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B e l i e f  N o t e s
p a g e  3

"The celebration of the Eucharist where our Lord is always present.(God is always present everywhere), is the central act in the process of deliverance and healing."

"A victim of ancestral control may feel himself taken over by a force describable as a 'foul smell', a 'weight on the back', a 'black cloud' or a strong 'directing voice and/or urge'.

"During such periods, his words are not his own and his actions are not of his own volition."

Drawing up a Family Tree in detail can elicit unusual patterns. For example: For generations past, perhaps the eldest female showed signs of similar behaviour. Dr. McAll gives the example of Elizabeth:."In 1750 when 2 murders had been committed in the family, the eldest daughter Elizabeth became an alcoholic and destroyed much family property before she drank herself to death at the age of forty. Subsequently, each eldest daughter in the family had violent temper tantrums at the slightest provocation down to Margaret, my patient, who was born in 1904.

"Margaret's niece, Rhonda. the eldest daughter of her youngest sister was born in 1941 and was thirty-two years old. She had been having psychiatric treatment for several months before Margaret's case was brought to me.

"Margaret had agreed to this treatment only after her husband had come home one evening to find badly damaged furniture, broken windows and a generally chaotic situation and had threatened to walk out and start divorce proceedings taking the children with him. She realized that she needed help and agreed to see a psychiatrist. Rhonda and her husband had three children, all male, so perhaps the family inheritance of this disturbed streak in the eldest daughters had been broken.
   "We decided to offer a Eucharist for the Rhonda and for the eldest females of the preceding six generations.

"With two clergymen, one doctor, two nurses, Nellie and myself, we held a service for these family ancestors who apparently had contributed in this chain of violent temper tantrums. Although it was held in private, without the knowledge of my patient Margaret or her niece Rhonda, neither woman has had any further attacks. Rhonda's behaviour became entirely normal and her husband dropped his threatened divorce suit. Their marriage was able to settle down normally. Margaret once again became a caring elder sister and Nellie's troubles were at an end.

"The cutting of the bond and the transfer of control to Emmanuel the Christ can be simultaneous and can happen to non Christians as well as Christians."

Dr. McAll gives many more examples in his books.Healing The Family Tree.and.Healing The Haunted.
   He says that "the more love is present, the more healing occurs", so ask God to help you love greatly.

Dr. McAll continues:."In preparation for a Eucharist.(communion).of deliverance, we draw up the Family Tree and identify those for whom we shall pray. In the case of babies who were stillborn, miscarried or aborted it is helpful to call them by name:.Isaiah 49.1. If the baby had no name, sometimes the Lord will now suggest one or the family may now choose one, so that prayer becomes more specific and personal."

"Usually we begin with an informal prayer said aloud asking the Father to gather the dead for whom we are praying, asking for whatever healing we trust will happen during the service; asking that both the dead and their living descendants should receive forgiveness and fullness of life; asking that Satan leave, and asking that the Holy Spirit should compensate for whatever shortcomings there may be in our prayers. Thus we have prepared ourselves for the Eucharist and we are ready for the Lord's Prayer.

"I am not a theologian. I am a simple searcher with a limited understanding of the working of God's healing power."

We are forgiven according to how we forgive:.Matthew 6:12.
   You can have your own little communion ceremony:.Matthew 18:18-22.

Dr. McAll begins with a prayer 'Deliver us from evil', from the Lord's prayer.(Matthew 6:9-15), here asking our Creator to free both the living and the dead from any bondage to the evil one.

Dr. McAll:."This prayer for deliverance asks that we may be protected from him and in Emmanuel Christ's name commands that he be bound and handed over peacefully to Emmanuel Christ. We are asking in fact that through Emmanuel's blood represented by the communion wine, Emmanuel the Christ should cleanse the blood lines of the living and the dead of all that blocks healthy life, especially by breaking any hereditary seals and curses and by casting out any evil spirits.".(spirits, deep set feelings that have attached themselves to the negative attitudes of any involved, dead or alive).
