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instruct, instructed, instructing, instructs.verbs
transitive verb use.to teach; to provide with knowledge in an acceptable.manner and/or methodical way
intransitive verb use.to serve as an instructor
one who instructs; a teacher; a college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant.professor
conveying knowledge or information; enlightening
(the teacher's instructiveness is a hallmark of her abilities)
an instruction is something that someone tells you to do or that gives details on how to do it (how do I figure out.assembling this cabinet from this diagram of instructions?); something you are learning that gives you discipline and you learn to act properly correcting yourself toward adjusting yourself in life; the act, practice or profession of instructing; imparted knowledge (I received instruction in an Email of how exactly to replace the car's oil filter); a lesson.
Computers:.a machine.code telling a computer to perform a particular.operation; detailed.directions on procedure (read the instructions for assembly)

a land mass, especially one smaller than a continent and entirely.surrounded by water; something resembling an island, especially in being isolated or surrounded (a counter forming an island in the middle of the kitchen; islands of people living here and there on an empty prairie)
island, islanded, islanding, islands.transitive verbs
to make into or as if into an island; insulate (a secluded mansion, islanded by shrubbery and fences)
isle, islet.noun,.plural.islets,.isles
an tiny island (rocky islets off the coast)
a inhabitant of an island

ides.plural noun
used with a singular or plural verb
the 15th day of March, May, July or October or the 13th day of the other months in the ancient Roman calendar (good king Caesar was assinated on the ides of March)

lacking a backbone or spinal column; not vertebrate; of.or.relating.to invertebrates (invertebrate zoology)
an animal, such as an insect or a mollusk, that lacks a backbone or spinal column; both invertebrates and vertebrates have an amazing blood clotting system

anger; wrath

not fully grown or developed; young; marked by or displaying a lack of normal.maturity (silly, immature behavior; some people are less mature than others)

being such that comparison is impossible; so outstanding as to be beyond comparison; unsurpassed

indwell, indwelt, indwelling, indwells.verbs
intransitive verb use.to exist as an animating or divine inner spirit, force or principle; located or implanted inside something
transitive verb use.to inhabit or reside within as such a spirit, force or principle; to dwell within

absent or diminished.fertility; the persistent.inabilityto conceive a child
not fertile; unproductive or barren; sterile; incapable of producing.offspring

lack of probity; dishonesty

inborn qualities are natural ones which you are born with
(he had an inborn talent for languages); innate; inherited; hereditary

insure, insured, insuring, insures.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover with insurance; to make sure, certain or secure
intransitive verb use.to buy or sell insurance
See Usage note at assure. See more Usage notes.

the act, business or system of insuring (we have insurances for auto, home and business); the stateof being insured; a means of being insured; coverage by a contract.binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid; the sum or rate for which such a contract insures something; the periodic premium paid for this coverage; a protective measure (biking helmets that provide some insurance against an accident)
in sports, of, relating.to.or.being a score that increases a team's lead enough to prevent the opposing team from tying the game with one more score)

the terminal.portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum

a decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels

located inside; inner; directed or moving toward the interior (an inward flow); of, relating.to.or.existing in the thoughts or mind (meditation takes one inward to the oneness of all); intimate; familiar (is inward with the right people)
toward the inside, center or interior; toward the mind or the self (the mind turns inward during meditation bringing thoughts particular to each person from the oneness of all and how does one know this is happening)
an inner or a central part; an inner essence or spiri; entrails; innards
on or in the inside; within (a window opening flared inwardly). privately; to oneself
intimacy; familiarity; preoccupation with one's own thoughts or feelings; introspection

located or occurring.farther inside (an inner room; an inner layer of warm clothing); less.apparent; deeper (the inner meaning of a poem); of, relating.to the mind or spirit
(the inner lining of the box is plastic in case the contents leak)
(the innerness of deep caves is usually dark)
farthest within; innermost
situated or occurring farthest within (the innermost chamber of a pyramid; the most intimate (one's innermost feelings)
the part situated farthest in

filled with passion; fervent (road rage is an impassioned act; an impassioned plea for justice)
impassion, impassioned, impassioning, impassions.transitive verbs
to arouse the passions of

that one identical with it (used reflexively as a form of the word 'it' as the direct or indirect object of a verb or the object of a preposition, such as in the sentence 'The cat scratched itself'); the word 'itself' is used as the object of a verb or preposition when it refers to something that is the same thing as the subject of the verb (scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep; unemployment does not correct itself); used to show that a thing, organization, animal or baby that does something is affected by its own action (the cat lay on the sofa, washing itself; the machine switches itself off when the process is complete; a small local enterprise that has transformed itself into a highly successful company); you use 'itself' emphasize the thing you are referring to (I think life itself is a learning process; the trouble is in the machine itself); if you say that someone is, for example, politeness itself or kindness itself, you are emphasizing they are extremely polite or extremely kind (she was happy there, as the people were kindness itself; itself no great poem, it still reveals talent); its normal or healthy condition or state (the car is acting itself again since we changed the oil)

you use 'its' to indicate that something belongs or relates to a thing, place or animal that has just been mentioned or whose identity is known (its battery is on the counter; the high mountain often has its own weather; every purse has its world of items); you can use 'its' to indicate that something belongs or relates to a child or baby (the baby food is in its jar in the fridge); used as a modifier before a noun (the airline canceled its early flight)

a contraction of it is; it has

you use 'it' to refer to an object, animal or other thing that has already been mentioned (it's a wonderful city, really; I'll show it to you if you want; it came quickly out of the bush; it's a warm day out there today; it's been a warm summer)