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P a r a b l e s

See also Harmony of the Gospels (the life of Emmanuel from His birth to crucifixion,
as written in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), by dates from B.C.E. 5 to 29 A.D.

(meaning of the word 'parables)

Christ wants us to comprehend them
Matthew 13:51-53; Matthew 13:36-43

Overstand.this one and others come easy

Purpose of parables
Matthew 13:10-17, 34,35; Mark 4:10-12, 33,34; Luke 8:9,10

-Counting the cost:.Luke 14:25-35
-Covering your candle or letting your light shine:.Luke 8:16;
-Dead bury dead:.Luke 9:57-62; Matthew 8:21-33
-Exalted ones.(best places at a banquet):.Luke 14:7-11
-Faithful servant:.Luke 12:42-48; Matthew 24:45-51
-Fisherman's net or Dragnet:.Matthew 13:47-50

-Friend in need:.Luke 11:5-8

-Great banquet and relevant guests:.Luke 14:12-24

-Growing seed:.Mark 4:26-29

-Good Samaritan:.Luke 10:29-37

-Hand to the plow.(or 'dead bury dead'):.Luke 9:57-62; Matthew 8:21-33

-Hidden treasure:.Matthew 13:44

-Houses built on rocks and sand:.Luke 6:47-49; Matthew 7:24-27

-Lazarus and the rich man:.(*)

-Leaven or yeast:.Luke 13:20,21; Matthew 13:33

-Lost coin:.Luke 15:8-10

-Lost sheep:.Luke 15:3-24

-Kingdom of God.(or kingdom of heaven):.Matthew 13:1-58
(also see 'Pounds' below)

-Master and servant:.Luke 17:7-10

-Moneylenders:.Luke 7:41-43

-Mustard seed:.Matthew 13:31,32; Mark 4:30-32.(main, smallest of all seeds?); Luke 13:18,19

-Pearl of great price:.Matthew 13:45,46

-Pounds or Nobleman:.Luke 19:11-27.(applies to the destruction and coming)

-Prodigal son:.Luke 15:11-32

-Rich man's harvest or the rich fool:.Luke 12:13-21

-Servant.(who was unforgiving):.Matthew 18:23-35

-Sheep:.John 10:1-15

-Sheep and goats:.Matthew 25:31-46

-Sinful publican:.Luke 18:13,14

-Sower of seed and the word, or 30, 60, 100 fold:.Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15.

-Steward.(the parable of the rich man and the steward or, the unjust administrator or shrewd manager):.Luke 16:1-9

-Talents:.Matthew 25:14-29

-Tares or weeds.(the wheat and chaff):.Matthew 13:24-30; 36-40.(applies to the destruction and coming)

-Tax collector.(publican).and the Pharisee:.Luke 18:9-14

-Two debtors:.Luke 7:36-50

-Two sons:.Matthew 21:28-32

-Unforgiving servant:.Matthew 18:23-35

-Unfruitful fig tree:.Luke 13:6-9

-Unjust judge or persistent widow:.Luke 18:1-8

-Vineyard or the tenants who were the wicked husbandmen:.Luke 20:9-18; Matthew 21:33-44; Mark 12:1-11.(applies to the destruction and coming)

-Virgins.(the 10):.Matthew 25:1-13

-Watchful servants:.Luke 12:35-40

-Wine skins or new wine into old bottles:.Luke 5:36-39; Matthew 9:16,17; Mark 2:21,22

-Workers in the vineyard:.Matthew 20:1-16

-Wedding feast and garment:.Matthew 22:1-14.(parables here apply to the destruction and Christ's coming)
