restoring and maintaining
health. These methods restore balance in the body, thus diminishing pain
and avert disease.
Check out
'Macro' means 'big' and 'biotics'
means 'life'.
Macrobiotics is just a word to describe a healthy
lifestyle resulting from a change in dietary habits; a change back to days
when there was no such thing as foodless food.
Western medicine dictates pills and surgery. However
it's excellent in many
things. Eastern medicine approaches the body as a whole, attempting
to get it back into balance, understanding that then the
body will take care of the disease itself. This is because in Eastern
medicine, many who assist others back to health have knowledge of the invisible,
that there is a pattern
from which the body is sustained.
Perhaps this is why the disciple
Luke was called the beloved physician:.Colossians
Eastern medicine is founded upon concern for that
which works and causes no side effects. Western medicine is permeated
with confusion, greed, misinformation, disinformation,
neglected information and forgotten information.
The Sun is so important
in maintaining good health. Those who enjoy relaxing outside on a sunny
day and especially when out in peaceful nature, generally are of a better
The Sun not only warms the
land and the people on it, it comes with rays containing invisible spiritual
qualities as well, rays which warm the heart and heal the soul. That's
why we all feel so much better on sunny days.
A group called the Solar
Healing Center is focused on helping humanity to develop a better understanding
of how the Sun can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit as demonstrated
by engineer Hira Ratan
the movie.What
If The Movie), who, as a result
of sungazing, has not eaten solid food for over 9 years, goes without liquids
for months and has been verified by two universities under contract from
And to augment
your growth from doing these things about Sun gazing and seeing the.What
If? The Movie, remove any remaining limitations by following the
examples in.The
It's a lot easier and a lot quicker than what the ancients had to do.
Comprised of information
from the book at the bottom of the article on the benefits of Vitamin D
from the Sun:."Vitamin
D does a couple of things. It will regulate insulin secretion by your pancreas,
which is of course one of the major problems with type 2 diabetes. I have
tables at the end of the book, where I tell people anywhere on the globe,
any time of the year, for any skin type at any time of day, how long they
can stay outside to get some safe Sun to provide them with their vitamin
D requirements and then to use sun protection thereafter.(use
the safe organic sun screens available from or
"For African
Americans living in the UK or Canada, say in July, they're much further
north than we are in the U.S., about 10 degrees further north in latitude,
so the Sun's rays are even weaker, so they probably would need a good 30
to 60 minutes of exposure of arms and legs, or hands face and arms, 2-3
times per week. But for a Caucasian it would probably be no more than 5
to 10 minutes. And to give you an example of how powerful putting sunscreen
on is, if you put a sunscreen on with an SPF of 8, it reduces your ability
to make vitamin D in your skin by more than 95% so you're pretty much shutting
down vitamin D production with even a mild sunscreen.
"Can a body actually produce too much vitamin D itself where it becomes
toxic? The body is very clever and no matter how much Sun you're exposed
to, you can never become intoxicated with vitamin D. So if you're a Sun-worshipper
or a lifeguard, there's never been a reported case of vitamin D toxicity.
And the reason is, as we had shown many years ago, that when you're exposed
to Sunlight, your body makes enough vitamin D and that any excess that's
made is destroyed by the Sun. It's a self-regulating system and that's
the best way to go. Basically it tells you that Mother Nature really had
always programmed for you to get your vitamin D requirements from some
sensible Sun exposure. I mean if you're getting a really adequate source
in the spring, summer and fall, it'll last two to three months. So it'll
get you through the winter.
"Vitamin D
rays are absorbed by glass, so even if you're exposed to Sunlight through
glass, you can't make any
vitamin D."....The
UV Advantage book by Dr. Michael Holick, 30 year researcher in Vitamin
D and the first to chemically synthesize Vitamin D, along with Dr. Hector
DeLuca. Dr Holick is at the University Medical Center Boston, Massachusets
and has excellent information on Sunlight and Vitamin D in this
interview. His website is
While western researchers cut single genes from
DNA strands and insert them elsewhere.(typical
of those trained to think in reductionist
terms), the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence
cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus
repairing genetic defects. Good for the advanced Russians!
They even captured information patterns of a particular
DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another
genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to
salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns!
This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side
effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and reintroducing
single genes from the DNA.
This represents an unbelievable, world transforming
revolution and sensation. By simply applying vibration.(sound
frequencies).and language instead of
the archaic corrupt Rothschild medicinal approach, that of, cutting out
This experiment points to the immense power of
wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation
of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.
There are many quick.(few
days to a few months).recovery methods
one can use. Some are here. And Med
comes from within. Certain foods, like organic barley, are excellent for
a youthful looking skin. Also proper oils.(
food rich in Vitamin A are also superb for the skin.
