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the killing of an individual(s) by another (the plandemics are planned homicidal efforts by the cabal); an individual who kills another; word is from Latin 'homo' meaning 'man' and 'cide' meaning 'kill' and so we have today many 'cides' which kill
of.or.relating.to.homicide; capable of or conducive to homicide (having been brought up in a home by Christian parents having solid God values and after looking at the circumstances and evidence they determined she was not capable of the homicidal act others were accusing her of)

the formation of blood or blood cells in the body

commonsense; you use homespun to describe opinions or ideas that are simple and not based on special crap knowledge such as legalese

the product of a person's efforts and actions; work performed by hand; something that someone has made or done using their hands in a skillful way

in the past, a harem was a house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a Moslem household; those occupying it are referred to as 'the harem'; 'harem' is a Turkish word, from the Persian 'haram', which is from the Arabic 'harim', meaning 'sacred', 'forbidden place', from 'harama' meaning 'to be prohibited'

acting to arrest bleeding or hemorrhage
a hemostatic device or agent

hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnotizes.transitive verb
to have such a mental bent that makes one lack interest in directions which would provide a balance in life; to put into a state of hypnosis
being in a sleeplike state of mind in which one does not seem to mentally be all there, that is, having the mind on the present, the mind instead being off in a realm beyond commonsense
being in a hypnotic frame of mind
one who speaks in such a relaxed.manner others are affected similarly
of.or.relating.to hypnosis and hypnotism; inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific, such as could be a happy bedtime story for the kids
one who is off and about in mind at times 

a school set up in one's home for teaching children
homeschool, homeschools, homeschooled, homeschooling.verbs
intransitive.and.transitive use.to teach children at home instead of sending them to school for learning to read, write and do arithmetic and learn true history (they found that homeschooling built strong bonds with their children; she and her husband homeschool their three kids; why did you decide to homeschool? homeschooled students generally proven to be better in all ways; we have a group of homeschool families)

hit, hitting, hits.verbs
transitive verb use.to come into contact with forcefully; strike (the car hit the guardrail of the bridge); to cause to come into contact (she accidently hit her hand against the wall); to press or push a key or button, for example (hitting the return key on a computer makes it accept the instruction of what you wanted it to do); to propel with a stroke or blow (hit the golfball onto the green); in baseball, to execute a base hit successfully (hit a single); to come upon or discover by chance (finally hit the right exit from the freeway); to attain or reach (monthly sales hit a new high; she hit 40 on her last birthday; to produce or represent accurately (trying to hit the right note during piano lessons)
intransitive verb use.to strike or deal a blow; to come into contact with something; collide; to happen or occur (the windstorm hit without warning); to achieve or find something desired or sought (finally hit on the answer; hit upon a solution to the problem); in baseball, to bat
a collision or an impact; in baseball, a base hit

hit on.phrasal verb
in baseball, when the ball has been hit into the air, the batter is said to have a 'hit on' and all are waiting to see what results will occur; to pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to (girls shoud avoid bars if they don't like being hit on); can't go into a bar lately without being hit on)
hit it off.idiom
to get along well together
hit the books.idiom
to study with concentrated effort
hit the ground running.idiom
to begin something with great energy, involvement and competence
hit the hay.or.hit the sack.idioms
time to go to bed
hit the high points.or.hit the high spots.idioms
to direct attention to the most important points or places
hit the jackpot.idiom
to become unexpectedly successful
hit the nail on the head.idiom
to be absolutely right
hit the road.idiom
to set out, as on a trip; leave
hit the roof.idiom
to express anger
hit the spot.idiom
to give total or desired satisfaction, as food or drink

in nautical.terms, the steering gear of a ship, especially the tiller or wheel; a position of leadership or control (at the helm of the ship is the captain)
helm, helmed, helming, helms.transitive verbs
to take the helm of; steer or direct; word helm is also a helmet (baseball and other sports players use helmet to cover and protect their heads)

a head covering of hard material, such as leather, metal or plastic, worn by hockey and football players, firefighters, construction workers, motorcyclists and others, to protect the head
helmet, helmeted, helmeting, helmets.intransitive and transitive verbs
to provide with or put on a helmet

cleanliness dealing with the promotion and preservation of health; also called hygienics; conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve health (hygiene in the kitchen is taught in home economics in many schools); personal hygiene involves keeping yourself clean
one who knows various hygenic principles that people should be following
of.or.relating.to hygiene; tending to promote or preserve health; sanitary

a handle of a tool, such as an ax, a chisel, hammer or hatchet
helved, helving.verbs
to cut some wood; from Old English 'hielfe'

the predominant influence of one state over others; from Greek 'hegemonia' which is from 'hegemon' meaning 'leader' which is  from 'hegeisthai' meaning 'to lead'

metal goods (useful items are good) and utensils such as locks, tools and cutlery
Computers:.a computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data processing or communications functions often by means of.software