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also called a masque; a costume party at which masks are worn; a masked ball; a disguise or false outward show; a pretense (a masquerade of concern); a charade
masquerade, masqueraded, masquerading, masquerades.intransitive verbs
to wear a mask or disguise, as at a masquerade (she masqueraded as a shepherd); to go about as if in disguise; have or put on a deceptive appearance (the stowaway masqueraded as a crew member)

mild, milder, mildest.adjectives
gentle or kind in disposition, manners or behavior; moderate in type, degree, effect or force (a mild pipe tobacco; a mild day); not extreme (a mild winter storm); not severe or acute (a mild fever); easily.molded, shaped or worked; malleable (mild steel)
mildness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
to put it mildly.or.putting it mildly.idiom
to say the least; at the very least; without any exaggeration

mend, mended, mending, mends.verbs
transitive verb use.to make repairs or restoration to; fix; to reform or correct (mend one's ways of socializing)
intransitive verb use.to improve in health or condition (the patient is mending well); to heal (the bone mended in a month); to make repairs or corrections
the act of mending (did a neat mend on the socks); a mended place (such a good job, you can't tell where the mend is)
mend fences.idiom
to improve poor relations
on the mend.idiom
improving in health (felt better after resting)

molest, molested, molesting, molests.transitive verbs
to disturb, interfere with or annoy; to subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity

mistreat, mistreated, mistreating, mistreats.transitive verbs
to treat.roughly or wrongly; abuse; harm; to do disservice to

moving or having the power to move spontaneously (motile spores)

Bible original for word magistrates is here:.Titus 3:1; a magistrate is an official who acts as a judge in law courts which deal with minor.crimes or disputes; a civil.officer with power usurped from We the People to administer and enforce.corporate law, as a local member of the BAR and judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases; a minor official, such as a justice of the peace, having administrative and limited judicial authority
the position, function or term of office of a magistrate; a body of magistrates; the district under jurisdiction of a magistrate; the official position of a magistrate or the time during which someone has this position; the magistracy is magistrates considered together as a group; ancient.references to:.Deuteronomy 1:16,17; in the New Testament the Greek word 'archon', rendered 'magistrate' means one first in power and hence a prince:.Matthew 20:25; Luke 12:58,59; Titus 3:1; this term is used of the Messiah in "Prince of the kings of the Earth" in Revelation 1:5  "...the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the Earth..."
of.or.relating.to a magistrate; magisterial
of, relating to or characteristic of a master or teacher; authoritative (a magisterial account of the history of the English language); of or relating to a magistrate or a magistrate's official functions

mustard gas.noun,.plural.mustard gases
an oily, volatile liquid, (ClCH2CH2)2S, that is corrosiveto the skin and mucous membranes and causes.severe, sometimes fatal respiratory.damage; introduced in World War I as a chemical warfare agent

the practice or condition of being dedicated and committed to only one person at a time
living by the standard of monogamy (she won't go out with other guys as she's decided on the man she wants for a lifetime partner)

a hormone.derived from serotonin and produced by the pineal gland, important in regulating sleeping cycles; more is produced at night and test subjects injected with it become sleepy Melatonin may be involved in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

mope, moped, moping, mopes.intransitive verbs
to be gloomy or dejected; to brood or sulk; to move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle
an individual given to gloomy or dejected moods; low spirits; feeling the blues

spotted or blotched with different shades or colors
mottle, mottled, mottling, mottles.transitive verbs
to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors
a spot or blotch of color (she made what's called a marbled cake); a variegated pattern, as on marble

a device that produces alternating current for distribution to the spark plugs, used in the ignition systems of some vehicles' internal combustion engines; a magnetoelectric machine such as an alternator in a vehicle with permanent magnets used to generate current for the ignition in an internal combustion engine

a low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative of sorrow or pain; a similar sound (the eerie moan of the night wind); lamentation
moan, moaned, moaning, moans.verbs
intransitive verb use.to utter a moan or moans; to make a sound resembling a moan (the workers moaned when they were told that they had to dig it up and start all over again); to complain, lament or grieve
transitive verb use.to bewail or bemoan (she moaned her misfortunes to anyone who would listen); to utter with moans or a moan; if you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain (he moaned in his sleep and then turned over on his side)

the flesh of fully grown sheep

a radio-frequency unit of one million.cycles per second; also called.megacycle

a span of time of one thousand years