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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  6 3 d

Ladybugs' and aphids' blood is both filled with antifreeze so they don't freeze in winter; not the kind that goes in your car's radiator; that would kill just about anything.

Mother ladybugs lay eggs amongst aphid colonies so the newborn will have lots of aphids to snack on. How do they know how to do that if not programmed into them? And as a jab at evolution; which came first, or did they evolve together and if so how come this incredible mathematical improbability? Evolution as presented as an explanation of beginnings of life is really such a complete crock of crap!

Eggs are glued to a stem. Aphids feed on sap by inserting their probes into a plant gently.in just such a way.so as not to cut off the flow of sap going up to the flowers. 

Aphids are pregnant when they are born. The life cycle is about a month for an aphid. They are very abundant as they're on the bottom of the food chain. How come animals at the bottom of the food chain, like plankton and aphids, are so abundant? Did some Great Designer know just how to do it? Of course!

Ladybirds molt.(to shed periodically part or all of a coat or an outer covering, such as feathers, cuticle or skin, which is then replaced by a new growth) five or six times and get larger each time, then go into the pupae.(the nonfeeding stage between the larva.{the newly hatched, wingless, often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis}).stage to transform into a hard bodied ladybug.

They become brand new creatures. Some have 2 spots, some 9, some none. There are many different kinds of ladybugs and in many sizes.

Ants get a honey dew like fluid they like from aphids so they are protective of them and 'farm' them watching over them as a shepherd would his flock. The ants stroke the back of the aphids and the aphid exudes the fluid and holds it till the ant gets it. Sometimes aphids will have young that have wings. What determines this is not known.

Aphids produce males and females later in the season. The last batch of aphids in the season lasts much longer than the usual month, in order to adapt to the onslaught of winter.
