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-Is there life on other planets or in the outermost galaxies?

-Why did God make the multiverse so big? Web sites about the multiverse:.(nasa.gov/home search for 'solar system simulator')

-Will we ever be in outer space?

We are in space now! At least one of the things that's good about being on Earth is that we get a free trip around the Sun every year.

How far into the outer space.(away from this Earth).we reach and/or colonize remains for man yet to experience:.Mark 13:27 "And then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the Earth to the uttermost part of heaven." Deuteronomy 30:4 "If any of you be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from there will the Lord your God gather you and from there will he fetch you."

Those of us on Earth, also called Terra and formerly being from Tiamet which was destroyed by the ancient cabal and we were brought here to this planet called Terra by good non terrestrials.

There are humans that were taken to planets by those of the cabal, the dark side ones and for their nefarious purposes. They are being rescued today, as we also are by the good non terrestrials. 

There are uttermost parts of the multiverse, the far away heavens, however, because of the vast amount of time necessary to reach into the light years of space, interstellar travel requires us to use stargates to go and return instantly, as it's adifferent frequency. 

The good non terrestrials.(they prefer that name to the name 'extra terrestrials').with their amazing ships that go through stargates to other dimensions. A picture of them using the Sun stargate?

Einstein's theory of special relativity imposes a strict speed limit for interstellar flight, that of the speed of light, but the speed of light occurs within the creation, by the Creator, who is also called the overall consciousness or Soul which our individual spirits are able to connect with. So, this speed of light occurs within the creation, within the creation of the hologram, within which is everything Earthlings see and know of.

The speed of light is nowhere near as 'fast' as the speed of spirit.

As has been proved using particle accelerators, there is no distance, as the consciousness is a whole. What occurs in one part simultaneously affects the whole.

And so it is with you; your wholeness affects everything, wholeness referring to the integrity of being, whereas, lack of this integrity brings discord, the inharmony that produces the hard life, as it did for the first man Adam:.Genesis 3:17-24. Why does the world seem so bad? It's the combined thrust of man's selfishness. But, it is changing, thanks to the awakening of an increasing number of us.

Any successful physical migration will require humans to resolve serious issues of ethics and technology.

The Great Infinite One did not create the Universe without purpose for it. Do you think a loving being would create something we have such curiosity over and then never let us get into it?.Isaiah 45:18 "For thus says the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the Earth and made it. He has established it. He created it not in vain.(with no purpose in mind). He formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord and there is none else." 

A recently discovered.(May, 1998).galaxy.(a grouping of millions to billions of stars in a brilliant array).is measured at being some 12.3 billion.(one American billion is a thousand million; British term for same amount is trillion {a million million}).light years from Earth.

A light year.(the speed it takes the light from the Sun to reach us as it travels at 186,000 miles per second, every second of each day for a year).is about 6 trillion miles. Who set the speed of light to be as it is and also the speed of sound?

Why are they set not to vary much beyond the effect temperature variation has? It is a mathematical universe. What is this invisible 'fabric' that allows light to travel reaching us through it? Light from the Sun at the speed of light, reaches us in 8 minutes, but there are faster things, much faster.

To reach this newly found galaxy, if you traveled on a modern jet at 600 miles per hour it would take you 1 billion hours or 42 million days or 1438 eighty year life spans, IF it was only 1 light year away. And this galaxy is 12.3 billion light years away. And this one even further. What purpose could there possibly be to such a vast universe and will we get to see it?

Why is light at a constant speed? 

Light is a broad spectrum of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum.

The light.(images).reaching us from stars that were far away and not there today originated long ago. What we are seeing is back into what we call time. But how fast was light then? The galaxy is probably quite different now than it was eons of time in the past. By looking this far into the past, some speculate that they may be able to eventually see the 'Big Bang' that they believe began it all.

As mentioned above, before migration into distant space would be possible, many issues regarding ethics and technology must be resolved, but typical of humans, they are ready to do it, like right now.

The biggest thing we must deal with is us. We would just be exporting our natures which go with us wherever we go. But, the push to 'get away' and into some new frontier has always driven man, so he presses on with the hopeful vehicle that will take him forward. Humanity is eager, but without intuition, he's not too bright. 

The way to space is our nature. Once overcome, space travel becomes a reality. Emmanuel gave us the example. In a few hours after rising from the dead, He traveled to where the Father is and back again to Earth:.John 20:17-19. It would be disastrous to take our selfish, hateful selves into any new frontier. The Creator put us here for definite reasons. Knowing why we are here is the starting point for eternal living.

Interstellar travel is possible today. But, if Einstein was right in his special theory on relativity, we are faced with limitation of this speed light travels at.

Perhaps some sort of 'warp' drive may exceed the speed of light. Perhaps not: Chris Van Den Broeck of Katholieke Universitcit Leuven in Belgium comments."It is clear that warp drive presents enormous practical difficulties that may never be overcome." Perhaps there are other ways. One problem is time. Some scientists feel the key to conquering space will be conquering the mystery of time where perhaps, time's flow and direction may provide clues to interstellar travel.

And other very serious considerations need addressing: 1) Being capable of such technology to travel to the far reaches of the Universe, is no guarantee that wisdom will be used in order not to misuse it. 2) Traveling at a speed necessary to delve deeply into the Universe, at say ½ the speed of light, even a small ship the size of the space shuttle crashing into some other planet like Earth, would cause horrendous widespread damage, dooming the travelers and maybe the planet too.

Quantum mechanics and relativity may offer new vistas of opportunity as they reshape our ideas regarding space, presenting us with principles to build spacecraft that can circumvent today's limitations, machines that are imagined and constructed within this consciousness of all that is.

For those who love the night sky, like David Balam, a Canadian astrometrist, some exciting astronomy links follow.
