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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n 
p a g e  9 8

A star's mass is almost always smaller than the Sun's or up to about 4 times or so larger. Why the mass is consistent is at present beyond our comprehension, although there are some theories about this and isn't that true regarding just about everything we have yet to fully comprehend. I mean what's the implication of size, apart from this invisible intelligence having designed it to be as it appears to be?

And without a computer:.Colm Massey is part of a 70 member team of physicists, engineers and mathematicians working for MathEngine, a software company based in Oxford, England.

MathEngine has been working on a programming tool that allows games designers to add the laws of physics to their virtual worlds. MathEngine's approach abandons the present pre animation way, where a program creates the illusion of movement by redrawing successive frames, using instead calculations from scratch based on the fundamental laws of physics

Building physics into games is an arduous task. Taken one at a time, the laws of physics are difficult enough to handle in a computer algorithm. Put a few of them together and they interact in ways that rapidly become impossibly complex and cumbersome, unless, of course, you're God.."We know the laws of physics, but that doesn't mean we know how to implement them on the computer.".says researcher David Baraff, formerly at Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh and now graphics researcher at Pixar Animation.

In this new approach to gaming, laws of motion Newton discovered are utilized in ways to effect a 'physics engine' to calculate movement of objects. The real challenge is to construct computer code that models the physics efficiently but without hogging the computing resources.."In theory you could create an exact model of anything, but if you take that approach, you run into a horrific number of calculations."....Dylan Menzies, MathEngine researcher. For example the complexity of fluid dynamics involved in the flow of fluid over a solid, such as the dolphin swimming, involves more than one phase of matter. In real life the forces acting on, say, a dolphin or a sailboat moving through water interact in an extremely complex manner.

The computing effort to take all factors and their variables into consideration would be huge, yet the Creator did it creating everything we know of and without a computer as we know computers today to be. 

But, Creator-God uses the holographic method for projecting and altering His designs according to what He may want at any one time to be experienced by humans or a particular human. That's why there is no need to worry over what is happening in the world:.Mark 5:36; Acts 18:9-11; 1Peter 3:13,14.

The hologram can easily be reset by God to its original pattern.(Revelation 21:5), clearing out all the dross humanity has made and turning it into a new world, a better world, a world of happiness, health, peace and prosperity, a world different to anything we may have known; a better world, for all, thankfully. And its location may be here.

The dolphin is an interesting, seemingly unfathomable study as we still can't figure out how all the factors coordinate. Working out these forces together involves a platform in which all problems must be solved together because of their interdependency. And when integration begins, myriad errors add up, creating outlandish issues that must effectively be dealt with. 

Flying foxes:.Feed on the nectars of flowers and eat fruits. They are the largest of all bats with wing spans over 4 feet and bodies the size of cats. Their behavior is like other bats in that its nocturnal. Special tendons in their feet allow them to be totally comfortable hanging upside down without any effort whatsoever. Effort must be expended to release themselves though. They live in colonies where upwards of a million plus inhabitants are arranged.

Bats can't walk or sit, but they nurse their young, fly like a bird and can climb trees with their two long fingers and they look like a cute little dog with wings. Their wings feel like a plastic garbage bag with velvet on it. Ones without disease.(and that's most of them, just like most dogs don't carry rabies).make very affectionate and loyal pets. They are helpful ecologically in that they pick up and drop off various seeds and are good pollinators. They can travel about 60 miles a night. ...comprised from an article on bats in Smithsonian Magazine.(si.edu).May, 2000.

Conclusion:.The arguments for evolution and for creation will continue as long as both camps continue thinking irrationally. Like in all things in life, there's a matter of decision as to what one embraces and, like members of a cult, rational thinking is out of the question once the heart is locked by decision.

Yet, there is a time for locking up what you have decided upon and moving on to other things. For some people this is done without deep consideration, by accepting what others regarded as authorities profess.

Some may simply 'place it all on the shelf' for further analysis at some later time, perhaps when more information is available or they gain some time for research and thinking. And yet, others demand answers now. Decision making by them is always imminent. We are all so different, but we are here and we all do get through life with varying degrees of happiness depending on what decisions we each individually make. After all, whatever is good that constitutes happiness for you personally is certainly worthwhile deciding upon?

The God of the spiraling powers resides in nature beyond all metaphors, beyond all scriptures, beyond all 'final theories'.

It is the ground and source of our sense of wonderment, of power, of powerlessness, of light, of dark, of meaning and of bafflement. 

It is the God whose history began with the first human who experienced awe, contingency, fear.

It is the God of mystics of all cultures and creeds. 

We stand on the shore of knowledge and look out into the sea of mystery and speak his name.

His name eludes all creeds and all theories of science. He is indeed the 'dread essence beyond logic'.

...Skeptics And True Believers, The Exhilarating Connection Between Science And Religion, 1998, by Chet Raymo, 
Walker and Company, New York, page 214.