The Great Infinite One is concerned with what we
eat to maintain ourselves. He loves us:.Ecclesiastes
7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God has made man upright, but
they have sought out many inventions."
Health is harmony. Internal
harmony occurs with proper diet.
When bodily
the ones at the molecular level).are
in harmony, health results. It makes good sense to only do those things
which contribute to the attainment of, and/or maintenance of this harmony.
Great Infinite One gave man dominion over the whole Earth, but only
vegetation is specifically mentioned as being for daily food. The 'fatted
calf' was often used for food at occassional ceremonies. Seemingly,
before the flood, the human race and animals were vegetarian:.Genesis
Psalms 104:14.
"It is my view that the vegetarian
manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament,
would most beneficially influence the lot of humanity."....Albert
See famous bodybuilders and
athletes that are/were vegan and vegetarians. Type 'vegan body builders'
into YouTube.
"I have from an early age
from the use of meat."....Leonardo
da Vinci
"My refusing to eat flesh
occasioned an inconveniency and I was frequently chided for my singularity,
but, with this lighter repast.(meal),
I made the greater progress, for greater clearness of head and quicker
animal flesh was not needed while they were protected from the Sun's rays
by the mist that then watered the Earth before there was any rain, but
they didn't know the Sun's rays are not harmful, but helpful:.Genesis
The diet was expanded to
include dead animal flesh, but not their blood, at the time of Noah,
perhaps for the strength soon needed for him and those with him to build
giant ark: Genesis 9:3,4.
And man and his meat processing
techniques come along to make things worse.
Macrobiotics involves balanced
health principles. Fish is great! Even a steak and chicken occasionally
for one in good health won't do permanent harm. Listen to your body in
regards to diet. Eliminating ingesting some things, like fluoride, is also
important. Being wary of the fact that next to heart disease and cancer,
the biggest killer is adverse drug reactions.
Journal of the American
Medical Association, April 15, 1998, volume 279, number 15, 1200-1205,
in an article by Lazarou, Pomeranz and Corey, advises that over 100,000
deaths occur annually from adverse drug reactions and over 2,000,000 people
end up in hospital with reactions to drugs.
"From products that kill,
harm and maim, to false claims, to not paying taxes, to patent infringements,
to bribery, to publishing false scientific journals. Yet, in spite of the
tens of thousands of lawsuits won against Big Pharma, it still conducts
business as usual.
"Eli Lilly flooded state
Medicaid programs with Zyprexa, its superstar, antipsychotic drug. In 2003,
worldwide sales of Zyprexa grossed $4.28 billion, amounting to almost one
third of Lilly's total sales. In the United States, during the same year,
Zyprexa grossed $2.63 billion. A whopping 70 percent of these sales were
directly related to government agencies, principally Medicaid. Fast-forward
six years to 2009, Eli Lilly pleaded guilty for having illegally marketed
Zyprexa for an unapproved use to treat dementia.(when
there was already a simple solution;
just like the covid con today).and
will pay $1.42 billion to settle civil suits and end the criminal investigation.
And, Lilly agreed to pay $800 million to settle civil suits. It will pay
$615 million to resolve the criminal probe and plead guilty to a misdemeanor
in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for promoting Zyprexa as
a dementia treatment."....the
article is about 'Zyprexa' and is on
An Australian study calculated
that medical intervention was the biggest killer in Australia after cancer
and heart disease. Further, Focus Magazine in July, 1999, in an
article by Susan Aldridge states that often drug reactions are hidden,
often being recorded as being due to the disease.(pneumonia
or heart attack).
In Denmark during the Second
World War, when many hospitals were destroyed and food was scarce, people
had to grow their own. The population became healthier and the mortality
rate from disease went down.
Live from your heart but
improve your mind through learning so you can change your living into the
healthiest of lifestyles by a superb attitude.
Changing to high consciousness
healing. How to do this? Learn from
Bob Proctor's 57 years of experience.
Attitude is primary. Attitude
what leads to a person's thrust in life or to put it another way, one's
actions show their heart.
An excellent diet won't do
one much good, if the attitude is clogged with toxins
such as worries, guilt, resentment, hate, anger,
and the like. There are those on fanatical healthy diets who look sicker
than those who live on some junk and have a pretty good attitude. Best
to have good attitude and to mostly if possible avoid inferior food, determined
so, by listening to your
body. It knows what is best for you.
Attitude is king. Nothing
overrides the commander. Get
and/or see the award winning.documentary.What
If? The Movie.and
see its sequel.The
Grand Self. Take notes if you're serious about moving away from
limitations in living and note what comes to your mind as you view the
movies. Pause
the movie if need be.
