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P r o s p e r i t y  N o t e s
p a g e  2

B o b  P r o c t o r

As a baby your subconscious mind absorbed all that the baby was exposed to and like a sponge, it didn't yet know enough to select negative from positive or the difference between a happy environment or an unhappy one. Whatever is put on the sponge, it soaks up.

Very important to teach children what they are and that is, they are a non physical formation of spirit energy that uses the physical body they were born with.

And, how can that non physical part of them be used in forming their life on the wealthy in all areas of living, high consciousness side?

"All of us have been blessed with the mental capacity to gaze into the future and to see our lives in a richer and much more satisfying state."....from page 174 in Bob's book.You Were Born Rich. This is a good and happy way to wrap around you. Here the Bible has much to say. The ways of the Creator always work good for you.

We still have that same mind we came here with, absorbing what we have come to see as being good, even if proven wrong later by results in our lives:.Proverbs 14:12.

Key is, we need to let that sponge soak up what's good for us so our lives reflect that:.Matthew 5:14. There are laws of this exact mathematical multiverse that always work and never fail. What good is it to you if you don't know them:.John 10:10; 1Timothy 6:17.

36 years in the making, a free book from Bob for you, containing much wisdom about different ways of looking at life.

You can open the book in your browser and then save it or just read it. Remember where on your computer you saved it to.

An excerpt from the book: First Principle is Relax and see yourself already in possession of the good you desire. In other words, know where you want to go. Second Principle is Let Go and Let God, that is, don't agonize over any steps to get there. Just trust God:.Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths."

Why is this stuff not taught in schools?

Building on Dr. Joseph Murphy's.Power of the Subconscious Mind, Bob found out the secret of receiving abundance, that is, abundance in all areas of your life. Have the attitude to share what you know if you think it would help others. Lack of sharing is lack of caring and that's not a good character quality to have:.Luke 6:38.

It feels good to get good things:.1Timothy 6:17 "...the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy."

Forget about going for the money. God is your Father. God owns everything:.1Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon him, for he cares for you."

Bob shares what he's learned throughout his life, lessons that are helpful to you if you want to walk the good road:.Job 33:3; Matthew 7:3-5.

You must learn some things to move from remaining on the same path of banality most of humanity is still trudging along on. Learning from.The Grand Self.movie and from Bob Proctor's life, will get you going.

A few videos about it:

Don't settle.(about 2 minutes)

How to change old beliefs.(about 2 1/2 minutes)

Do the illogical.(about 27 minutes)

The Imagination Frequency.(about 5 minutes)

Comes free to you each morning from Bob; email insights@bobproctor.com and ask to be put on his 'thought of the day' program. It helps keep you in a positive framework of mind throughout each day. The words help you to stay in higher consciousness.

Some of Bob's beliefs from my notes:
-Learn some of the deep things of God from Bob (58 years experience) who manifests what he believes is possible for him.
-The multiverse operates by law. It's mathematical. And one law it operates on is the law of compensation or you reap what you sow, that is, what's in an individual's subconscious is what becomes his or her life. How's your life going so far?
   How to get the subconscious bringing you all the good (John 10:10) you want where nothing is impossible. With God, nothing is impossible; example. Learn how to think in a certain way, so life goes better, way better! Here are Dr. Joseph Murphy and Bruce Lipton to provide the steppingstones along the way.
-Love people & use money, not the other way around, which the cabal has done.
-Learn from mistakes, your own & others.
-We live in a physical being, the body. But, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are a mass of energy that functions on energy. It is energy that we express. See.The Imagination frequency.(above). The most powerful type of energy is thought, because thoughts move into form.
-Be involved with the present. How not to allow a negative past to haunt you. Most peoples' results in life are from living through the senses. Learn to live from the spirit and success comes. The Spirit of God is only good. How?
-Schools never teach us the non physical laws on which the entire multiverse functions. The multiverse functions perfectly? In school we gather info, but that's not learning.
-There is a need for you here on Earth or you wouldn't be here. You're not here by accident. Is there anything you can't do with God on your side? God says regarding each of us:.Hebrews 13:5 "... I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
-Fall in love with using imagination on the ideal life you want and put all attention on it, knowing an Infinite Power for good is always there.
-Always leave the other individual with an impression of increase by seeing them doing it too, by seeing them successful in everything concerning their life. We are all one. Where we go one, we go all!
-Can you imagine something new and way better for you? Can you treat is as you would a new little puppy you just got, where you love it, are attentive to it by spending time with it, are protective of it, feeding it as necessary and overall, just enjoying it? That's how also to treat the new and better way you imagine for your life to make it grow until, like the puppy, it's part of your family, your physical realm.

Some of Bob's quotes.(*). What Bob's life of service to others has shown:.Philippians 2:17,18.

Bob has a beautiful meditation. Search for it at

Other inspirational helps:
Think and Grow Rich and The Strangest Secret, both by Napoleon Hill
How To Win Friends and Influence People and How To Stop Worrying and Start Living, two classic books, by Dale Carnegie.
Check on Internet for 'books on the public domain' for a free copy.

