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2 C o r i n t h i a n s

-2Corinthians 1:3,4.What do these two verses mean? I've been in severe trials and found no comfort.

-2Corinthians 1:14 What is this day of the Lord Emmanuel, also called Christ?

-2Corinthians 2:15.What does this mean?

-2Corinthians 3:18.How are we changed into the image of the Infinite One?

-2Corinthians 4:3 What's it mean 'them that are lost'?

-2Corinthians 5:10.Do we still have to appear before the judgment seat if we are made righteous? If we appear before the judgment seat of Christ how is it then that we reap what we sow? What is this judgment seat? Is the day of judgment talked about in 2Corinthians 5:10 the same as the day of the Lord?

-2Corinthians 5:15.What does it mean to not."live unto ourselves"?

-2Corinthians 5:16.What does it mean to not know anyone after the flesh?

-2Corinthians 5:19 talks about reconciliation's importance. Is it good to reconcile with someone you may have had a disagreement with?

-2Corinthians 6:1.How do you receive grace in vain.(to no good purpose)?

-2Corinthians 7:1.What causes one to become a pedophile?

-2Corinthians 10:4.Why does Paul also talk here and in Ephesians 6:12 about a spiritual warfare?

-2Corinthians 10:6.What does."revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled".mean here?

-2Corinthians 10:12.It says here that we are not to compare ourselves with others, but it talks about judging things in 1Corinthians 6:3 and to judge, one must compare?

-2Corinthians 11:13.What is a false or true minister?

-2Corinthians 12:2.Does the Bible talk about going into a trance and about out of body experiences?

-2Corinthians 12:4.What were these."unspeakable".words Paul heard and why weren't they."lawful"?

-2Corinthians 12:7.What was this."thorn in the flesh".that Paul talked about that he had?

-2Corinthians 12:9.What did Paul mean here about grace being sufficient?

-2Corinthians 13:5.How are we to."examine ourselves"
    And what does it mean here where it talks of reprobates?

-2Corinthians 13:8.What's it mean."...do nothing against the truth..."

I do what my Rice Krispies tell me to.