Every cell of one's body
operates on one's beliefs. See Bruce Lipton's video
on epigenetic control. That's why it's important to saturate one's
self with the truth about
Christ in you to have vibrant health. These are the most positive thoughts
one can possess.
Most people do not at all
eat for their sustainable health, even the rich, along with others who
can afford to. Most have never learned how to cook and eat for health,
much less know even what ingredients to use for optimizing health. Most
listen to their bodies. Most have no idea about asking their bodies
about what they are about to consume.
Ask your body.(the
body is a function {'slowed
down' frequencies} of your Soul's connection to your
you eat or drink and even before you are to do something, go somewhere,
etc., if what you are considering is beneficial, "What does my body feel
about taking this into it?"
There are two
messages the universe is always sending out to you. Be alert to them
by asking questions of yourself.
Most have been deceived by
great counterfeiter. They carelessly may consume unnatural preservatives,
flavoring agents, and coloring agents made with artifical dyes like FDandC3,
etc., within canned and packaged processed concoctions.insinuating
food. Most have been deceived into thinking fluoride's
benefits outweigh it's incredible risks.
I personally enjoy Bancha
selling tea in Japan), a good change
from coffee. Bancha.(also
called Kukicha).is
in calcium, looks and tastes something like you mixed a mild regular
tea and mild coffee together. It comes from the Banch tree's twigs.
Once used to it, you'll like it!
Good sources of calcium are:
kale, cabbage, most green vegetables, sesame seeds, beans, figs, nuts,
seeds, oranges. Make sure they are only certified organic unless you know
the source where no sprays and chemical fertilizers have been used. Type
into a search engine 'organic sources of calcium' for more.
Dairy products are generally
not good for the human body. Yogurts may be ok depending on what's in them.
Again, only organic is best.
they would no longer purchase milk from dairies injecting their cows with
Monsanto/Eli Lilly's controversial genetically engineered synthetic hormone,
recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone.(rBGH).
Milk from Canadian cows is not allowed to contain this hormone.
Ice cream and cheese and other dairy products from the United States contains
the hormone rGBH unless they are certified organic.
Humans are the only species
that by choice drinks another species mother's milk. Duh! Hello! Knock
knock! Anybody home in that brain?
What about asthma and milk?
And, raw milk; there are two kinds. Know the differences. One is for human
consumption and one not. Be careful getting raw milk if you at all use
Cheese, for some, is constipating.
Few people are aware that most of the cheese we consume is made with an
animal enzyme, rennin/rennet, that is produced by transgenic
bacteria. Some organic
cheeses may be ok occasionally if they are without this enzyme.
Cow's milk fed to infants,
has with it substantial risk of later disease. Type 'milk dangers' into
a search engine for more information.
Used topically,
silver colloidal.(nano
simply outstanding at preventing skin infections in burn victims. Silver
has been used since B.C.E.
400, but it wasn't until electricity came on the scene in the late 1800's
that equipment was available to make it possible to produce colloidal
silver, where its liquid can be safely drunk. Before that, utensils
made of silver provided very tiny amounts when used in eating.
Top quality equipment one
can get to make your own silver colloidal
The wealthy of the past often
ate with silver forks, knives and spoons. In doing so, nanoparticles
of the silver would also be taken into the body and helped keep one away
from illnesses that others normally get; remember the bubonic
plague and how almost every second individual in Europe died.
Calculation is 12 times
pounds divided by ppm.(parts
per million).of
the colloidal silver equals drops per day. For example a 100 pound individual
could take 24 drops a day if the ppm was 50. If the ppm was four, a 20
pound child or animal could easily take 60 drops a day. Take the drops
as is or add to water, tea, juice, coffee, etc.
-At the American Chemical
Society meeting held in Washington, D.C., scientist Ankit Agarwal, a postdoctoral
researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed that he's come
up with an approach to healing that can kill 99.9999 percent of bacteria
in a wound using a natural substance -- silver. And he claims he's found
a way to help skin heal by using tiny, targeted nanoparticles
of the precious metal. The treatment could help save diabetics from amputations
and help victims of severe burns heal with fewer complications from infections,
too. In laboratory tests, he demonstrated that the low concentration of
silver killed 99.9999 percent of the bacteria but didn't damage cells called
fibroblasts that are needed to repair a wound. ...article was at
and an article there on how to make your own.
History of silver colloidal,
along with amazing
results for infections. Also great for ridding
infections are organic oregano oil, organic echinacea, honey in the comb,
organic garlic, salt such as the grey sea salt from France, etc.
Also taking gold colloidal
has been shown to increase intelligene by as much as 30% as neurons and
their synaptic
activity are increased. New neurons are made when
you learn something.