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a cream-colored crystalline.poison in powder.form, chemical name C9H9HgNaO2S, concocted and used in vaccines; trade name Merthiolate (also known as 'sodiumethylmercurithiosalicylate') which is also used as a surgical antiseptic; is there any real difference between a chemical company, their 'cides' and a medicine company and their poisons?

the word 'therein' means contained in the place that has been mentioned (by burning tree branches, pine needles and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein; the insurance policy covers the building and any fixtures contained therein); when you say therein lies a situation or problem, you mean that an existing situation has caused that situation or problem; in that place, time or thing; in that circumstance or in that respect

an acute, sometimes fatal.disease.characterized by spasmodic.contraction of voluntary.muscles, especially those of the neck and jaw and caused by the toxin of the bacillus Clostridium tetani, which typically infects the body through a deep wound; tetanus is also called lockjaw; from Greek 'tetanos' meaning 'rigid'

a small tower or tower-shaped projection on a building; a low, heavily armored structure, usually rotating horizontally, containing mounted guns and their gunners or crew, as on a warship or tank; a domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft; a tall wooden structure mounted on wheels and used in ancient warfare by besiegers to scale the walls of an enemy fortress; an attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools; a rotating device holding various lenses, as for a microscope, allowing easy switching from one lens to another; from Middle English 'turet' which is from Old French 'torete', diminutive of 'tor' meaning 'tower'

Tiananmen Square (pronounced 'tyan an mµn')
an extensive open area in central Beijing, China, adjacent to the Forbidden City. It has long been the site of festivals, government rallies, parades and demonstrations, particularly in 1989 when the totalitarian government then existing, murdered college students who simply were standing up against the oppression that was denying them a better life. They stood up against these evils by demonstrating and publically calling for their God given rights and freedoms enshrined in Common Law throughout the world. The Tiananmen murders perpetrated by the so-called Deep State were done through its puppet the Chinese Communist Party in alignment with age old satanic policies of murder: John 8:44.

relating to the period in British history between 1485 and 1603, named afer King Henry Tudor VII of England, 1457-1509; Tudor was an English dynasty descended from Henry Tudot, the monarchs of which ruled from Henry VII to Elizabeth I, from 1485 to 1603 A.D.
Tudor architecture.noun,.plural.Tudor architectures
Tudor house/buildings/architecture etc. were built in the style used in the Tudor period and was a style of English-Gothic architecture popular during the Tudor period; such architecture was characterized by houses that were half-timbered and exposed with these timbered beams as a typical.feature

one who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex

date of word 1979; a satanically designed perversive.philosophical.concept, concocted to warp the minds of mostly young male and female human beings, attempting to induce thinking that a man perhaps is really a woman inside and vice versa.(be content with what God made you in this time of your many previous incarnations); one of the tricks the dark side uses in its attempted confusing toward destruction of human beings through the influencing by using authority and popular idol figures that kids and teeners tend to believe and/or adore and these are those influencers mostly consumed with evil themselves, even stupidly.worshipping the ridiculous satanic idol Baphomet; if you have a penis, you know God's pattern for you at this time is a boy and if you're a girl, you know God's pattern for you is just that, a girl, but perhaps those tendencies are there because in a previous incarnation (example) you were an opposite gender, but physically, God does not make human hermaphrodites that appear with differing physical components, such as the satanic idol Baphomet depicts
transgender people of mankind, such as transsexuals, are those leaning toward or have adopted an abnormal.gender.entity; those out to influence males and females toward this perversion, engage in projects designed to overcome prejudice towards transvestism, gay, lesbian, bisexual (preferring either a male or female to have sex with:.Romans 1:26-28), transexual and transgender people; all perversions.emerge from hate of something; the dark side always is pushing division, confusion, never love, for love is of the true God of all creation
a man who wants to be a woman and vice versa; transgender is a general word for people who curiously feel that their sexuality is wrong and that they should be of the other sex and not the sex they were born with

one who has strong inclination toward a sex change operation

having an atomic number greater than 92

treble means triple and triple is three of something
Music:.in music the word 'treble' refers to having the highest part, voice or range of voice; high-pitched; shrill
in music, treble is the highest part, voice, instrument or range of sound; a singer or player that has this type of high-pitched voice; a high, shrill sound or voice
treble, trebled, trebling, trebles.intransitive and transitive.verbs
to make or become triple

having valence 3
trivalence or trivalency.noun

consisting of three parts (3 x 3 = 9); repeated three times
Music: in music treble is characterized by three beats in a measure, which is, for those who read music, the metric unit between two bars on the staff as written on the page
a number or quantity three times as great as another; thrice; a group or set of three (he had three marbles left that he could play); a triad
triple, tripled, tripling, triples.verbs
transitive verb use.to make three times as great in number or amount
intransitive verb use.to be or become three times as great in number or amount; in the game of baseball, to make a three-base hit

an enzyme of pancreatic juice that hydrolyzes.proteins to form smaller polypeptide.units; perhaps Greek 'tripsis' meaning 'a rubbing to wear down' from its having been first obtained by rubbing a pancreas with glycerin; from the word 'tribein' meaning 'to rub'

abnormal growth of tissue resulting from the body's cells agglomerating.due to its normal process of ridding itself of what is poisonous to it; the weakened, dying and dead cells is matter that requires removal to keep the body at optimum.functioning; a neoplasm; a swelling; from Latin 'tumor' and 'tumere' meaning 'to swell'
tumorous or tumoral.adjective

an enzyme in blood that facilitates blood clotting by reacting with fibrinogen to form fibrin

someone or something that towers over surrounding people or things is a lot taller than they are; a building or part of a building that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length; a tall, slender structure used for observation, signaling or pumping; one that conspicuously embodies strength, firmness or another virtue; in computers, a tower is a tall metal box that contains the main parts of a computer, such as the hard disk and the drives
tower, towered, towering, towers.intransitive verbs
to appear at or rise to a conspicuous height; loom; rise; to display great superiority; be preeminent (towers over other trucks on the street); from Middle English 'tur', 'tour', 'towr' and from Old English 'torr' and from Old French 'tur', both from Latin 'turris' and probably from the Greek 'tursis', 'turris'
of imposing height; high; outstanding; preeminent (a towering cable car ride); great

any of numerous weedy plants having prickly leaves and variously colored flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts

a state of nervous.excitement and/or confusion; a dither